Setlist poll
Tired of the old setlist debate? Here’s your chance to vote for a setlist you like (although there’s no guarantee that anybody will listen).
It works like this:
- We have assembled a list of 60 songs played live since Steve Morse joined the band. Why these? You have to stop somewhere. Besides, the band wouldn’t have an excuse of “we didn’t have time to rehearse a new song.” 😉
- You can select a maximum of 15 songs.
- Everybody is allowed to vote only once.
- You need javascript and cookies enabled in your browser.
- Poll closes on July 1.
Thanks to Martin Ashberry for the idea.
What songs should be included in the setlist?
- Highway Star (4%, 1,040 Votes)
- Perfect Strangers (4%, 1,006 Votes)
- Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming (3%, 874 Votes)
- Smoke On The Water (3%, 796 Votes)
- The Battle Rages On (3%, 763 Votes)
- Rapture Of The Deep (3%, 746 Votes)
- Knocking At Your Back Door (3%, 740 Votes)
- Fireball (3%, 675 Votes)
- Fools (3%, 674 Votes)
- Lazy (3%, 667 Votes)
- Anya (3%, 652 Votes)
- Pictures Of Home (3%, 644 Votes)
- Speed King (3%, 640 Votes)
- Child In Time (3%, 626 Votes)
- Black Night (2%, 601 Votes)
- Rat Bat Blue (2%, 601 Votes)
- When A Blind Man Cries (2%, 599 Votes)
- Space Truckin' (2%, 534 Votes)
- Strange Kind Of Woman (2%, 490 Votes)
- Demon's Eye (2%, 486 Votes)
- Ted The Mechanic (2%, 466 Votes)
- Woman From Tokyo (2%, 465 Votes)
- Into The Fire (2%, 463 Votes)
- Hush (2%, 447 Votes)
- Living Wreck (2%, 410 Votes)
- Mary Long (2%, 385 Votes)
- No One Came (1%, 367 Votes)
- Bananas (1%, 362 Votes)
- Wrong Man (1%, 360 Votes)
- Bludsucker (1%, 355 Votes)
- House Of Pain (1%, 354 Votes)
- Cascades: I'm Not Your Lover (1%, 349 Votes)
- Before Time Began (1%, 325 Votes)
- Anyone's Daughter (1%, 324 Votes)
- Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (1%, 309 Votes)
- Doing It Tonight (1%, 299 Votes)
- Silver Tongue (1%, 295 Votes)
- The Aviator (1%, 279 Votes)
- Maybe I'm A Leo (1%, 276 Votes)
- Never Before (1%, 275 Votes)
- I Got Your Number (1%, 267 Votes)
- The Well Dressed Guitar (1%, 264 Votes)
- Fingers To The Bone (1%, 250 Votes)
- Haunted (1%, 249 Votes)
- Rosa's Cantina (1%, 248 Votes)
- '69 (1%, 242 Votes)
- Junkyard Blues (1%, 239 Votes)
- Seventh Heaven (1%, 238 Votes)
- Things I Never Said (1%, 234 Votes)
- Any Fule Kno That (1%, 228 Votes)
- Hey Cisco (1%, 225 Votes)
- Somebody Stole My Guitar (1%, 213 Votes)
- I'm Alone (1%, 213 Votes)
- Watching The Sky (1%, 179 Votes)
- The Purpendicular Waltz (1%, 162 Votes)
- Soon Forgotten (1%, 148 Votes)
- Almost Human (1%, 138 Votes)
- Contact Lost (1%, 132 Votes)
- Guitar Parade (0%, 81 Votes)
- Evil Louie (0%, 68 Votes)
Total Voters: 25,037

I would take space trucking or any other “classic” if it had a kick ass, take no prisoners, extended jam. Yes, I know, “we don’t do that anymore”. My loss.
June 4th, 2007 at 22:59A nice mixture of old and new !
June 5th, 2007 at 01:30Well, there you go – top 15 so far consists mainly from classics which justifies what members of the band say: “we play what the audiences really want” (or something to this effect), so we have 4 songs off MHead, 3 songs from Fireball, 2 off PStrangers and TBRO, 1 off In Rock (!), WDWTWA and Rapture. We’ll see how the list develops, but I feel that one cannot expect major changes in its upper regions… 137 voters cannot be wrong 😉
June 5th, 2007 at 03:53Nice Idea this one, I hope Deep Purple management will look at it too.
Did they play Child in Time ever with Steve Morse on guitar? I thought it became too hard for Ian Gillan to perform that song.
Anyone bootlegged it? I’d like to hear it with Steve.
Anyway, I skipped voting Highway star and Smoke on the Water, these songs will be played allways. The band is obliged to perform these songs and we’re obliged to listen to them, and that is no punishment. If I go through all the (live) versions of Smoke on the Water or Highway Star there are always differences to be heard.
However, I would like to hear more tracks from Abandon, Purpendicular and Bananas in the coming live shows.
June 5th, 2007 at 03:57Whoops. Just a couple of newer tunes, but oldies are “goldies”.
June 5th, 2007 at 03:59I think I’d like a stock of 10 songs that interchange each night so that theres a freshness to every set!
June 5th, 2007 at 05:04hey, where is “wasted sunsets”???
June 5th, 2007 at 05:24When did the current band play “Wasted Sunsets”?
June 5th, 2007 at 05:26They didn’t. Renzo didn’t read the ‘rules’. 😉
June 5th, 2007 at 05:34I don’t know but should be great!!!
June 5th, 2007 at 05:38I think the poll sucks!! The DP Boys should play whatever they enjoy. I know some songs are expected, and no-doubt we will get them. But night after night performing the same songs must be draining. The shows need an injection of enthusiasm and excitement.
So instead of the Golden Oldies we all seem to expect…………………try something new, be exciting, be spontaneous!!
June 5th, 2007 at 06:14played child in time at harrogate c 2002-fabulous!
June 5th, 2007 at 06:39What about taking the top 5-6 songs as the core of the set then rotating 10 or so songs from the top 15 or 20 every night or two to vary things a bit?
Just a thought….
June 5th, 2007 at 06:44I’m interesting for the reaction of the band when they see the list.
June 5th, 2007 at 07:11By the way, it was a great show in Belgium, Ian’s voice was perfect.
Paicey seemt a littelbit tired.
I’m not shure but I thougt that wasted Sunset was played once in 1987 in Brussel.
@ Robert Daems
Child in Time is on the DVD Bombay Calling.
Nice idea to have a poll like this.
It give’s us a chance to see what other people like to hear.
See you………………..
June 5th, 2007 at 07:13They played Back To Back from Rapture of the Deep at least once that I know of and it was not listed as one of the choices. Not a big deal, just thought I’d mention it.
June 5th, 2007 at 07:42Please go on playing “The battle rages on” ; the “new” version onstage is terrific !!
June 5th, 2007 at 08:12And “Mary Long” at the Olympia next November would be a nice idea…..
top idea. wish i had the smarts to be able to do something like that. fantastic that it showed my selections in bold. will be interesting to see the final top 15. would be great if the band could individually comment on the results.
Mash says “What about taking the top 5-6 songs as the core of the set then rotating 10 or so songs from the top 15 or 20 every night or two to vary things a bit?” how many songs are they playing each night – 12 or so. Play the top 8-10 and rotate the other few.
June 5th, 2007 at 09:04What about Wring that Neck? They did play it with the LSO, okay not the five of them, but still that would be a great instrumental to lead to a drum solo.
June 5th, 2007 at 09:04To answer Frans about wasted sunset: it was never played in Brussels. I was there, I remember and have an audio proof (although how can I have a proof of a song that was not played!?! :-)). Too bad.
June 5th, 2007 at 09:10Sorry for having mess around with “wasted sunsets” but is one of my favourites!
June 5th, 2007 at 10:22This must be the hardest thing…I’ve gone for the more unusual stuff and songs they haven’t played for ages!!
June 5th, 2007 at 11:192 of the top 4 songs are Morse era tunes!!!! So take that to the band!!!!
June 5th, 2007 at 11:30I’d like to hear Anya and TBRO from 1993 album but hearign them both on same show is impossible. Why Purple can’t rotate few songs like Metallica? Let’s say 12 are stable for one tour and 3-4 will rotate beetween some others for example on one show TBRO and on other Anya.
June 5th, 2007 at 11:34Anya, Child in Time and No One Came are splendid songs.
June 5th, 2007 at 11:45Interresting Poll.. So far so good..but it makes not really a sense coz somebody´s Faves are allways missed..
June 5th, 2007 at 11:51There are a couple of Songs who have so much potential for improvisations like ” knocking on your back doors ” or ” Ted the mechanic ” (the last one sounds so Fresh and full of life ). Every member of the band get the oportunity to show his creativity..
” sometimes i feel like screaming ” rocks everytime, it´s a Masterpiece of composing.. execellent lyrics , and the construction of the song is like watching a movie..grandious work.
it´s just an opinion among others, but i want to mention it anyhow..
It’s interesting – but I think a lot would vote for some Gillan/Glover-era songs, which were never played live like “Halleluja” (I would really appriciate it), “Place In Line”, “Strangeways” or “Sun Goes Down” or even “The Stallion”.
June 5th, 2007 at 11:58I figured something like five from the classics, five from the recent couple of albums and five from the rest seemed like a good balance. When I counted up my (rapid) selection that seems to be exactly what I picked.
Some of the classics probably need to be there for the nostalgic fans but for many fans I would imagine either they know the new stuff too or they don’t know the old stuff all that well either. In which case don’t get mired in the past. Purple is a vibrant band that’s still writing good material and so should be promoting that new material strongly as well as just giving a nod to their admittedly impressive legacy.
June 5th, 2007 at 12:05Are we supposed to vote for the songs we most want to hear live, or choose a selection which we think would make a good evening? For example, tempo: my favourites are virtually quite fast, but I think a good evening has to have some slow songs in. On the other hand, since we’re voting, I don’t like to deprive some songs I prefer of votes!
June 5th, 2007 at 12:20When in S.F. I hope DP play “The Battle Rages On.” I’m going to get my ol’ band mates to come to the show and surprise them with that song. We played it for awhile, I think they’d love it big time.
June 5th, 2007 at 12:22@Robert Daems
June 5th, 2007 at 12:41They did Child in 1995,also in 2002 during Winter UK Tour and in March in Russia.
I am a strong advocate towards pushing for a couple of tunes from the MK-3 and Mk-4 era. It’s a crime that this is ignored. It would show a great bit of class from Mr. Gillan if he would bend on this one and pay tribute towards a very important part of the DEEP PURPLE History. Even a tune form the Joe Lynn Turner line-up. I’m not a huge fan of that LP, but it is significant. The crowd would totally freak out if these were added, and what a great thing to offer the fans. Basically that would be only 3 songs…..One from “Burn” or “Stormbringer”, one from “Come Taste the Band”, and one from “Slaves and Masters”. They already do Hush from the MK-1 era. What a blast it would be to take a chance for the fans with these others. Come on. You guys always say that you play it “dangerous” live. This is loooooonnng overdue.
June 5th, 2007 at 12:51A brilliant idea ! I’ve just voted !!!!!
June 5th, 2007 at 13:44“BACK TO BACK” missing from the list!!! They played it briefly at the beginning of the ROTD tour – not that wanted to include this number into my list, but if we talk about ALL Morse era live songs, this one should not be omitted anyway.
June 5th, 2007 at 13:52BTW – when I removed cookies from my computer I can vote again 😀 (OK, I won’t do this, but be warned that this is possible)
Let’s have more from the Steve Morse era – there’s plenty to choose from now – with a splattering of the ‘goldies’.
June 5th, 2007 at 14:52I wish the band would take a look at this, maybe they would add a song that would blow every single one of us … Just a wish, though…
June 5th, 2007 at 14:55To John Bartone whose enthusiasm pleases me: the truth is also that in the top 20 there are only two Morse-era songs… This said, 31 of the 60 songs played during the Morse-era are Morse-era songs! That’s good!
June 5th, 2007 at 15:17i guess deep purple should perform the one of their best steve’s era songs.and finguers to the bone!lovely.i have to ask you all,ehy there are no house of blue light album songs in setlist?
June 5th, 2007 at 15:36The answer is definitive: Child In Time…
June 5th, 2007 at 16:07Ian will not sing any songs from MK-3 and MK4 for a very simple reason because he was treated badly by the band and the management around that time. anyway can you imagine Ian remembering the lyrics of these song on stage. He would need a gaint screen for the lyrics and no white smoke on stage please. Black Sabbath all over again
June 5th, 2007 at 16:07If they can play Hush, they can also play Burn. PLAY IT!!!!!
June 5th, 2007 at 16:45I understand that they must have fun when they are on stage, but the fans must also have a say. The pay to see them, so please dont forget that, when you say NO WAY to songs like Burn.
not a chance of any mk3,mk4 stuff, gillan used to fume when ritchie played the riff of burn on the 93 tour, watch old cov or glen hughes play that stuff, they do it well. my set list would include bad attitude, hungrey daze, lots off the great new record and the fantastic im alone….
June 5th, 2007 at 16:46So, going by the poll here, if the band were to take literally what the fans have said, the set list would look something like this (I have put it in my own order and added the solo spots):
Highway Star
Knocking At Your Back Door
Rat Bat Blue
Rapture Of The Deep
Steve Morse Solo
When A Blind Man Cries
The Battle Rages On
Child In Time
Don Airey Solo
Perfect Strangers
Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming
Pictures Of Home
Smoke On The Water
Speed King (Incl. Bass & Drums Solos)
Black Night
Amazingly still very little new material. Only ROTD and SIFLS from the Morse era. Generally speaking (and not from a hard core fan point of view, which I take) I think the band have got the set list pretty much right.
June 5th, 2007 at 18:47Great idea. Judging by the numbers already calculated – most of you are firmly entrenched in the “classic rock” doldrums. That’s too bad. I expected more from “fans” who visit this website. For the more adventurous take a peek at Ian Hunter’s web site & take notice of his most recent album & tour set list. Six “6” new songs in the set list.
June 5th, 2007 at 19:06There’s no Ramshacle Man. Okay,maybe they did it like two or three times but they did 😉
June 5th, 2007 at 19:23What about this ?
And the Adress
Mandrake Root
Bad attitude
Pictures of Home
Son of alerik
The Battle rages On
No one came
Hard loving man
A gypsies Kiss
Bird has flown
Rat bat blue
Place in Line
The Unwrtitten law
Wring that neck
Dead or alive
Wasted sunsets
But it would still be TORTURE because of Blackers abscence…….
June 5th, 2007 at 19:42They can play songs as Chasing Shadows, Mandrake Root, Listen, Learn, Read On, Hey Joe and some other MK I gems, Cry Free, Hard Lovin’ Man, Freedom, Rat Bat Blue, Place In Line, Our Lady, Super Trouper, Smooth Dancer, Coronarias Redig, A 200, Wasted Sunsets, Under The Gun, Mean Streak, Mad Dog, Spanish Archer, Mitzi Dupree, Nasty Piece Of Work and Before Time Began (Bananas era is not necessary).
June 5th, 2007 at 20:02I hope see some this songs in a future concert in Buenos Aires.
…and nothing from Abandon.
June 5th, 2007 at 20:04It would be nice that they play songs as place in line, sail away, lady double dealer or you keep on movin’. I think Gillan should reconsider his choice. It’s always wonderful earing them live, but I think that the best band in the world has the oportunity to make its shows unforgettable, with something that, in fact, is part of the history of the band (just see, for example, yes shows. Songs are mainly of the 70’s)
June 5th, 2007 at 20:11I have a boot with Child in Time with Steve Morse.
June 5th, 2007 at 20:48How about a mid show DP medley. It would give Gillan a chance to rest his voice and a chance for us fans to hear some of the great DP riffs (MKI, MKII, MKIII, MKIV, etc.) and not riffs from other bands.
June 5th, 2007 at 21:08I did want to vote Mandrake roots, Hard loving man and Painted horse.
June 5th, 2007 at 21:26Interestingly, I picked most of the songs from the Morse era. Personally I am so tired of hearing the old stuff over and over again. And if I hear Blind Man one more time argh….. Bring back ’69 with that lovely MIJ Space Truckin’ type of break in the middle – you know the part where Ian P does that open snare roll together with that sweet Paiste ride, over which Steve does some great riffs – check out the Gelsenkirchen boot from June 16, 1999 – wonderful!!!! 🙂
June 5th, 2007 at 21:27I remeber one set list concert containing “Clearly Quiet Absurd”. Do you?
June 6th, 2007 at 04:02i love the way they’re playing some of their old gems that had not been played in those days, e. g. bludsucker or pictures of home. what about rat bat blue, mary long,… and what happened to some of their new songs? don’t make me happy, walk on & clearly quite absurd – some beautiful melodies that got sadly lost on cd…please, take them to the stage!!! i hope, that they will keep on recording new material – it’s worth it!!!
June 6th, 2007 at 04:28Only two mk Morse songs in the top 15.
June 6th, 2007 at 05:05Tired of “Smoke..”, “Lazy” and “Highway…”. They make me puke now. Such wonderful albums recorded with Morse but again the same old juke-box stuff on stage… Gillan’s voice grew old with grace on “Haunted”. I fell a new future was opening for the band. I was a bit naive maybe… But knowing the price of tickets, I can’t regret too much to miss the show. Thank you DP for such boring setlists, after all ! Positive thinking. 🙂
June 6th, 2007 at 06:44My vote goes also to
June 6th, 2007 at 09:23Ramshackle man
Mean Streak
Wasted Sunsets (Gillan knows the lyrics, he played it on his US solo tour in 2006)
renzo Says:
June 6th, 2007 at 4:02
I remeber one set list concert containing “Clearly Quiet Absurd”. Do you?
I think they did it live only in RTL TV show in February ’06. TOP100 something…I don’t think it was ever done live on a concert
June 6th, 2007 at 12:36I would like to see them focus on more Morse era stuff and rotate 3-4 nuggets. I would love to hear place in line or smooth dancer live. (pipe dreams). Anyway. I think the sets stagnate. There should be some variation at least from venue to venue. I can see them using the same sets over in different regions (ie Europe, N.A. S.A). I would love if they stuck with the current and then dug deep into the library.
June 6th, 2007 at 12:41Play new stuff. I, for one, can not wait to see them in Orlando’s House of Blues in less than a month.
June 6th, 2007 at 14:32I would love it if they play at least 7 or 8 “Morse era” songs. “Purpendicular” and “Rapture of the Deep” are absolutely stunning albums.(“Bananas”-not so much, and “Abandon” is mediocre at best, an album with no direction, as Glover, I think, put it in an interview…)
I know Gillan doesn’t sing Coverdale stuff, but I would kill for “Sail Away”, “Soldier of Fortune”, “Burn”, “Keep on Movin'”, or “Love Don’t Mean a Thing”…wishfull thinking, though…
This will be my second time seeing them live and I can’t wait!!!
I cannot believe that Pictures of home isn’t in the very top favorites. It’s a wonderful start.
June 6th, 2007 at 16:24Can’t wait for the Connecticut show!!! Purple seems to draw a big crowd here.. (Roger & Bruce reside in CT) Ted always gets a big roar from the crowd.. Long live the Morse era!!!
p.s I once gave Steve a lift back to the hotel in Hartford after their show.. What a thrill…
June 6th, 2007 at 18:43I saw an Ian Paice solo gig in january (Madrid, Sala Heineken), with the matt filippini band, and they did many songs of mark III era, songs like burn, stormbringer, might just take your life and, if I remember well, for example, child in time and Anya. There is also a recording of a show in Graz, with Demon’s Eye, in february, that contains, in adition, sail away, Emmaretta, April and Mistreated.
June 6th, 2007 at 19:40I think everyone of us will make a different setlist if wandered, because the number of great songs is big, but It would be nice that some of this gems could be ear live (not only new songs of Morse era). Up this reply you have many options, all wonderful. Please, do it.
why don’t also a ballad’n’blues set list?:
clearly quiet absurd
walk on
mitzie dupree
when a blind man cries
the aviator
never a word
fingers to the bone
wasted sunsets
sometimes i feel like screaming
…and put your cigarette lights on!!
June 7th, 2007 at 03:21Bo Says:
June 5th, 2007 at 16:45
If they can play Hush, they can also play Burn. PLAY IT!!!!!
I understand that they must have fun when they are on stage, but the fans must also have a say. The pay to see them, so please dont forget that, when you say NO WAY to songs like Burn.
Bo, you are right that Burn is a great song. I’have heard it once with Joe Lyn Turner in 1992? Hush is made again by Mk2 in 1988 on the album Nobody’s Perfect. So I think that’s the reason they played in several tours.
June 7th, 2007 at 05:01I never heard live Mistrated, my hope was in Brussels with RBow in 1995 I think, but RB was not ammused that night so …..
I want to hear Into The Fire and Sail away, never heard it live!
June 7th, 2007 at 07:32Here’s a set! Some variety from less played tunes
June 7th, 2007 at 13:35People!!!!!!!!!!
Ian singing Burn, Love don’t mean a thing, DP doing coronarias Redig….??? Get real!!!!!!!!
Btw, I’ve heard Burn many times now by Glenn and Dutch tribute act Purple Rainbow(Sabine rules!!!!)and I think Gillan can’t sing that song…………….It’s too demanding.
I am a big fan of Ian Gillan in his younger days.
Later on I had to endure(…)degenerated screams from him like there was no tomorrow.
On Who do we think we are(1 of my favourite albums)his singing AND screams were like it should be,…….later on it was often torture. Yes, he made great albums like (The Japanese) Gillan, Future Shock, but face it………You don’t have to be RB to feel annoyed and ashamed for what he(Ian)often did put out and just got away with it.
Back to the setlist? Mwahhhhhhhhhh, I do not visit the shows anymore………..
Yeah, if Lordy and Blackers were there I’d drag myself from my bed(while starving)to see that………….
Now I rather stay at home, avoid the torture of Morse’s smiling and fiddling.
June 8th, 2007 at 13:40This poll shows that there should be more songs from Purple’s “Middle Age” in the set list. By this I mean approx. the years 1984-1994. Now there’s 4 songs from that period in Top-9, great songs all of them. Why not include, say Bad Attitude, or Gypsy’s Kiss, or Wasted Sunsets, or Solitaire on the next tour?
I also see there’s only two songs from the Morse era in Top-20, so obviously people want to hear the early 70’s stuff too.
June 8th, 2007 at 19:59I do not think they should ever play MK3 or 4, DC and Glenn play the material with their groups they did most of the writing anyway. It looks as if the poll and the current setlist is pretty close. I am in favor of more Morse era songs, I’ve Got Your Number, Silver Tounge, Ted etc.
June 10th, 2007 at 18:51I left out the obvious hits to go for the songs that are most relevant to the Morse ere – he’s now been in the band longer than you-know-who after all! I really can’t undertsand why they don’t play ‘Clearly Quite Absurd’ which has the capacity to match ‘When a Blind Man Cries’. I’d also like to hear a jammed up ‘Walk On’ as they could do an excellent blues improvisatioon if they put their minds to it. As for the Morse’s solo spot – surely it would go down better if he put in a nod to the classic riffs from mark 3/4 rather than G’n’R, Zep, etc? As for other rarities how about ‘Ramshackle Man’ or ‘Hard Lovin’ Man’? Finally, I’d love to hear ‘Child in Time’ again if IG could manage it – either way, they really need to think about revamping their set list – the recent ‘Raptureless’ tour was unfathomable!
June 11th, 2007 at 05:31So what do the results show???
June 11th, 2007 at 07:51Almost nobody cares about the
reunion oder morse songs!!!
the first 3 gillan albums were the best.
it was purples best sound
because they were raw and wild.
and isn´t it strange that almost every
chosen song is with blackmore on guitar? ^^
long live deep purple!
June 11th, 2007 at 10:00Argh! How horribly revealing: more people want to hear Haunted than Rosa’s Cantina or Seventh Heaven. I would like to hear it without the strings and awful backing vocals, so I suppose live is the only option, but really…
I must have odd taste. I’ve only got one in the top 10, and that’s number 10 (Fireball), and only 2 others in the top 20, one of which is 20! Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye and Bananas would be pretty high on my list; Fingers to the Bone and Evil Louie would be on it too. Hey ho.
June 12th, 2007 at 07:08What about my songs? Boohoo.
June 12th, 2007 at 10:08Someone suggested an interchangable setlist. I like that.
How come no “Hard Loving Man” off In Rocks. DP never played that one live. Never. I think it’s time they do now.
June 12th, 2007 at 11:23Before I die I’d like a three hours concert with Gillian,Glover,Paice,Airey,Morse,Lord,Coverdale,Hughes,Satriani and last but not the least The Man in Black!! Can you imagine what a set list!!??
June 12th, 2007 at 17:35p.s. Leave JLT home, pleaz…..
Interesting reading, no matter what the band play there will always be an element of ‘why didn’t they play so and so’ like on the last UK dates great to hear ‘The battle rages on’ and ‘Into the fire’ which I had never actually hear live before, how many bands have such a wealth of material they can still play a great set and leave out ‘Speed King’, ‘Child in Time’ and ‘Perfect Strangers’?
June 13th, 2007 at 06:32Is it just me having apalling taste but a Morse/Airey revamp of ‘Difficult to Cure’ might be interesting.
I like your wish Purple haze, but………
JLT is welcome for me : Extra long versions of King of Dreams and Truth Hurts please…….
I thought DP played Hard lovin man in 1970 at the BBC? On the Listen learn, read on Box………. Track 11, Disc 2.
I’m not an Morse era fan………
but while he’s in “DP” I’m in favour of playing a lot of those tracks instead of Blackmore era tracks because of integrity reasons.
They should call it “Bleak Purple”, “Smiley Purple”…. or something else like that , not Deep Purple. DP is everything with Blackmore, Lord and Paice…..
But still I’d like to hear a doubledisc with Satriani after seeing the Saarbruckentracks on YouTube….. I must admit, it’s quite enjoyable, although, like Morse, J.S. ruins When a blind man cries.
June 13th, 2007 at 11:27I thought I suggested quite a few of your period?
But ofcourse, there were more to add like Chasing (Somebody else did that, btw)Shadows, Blind, Shadows, Anthem……………
I had the intention to subscribe to MOAS, but found out I had to pay for that board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hell, I forgot to mention “April”!!!!!!!!!
One of my favourite tracks.
Btw, I went to see Paicey with Demon’s Eye who played that one and (…)Emmaretta……… Liked the band but disliked the singer……….Sorry…….
I’m off again playing my Mark1 Discs again. Love the melancholy voice of Rod………..
June 13th, 2007 at 11:31Rare e new ones please!
June 14th, 2007 at 12:10I can understand Gillan’s unwillingness to sing songs other than the ones he’s been connected with…however..they DO perform “Hush” currently and in the past, Ian’s done “The Bird Has Flown,” “Mandrake Root,” and “Kentucky Woman”–all live–and made these songs his own.
I would like to see a giant concert in a Purple friendly venue–made over a couple of nights, perhaps in Germany or England (or lately, France!)–and have them do bits from ALL marks of Purple–even if shortened in a medley. “Burn” in its entirety is doable–after all, only Paice was involved, and Morse and Airey don’t have a problem doing songs THEY weren’t involved with. I disagree that Gillan can’t do it–it’s a matter of pride–but it would be very, very interesting. He would make the song his own in a “new” version just like other songs he’s done that he didn’t originally sing.
Of course an extended number is a must. “Fools” and “’69” some years back at Montreux were some of the most exciting newer live material I’ve heard. “Bananas” would be perfect for that. It sounds incomplete on the album–it just quits.
As for America, the band has economics to thing about, and everyone here wants to see the ‘usuals’. That’s what the double-live CD (and DVD) would be for!
June 15th, 2007 at 14:22Child In Time, it’s for the best iff they don’t play that anymore, think of Gillan’s voice, the guy is not superman:P
June 17th, 2007 at 13:26Whatever they play is good enough for me, all of their songs are brilliant! So what they choose is just perfect for me, I’m just happy to see them live!
GO Deep Purple!!!
P.S. Excuse me for my English but I’m Belgian…And if is with only 1 ‘f’…
June 17th, 2007 at 13:38Hé Jonas,
I saw DP played Child in Time in Brussel 1987 with de MK II set.
That was the best show I ever saw.
Afther that I heard Child in Time two times (1993 en 1995).
Your right that IG have some problems with it but also the gitar solo’s were not the same as like Made in Japan, witch is stil one of my favourites.
Btw last show in Antwerp was stil great and IG voice was very good!
I’ll hope they stil visit Holland or Belgium in 2008.
June 18th, 2007 at 12:20I guess I started this “Firestorm” when I suggested some MK-3, MK-4, and JLT tunes “LIVE”. I think many of you truly miss the point. Yes, I can go see Glenn Hughes, or Whitesnake, or JLT play these songs live at their shows, but, it won’t be DEEP PURPLE doing it. Whether the present line-up is your favorite Deep Purple line-up or not, the present masters at the helm (Paice, Gillan, Glover, Morse and Airey) ARE DEEP PURPLE. And by the way, THEY KICK MAJOR ASS!!!!! They don’t just do the “Classic Rock Boring Thing” and tour over and over again just playing their tunes from years ago like, KISS, Black Sabbath, Grand Funk, etc. They are very productive still, and are putting out some really good records to this day.
My major point was this……It’s time to give credit where it is due, and therefore, pulling a couple of tunes from the era when DEEP PURPLE was DEEP PURPLE, even when Mr. Gillan wasn’t in the band is a very relavent issue. I’m really surprised with some of your responses to this. Of course the songs won’t sound the same as when Coverdale, Hughes or JLT sang them. Of course Tommy Bolin will not be copied “note for note”. That’s the beauty of it. THEY WILL SOUND DIFFERENT. And that would be AWESOME!!
If you want the songs to sound like the original, don’t waste your money on concert tickets. Stay home in your bedroom and “Just Push Play”. Me? I love the fact that they have allowed for new approaches to those old songs that they continue to play. That’s the beauty of hearing them “Live”. It’s supposed to sound different. Otherwise, What’s the Point?
Long Live “Deep Purple” Rock & Roll
June 18th, 2007 at 12:48Tracy……… please not yell in my ear, it won,t help.
Current line up is not Deep Purple.
Do not use a Rainbow term(LongLiveRockandRoll)while advocating that always the same fiddler Steve Morse……..
Sighhhhhhhhhhhh….How do I de-google this nonsense, btw?
June 18th, 2007 at 16:41Purplepriest, if you dislike the current line-up so much, why do you spend so much time telling everyone how bad they are? Why not listen to the old albums you like and leave it to us to enjoy what we call Deep Purple?
June 18th, 2007 at 17:04Hey Svante and Tracy!
You are so right!
purple(judas)priest: just keep sitting on your sofa and shut your mouth!
Greetings from germany!!!
June 19th, 2007 at 05:26oh what a f**king discussion! Enjoy the setlist, it’s just a game….and Long live Deep Purple and DP’s family tree!!! (Rainbow, Whitesnake, Gillan, Sabbath, Ozzy, G.Moore, …and so on)
June 19th, 2007 at 08:09Mmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhh………….
Next step Ex- communication?
Is it really your or people’s wish only to hear people say “everything is great, blablabla…?
Espescially because of my love for the band and THEIR output I think I am entitled to say what I want.
Me Judas? Grow up, please………..
Or don,t take it as serious as it looks. Take a beer and some Nacho’s, like me. Burp!
Cheers, mate……….
Btw, I always tried to express that taken on it’s own “nowadays/ Morsey led DP” made some nice(Nice, not fantastic)stuff, and they SHOULD play that instead of the rehash of old classics.
I think the best compromise out of INTEGRITY reasons should be :
Maximum 2 or 3 tracks old, preferebly rarities. The famous examples : Place in Line, rat bat blue, Fools, No One came, etc…….
I know some like to hear the same stuff like “Smoke…, Highwaystar, etc over and over again…… But would it not be nice that every evening would be DIFFERENT?
I know I’m not being realistic.
June 20th, 2007 at 11:50Please excuse my dissappointment.
Enjoy whatever you enjoy……
OK, Here ya go……..”Purplepriest”
Maybe you should change your name to “Blackmorepriest”
Look, all I started this whole thing with was a request for some truly deserved tunes added to the “Live” set from a period that Deep Purple has forgotten about. I’m not going to argue about which “Line-up” is the best. That isn’t what this particular blog is about. Start a new blog for that subject. The subject of this blog is regarding songs that are desired to be played “Live”, in the “Present” line-up of Deep Purple. That was the premis of my original entry and still is. I Truly Believe that at this time, DEEP PURPLE should play at least 1 tune from the MK’s that no longer exist. They already do “Hush” from MK-1. And also, they should definately make the “Majority” of their tunes from the present line-up albums as “Purplepriest” stated. Although, one way to make “EVERYONE” happy, would be to extend the show by 30 minutes or an hour. They have been around for 40 years next year, with a huge amount of songs to pull from. Alice Cooper is 60 just like Gillan and pushes out 20 t0 25 songs each night he performs. “Because he has been around for almost 40 years and has a huge amount of tunes to pull from. 14 to 17 songs per show is a poor amount from a band of the calibur of Deep Purple and is expected from a new band with only a couple of albums out, but with the amount of songs Purple has, and the long time fans that exist, it is only fitting that they do a “minimum” of 2 hours and at least 20 songs. Plus “Stop Ignoring MK3, MK4, and JLT. This would really make a huge difference in the response they get after a show.
NOW, this part is just for “Purplepriest”. You crave Blackmore so bad do you? If he comes back, be prepared for the “Same Old Stuff” he always plays. Just look back at the set lists from the “Blackmore Dayz”. Then all you would hear are “Gillan and Blackmore” tunes. No MK3, MK4, JLT, or Morse tuns. That would be a huge step backwards. Talk about repative? As I stated earlier……..”Just Push Play”.
“Nuff Said”
June 20th, 2007 at 19:20Here I go again………….
Enough said?
Well, I suppose we are passionate enough about everything / anything Purple not to leave it at that………Which can be hugely entertaining, relieving(…), sometimes informative and so on……
And what else is there to do on “One more rainy day”?
Yeah, I know………You can imagine other things as well. Me too, unfortunately. But right now I am doing this supported by my second coffee of the day, Gillan’s “Naked Thunder” and Autumnlike weather outside…… Alhoewel ze t hier ook hebben over “groeizaam weer”, hehehe.
Well, hahahaha…….
Yes, I am a strong believer that anything DP without RB is very doubtful, ……..
I just can’t stand the fact they replaced someone like RB with SM. The reasons for that annoyance have been ventilated over the years very often and by many, that’s true. Nonetheless, it still hurts. Sorry, for being so slow………And the fault of repeating? Well, I’m so bored by stories / reviews about shows like : Everything was great while they the surprisefactor is so low.
In the “good old Live in Japan”days we had about 10 songs a show max because of the EXTENDED versions of the show. No one complained, (Who did ….well…..Why?)because that was(….) Deep Purple!!!! So why complain now if they play 14 to 17 songs?! It would be more interesting to do 10 to 15 songs(within a 2 hour set that is , in the 70’s and 80’s an 1,5 hour set was enough why not now?)and play EXTENDED versions again. Indeed, of morse era tracks too. If a song sounds almost like on the album it’s boring. DP was NOT boring because the live versions were MUCH better.
But I am not without criticism towards RB either. (Although I should not perhaps. In the end he is this the one with more talent than I’ll ever have…..)
Some things and moments with Blackmore’s Night I can enjoy, but it lasts about 8 year too long, for me that is…….
And I wish had done a less poppy aproach, but a TRUE medieval one……
I also think he has NOT played up to his standard during the years…..
Blaming Blackers for the same setlist was the game of the “others”, but has become ridicilous by now. They began quite well in 96 introducing other songs, but after that they did the same they blamed RB for……
I am not sure about making EVERYONE happy, Tracy. I do not think that’s possible.
I like the thought that they are doing things THEY like, but perhaps I’m confused and that it is THIS what they want NOW, inspite of all the complaining in the past about Blackmorised standard set lists?
In any case I dislike Rogers explanation they have to please a lot of people because otherwise they would not sell as much tickets. And in the end it’s a job, it’s about money , etc……….. That is SO SAD.
I know, I tend to be a unrealistic person………I loved the notion of a band doing things they like , saying fuck you to the market, etc.
I always thought of DP in that order…….
Maybe people like me have been loving and living a lie all those years?
On one hand I try to take a distance but I must admit DP changed my life after hearing them when I was 12. That it hurts they behave just like any other working band……..
Well, what do I know?!
I put on some more songs from my collection and then I’ll go out shopping and swimming(not women…)……..
Yours truly…….
June 21st, 2007 at 11:32I’d love to hear Ian Do “Child In Time” but is it will be real hard on him, lets’t leave it as only a fond memory for all of us. That song has sooo much beauty to it and after all this time I think we all can understand how that song can be hard on him. Find me someone else who could have done that song like he did for so long, right you can’t. He is STILL an AWSOME singer though. Also, this might sound odd, But I think it might be really cool if they did “Speed King” as “Kneel And Pray”. Most people probably never heard it as that. You want variation in the setlist, try that. Rock On guys.
June 21st, 2007 at 15:21Well, this does it……..
June 21st, 2007 at 16:24Wrote a reply, with nothing personal or what………..
Did it become censored! Just deleted!
Hey Mister Administrator : On whose payroll are you?
Can,t make up a good reason otherwise for deleting me……..
Indeed, very sad.
Goodluck with your fairytale of a representative board……
June 21st, 2007 at 17:23My message, gone/deleted(?) has returned to the surface……….
What are you talking about? You know these comments are moderated and do not appear on the site until read by one of us running the site. All your comments, and everyone else’s too, doesn’t appear on the site until one of us have had the time to check the moderation queue. And no, we don’t do that so we can publish just the “right” comments, we do that to get rid of spam. I can’t think of a real comment we have deleted so far, no matter the opinions of the commenter.
June 21st, 2007 at 17:28Why oh why does the dicussion of a group come down to the artists – I won’t go to see them becuase A,B or C is not there – A is beter than B, F is better than B – when bands last this length of time things change, styles change thats why they survive. Everyone should try and be broadminded enough to appreciate great music played by great musicians. After all if like me you have been around since the start you should really understand as we had to be broadminded to listen to the stuff of the late sixties and early seventies – Crimson, Caravan etc etc were all very different doing there own thing we listened to it all – was it not a wonderful time? It was the music that was important and still is and always will be.
June 21st, 2007 at 19:53Man, if you don’t ask for other material, then cease complaining if they continue to perform Machine Head ad infinitum……………. here is a chance to offer the band a concise viewpoint about the need for different sets, and what do ya do????? Song remains the same ( oh, that’s another band….. you get the point… )
June 21st, 2007 at 22:43Svante, excuse me for being a bit sceptical but……usually after sending my comment THE MESSAGE is there to be seen already, only with the ad “awaiting moderation”(well, something like that)….untill it is there without that ad.
I thought it never dissappeared inbetween, like it did yesterday. Well, computerproblems maybe…….
And thinking Svante=Svante Axbacke(not?) who mingled in the “aversion” against my person I sensed an atmosphere of : Stay out when you cannot be supportive of nowadays DP.
I know the era since RB left is a very long time, but should that be a reason to shut up or something?
In the end I m convinced THE OLD ERA is what MOST people make exited.
DP nowadays only stresses that fact by playing mainly old stuff. No wonder the ghost of Blackers and Lordy keeps popping up.
Lee and Bob,…………I’m sorry, but I did not understand your message quite well, I’m afraid.
First, can I be broadminded and still have some problems with certain things like the WRONG man for the job?
Broadminded or not? Tonight I’m going to see “Daughters of Soul” in De Boerderij in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands. Watch and espescially the videolink(a 2005 gig in Paradiso, Amsterdam)for an example of their show.
It might be an ironic example because it concerns an outfit which plays, amongst things, songs by others, hehehe.
But I don’t think my taste which ranges from Bach, Symfo, Dutch language pop, Soul, Blues, etc is narrow-minded. Yeah, I still dislike a lot of other things. I’m not really into Metal, so Judas(Priest) is not my thing as well, hehehe. But some Iron Maiden I can enjoy, so boundaries are not that clear…..
And not asking for other material?
I sent in some things which clearly does the opposite. Even without my cynical and frustrated remarks about line up difficulties you could extract a lot of nice gems to play. Just a pick :
And the adress
Wring that neck
Bird has flown
Bad Attitude
The unwritten law
Dead or alive
Rat bat blue
Place in line
Smooth dancer
Wasted sunsets
And ofcourse several songs from Purpendicular and Bananas. Maybe a few from Abandon and ROTD as well, but I really think that they then should improve the studioversions!!! Like they did with “69”, maybe?
I am not that keen on introducing material from Mark3, 4 en 5. But that’s my opinion.
June 22nd, 2007 at 10:35I really love fast songs like ” Gypsies kiss”, “Dead or alive” or “twist in the tale” but I think Gillan would not keep up…..But you’ll never know ofcourse.
I picked my 15, and then realised that it’s practically impossible to narrow it down that much… but it will have to do. A concert, or rather, a week long festival where the current line-up perform the entire DP catalogue would be awesome but totally impractical. That being said, I’ve always found it rather sad that there is constant bickering over which line-up is better and who the ‘real’ guitarist is and other such nonsense. Deep Purple is a journey, a ’round-about’ and we’re all lucky enough to be along for the ride. It’s all a personal thing really… take Gillan for example, the man is a tour-de-force of energy and talent and he would certainly be my favourite of Deep Purples vocalists. However, Rod Evans had the perfect voice for what the band was laying down in the Mk1 days, David Coverdale and Glenn Hughes could handle the more bluesy period of 74/75 and Joe Lynn Turner… well, I’m sure you’ve all heard him with Malmsteen as well, to me he is one of the great hard-rock vocalists of the ’80’s and I’m glad that he made an appearance on the ’round about’ too.
There’s not a single member of Deep Purple, past or present, that doesn’t deserve our respect just for being a part of the band regardless of what they had done before or have done since. I look at each member of the band as a unique and talented artist supported by four others, each as unique and talented. It’s natural that we’ll all have our favourite members but I fail to see why it’s necessary to whinge and moan about the opinions of others. I know that it’s what we like to do, as a species… but it should be different when it regards DP 🙂 .
How many would complain about attending a concert (hypothetically of course) where every member of DP, past and present, was on stage at the same time performing our most loved songs? I know I wouldn’t.
At this point in my rant feel free to assume that I have just quoted Bob Barfield verbatim… I would like to reiterate one point however… “It was the music that was important and still is and always will be”. Couldn’t have said it better myself, hence the quote 🙂 .
Deep Purple, as I said earlier, is a journey, an adventure… if you’re not prepared to take it as it comes, the good, the bad, the changes… then maybe Air Supply is more for you…
… and if I hear one more person say at a concert something to the effect of “wouldn’t it be nice if Ritchie and Jon were here tonight?”… I will firstly agree in principal (being that it would be nice if Steve and Don were also there on the same night)… but then I will slap that person for their insolence.
So, what I’m really getting at is, get over it people. We all love Deep Purple for many and varied reasons, there’s no reason for in-fighting and whining. It just gets in the way of complete appreciation for the greatest band the world has ever known.
PS – if you really are unable to resist the urge to moan about ‘real’ and ‘non-real’ members of a band and why this line-up was better than that line-up etc etc, then why not talk about the Guns ‘N’ Roses wagon and it’s broken axle 🙂 . I’m pretty sure at least that most people would be relatively in accord on that one.
June 22nd, 2007 at 14:47Hi Talisyn!
I can’t resist indeed. But that might change when I have something better to do, hehehe
I really empathize with your feeling that ALL singers had and have something. I love them all as well.
I suppose it’s illogical for you when I say :
I don’t have that kinda love(…)for people like Steve Morse and Tommy Bolin and so on.
Although there is a degree of liking. I like Come taste the band and, in a lesser degree, Purpendicular. I can enjoy a lot of Bananas, but I have trouble with Abandon and ROTD. I suppose the problem comes when they play Ritchie’s work, most of the time it’s just butchering the feeling of the original. The same Glenn and David sometimes(…)did with Gillansongs.
I always thought each mark was a band on it’s own and preferebly linked by the trio Paice/Lord/Blackmore.
Non-Blackers and Lordy outfits can be Purply too, but are not really Deep Purple anymore…..
Yeah, I know, it’s a question of opinions, definitions and so on. But that’s the way I and many others(…)feel. Sorry for spoiling your mood when I express that. Calling it “moaning”, well…………that sounds so personal. We all can make up things like that…………
I never( except a few songs maybe) had much interest for Guns and Roses, so…….
Air Supply? Wasn,t that something MeatLoaf needed in the days he was overweight?
Regarding your point of persons vs quality of the music :
Right now there’s a discussion about that on one of the boards.
Personally I am inclined to say BOTH factors are equally important. It just depends on every different situation :
I can live with a band called Gillan or Whitesnake doing DP numbers supported by 2nd rate fiddlers, …….can be very much fun. But not when they call themselves Deep Purple. That’s making fun…….of the name.
I mean, where does it end?
In 10, 20. 30 years everyone replaced by others and still call themselves Deep Purple? I understand it’s ok with you as long the quality is good. Apart from the question “What’s good? : The present outfit appearantly agrees with me that the quality of the older songs is attracting more people than the new(quality?)songs.
Possiblilities :
1) Current DP must be sad when they think their recent output is of great quality and not really being able to play them much.
June 23rd, 2007 at 10:152) Maybe they do not give a damn as long they can make money.
3) They do care but are too lazy/old/tired to change the setlist.
4) They DO care but are in desperate NEED of the money, so can’t do what they would like.
5) Maybe there are more possiblities? Tell me……..
I’m off shopping. My cat Ian(…) is hungry……….
Hé Taliesyn,
June 24th, 2007 at 04:42I am 100% agree about your opinion.
And Purple Priest you still can’t accept dat RB leaves the band.
His comment at that time was that DP is a nostalgic band (read Roger Glover) and he was not interesting any more!. Last interview I saw, RB said he don’t prefer loud music any more.
I think Steve Morse had saved the band. His guitar work is perfect and technical very good!
He gave DP the right impuls the band needed so the fans can stil enjoy Deep Purple.
I saw many gigs of Purple startet in 1985 and I stil love it.
Each concert is still sold out so DP is accept by a lot of fans by al his changes.
With of without mister Blackmore.
And about forgotten songs: I prefer “the Spanish Acher from the album The House of the blue Light”.
Cheers Frans
While I’m eating my tosti with cheese and chorizo and having a first coffee………
Spanish Archer is one of my favourites too, Frans.
But isn,t that even more a Blackmore kinda song compared to the rest? Hehehe
You could say you’re right about “accepting”……
To say that I did not come to terms with the departure of RB, that’s an open door. I don’t have a problem with that.
To say that the crowd accepted it….
well first I don’t like crowds/masses.
Secondly if the argument is because of the numbers : Everything Britney Spears, a lot of expensively paid DJ’s, Madonna, etc would be great art as well. That also counts for eating Mac Donalds or Burger King. In fact you could say that nowadays are serving Big Macs and with RB you had the chance(I know he did screw up as well)of “haute cuisine” like the Battle Rages On Tour gigs. I am happy to see You Tube clips coming up now and then of those gigs. EXCITEMENT!!!!
Not that DULL going to the motions, deliver those Burgers by numbers, attitude……..
RB said it while recording In Rock : It should be dramatic and exciting.
Ofcourse I’ve had my moments of that after RB left, but still………
BTW, did I mention to have less trouble with Don than with Steve?
I already digged his keyboardsolo in Difficult to cure, all those years ago.
In that period Ritchie asked Gillan to join Rainbow. Imagine the Down to earth Line up (Incl Airey and Glover) with Gillan singing “Eyes of the world”?!
RIP Cozy. You are dearly missed……….
June 24th, 2007 at 09:32I forgot the tird example :
Seeing Blackmore’s Night live you could conclude as well they ACCEPTED Ritchie’s change of style………..
June 24th, 2007 at 09:35But why then goes the whole place completely berserk when he picks up the strat?
The first time I noticed that was years ago with 16th Century Greensleeves. Man, the exitement!!!!!!
If this were my first Purple tour, I think I would be disapointed not to get to see Smoke, Highway Star, Space truckin’ et cetera. But since this will be My seventh? Eighth? show, I’d really get off on seeing numbers like Seventh Heaven (One of the best numbers I’ve ever seen live), No One Came (with the storbe light enhanced solo), Bloodsucker (The In Rock version, not bludsucker- the Purpendicular version.), and every single track off the new album…In fact while I’m at it, could I just get a 3-4 hour show in San Francisco? There’s plenty of material, and I know the crowd would really appreciate it (It would help to make up for the 15 years when the west coast was entirely neglected by the tour management…not to mention the first couple of songs with the screwy PA system on the Bananas show at Concord last time). Seriously when I saw these guys (minus Don, Plus Jon) at the House of Blues in LA just before Abandon came out, they were the best band I’ve ever seen in my life, and I’d really like some other people to see a show of that caliber so they’ll shut up and stop thinking I’m completely nuts. Give these guys a little time to stretch it out and Jam a bit…In fact fire the opener…how about “an evening with…”? Any objections?
June 25th, 2007 at 17:33Does anyone know if Ian will be designing any adult toys to for the Rapture tour like he did for Bananas?
June 25th, 2007 at 18:21I have seen Deep purple numerous times but I have yet to hear them play any of these jems in concert. Any Fule Kno That, Mary Long, Rat Bat Blue, So guys please put these on your set list for July 27th in Detroit.
June 25th, 2007 at 18:56Where the heck is Burn!?!??! 😐
June 26th, 2007 at 01:00Highway Star
The Battle Rages On
Child In Time
Black Night
Knocking At Your Back Door
Demon’s Eye
Woman From Tokyo
The Well Dressed Guitar
Somebody Stole My Guitar
Space Trucking
Guitar Parade
Smoke On The Water
That would be a killer setlist – interesting to see KAYBD with the current lineup! Why don’t they do Burn with it?
June 26th, 2007 at 01:04Normally every new Mk. Purple singer gonna sing previous Mk. songs; Than Ian G. could play a setlist with 2 songs from every studio album. 18 album x 2 songs = 36 songs. Too long! But…. surely a fly over all Purple years!!!
Come on, guys! Choose 2 songs per album and submit Your “Representative PURPLE career setlist”!!
Only 2 songs imperative: First HUSH – Last RAPTURE OF THE DEEP
June 27th, 2007 at 09:22Do you think Ozzy should sing Heaven & Hell too?
June 27th, 2007 at 09:33Sorry, not an Ozzy fan, than I don’t know his or others songs.
June 27th, 2007 at 09:40I was only speaking about DP.
If I may, I would like to answer that question Svante.
Yes!!!! Ozzy, whenever he joins and plays with the others under the name “BLACK SABBATH” should do the song “Heaven and Hell”, or at least something from that line-up, and the Tony Martin eral also. Actually, that’s a good example of what started this whole discussion. Every other ‘Sabbath Singer’ sang songs from most of the line-ups of Sabbath. Gillan sang Ozzy, Dio and his tunes while in Sabbath. Glenn Hughes did the same. Tony Martin did also. But Ozzy, like Gillan, refuses to acknowledge the periods that they didn’t partake in. Unfortunately it’s not fair to the fans, whom stuck with these bands through Thick and Thin, whether they were the singers or not. And, there are some totally classic and important songs from those eras. That’s the reason for going to the effort and expense of purchasing tickets and traveling miles to catch the live shows.
I guess the main point is this. The “Favorite Line-up” arguement is pointless in this blog, so Mr. Priest, please drop that from your entries here. Enjoy the band at it’s present point or don’t. That’s the beauty of it all. But, leaving out those huge points in the life of Purple at a live show leaves a rather large gap of material which would help appease the many true, long term fans who have been there, over and over again, hoping to catch that special nugget from the band they are true to.
Even the instruamental tunes from Mk-3 and 4 would do the trick. This would be great to hear and gives Gillan a break. “A-2000” from BURN. “Owed to G” from COME TAST THE BAND. These are 2 tunes that would be awesome if played by this present band. And very “Jammable Tunes” for the boys to let loose on.
Also…….how in the world did they skip “SUN GOES DOWN” from Bananas. Without s doubt, the best tune from the album and a great Jamming tune if played live. With that heavy keyboard intro, what a great show openner.
I don’t suggest removing tunes from their list. I suggest ADDING some.
Cheers to all,
June 27th, 2007 at 12:33G’day,
I have read this thread with interest, particulary considering the Steve Morse
versus Ritchie debate (I’m a United supporter so we only use first names here), and would like to make a small point. Steve Morse is an excellent guitarist and musician and Ritchie is an excellent virtuoso – so don’t compare them!! They are different, and I suspect they respect each other in these terms. Steve Morse has – I believe- enhanced some Deep Purple songs, but has the legacy of Ritchie’s “feel” to follow. You can play as many notes as you like in one bar but….
Just one note to purplepriest1965:Other than wondering about Gillan’s dancing …shirts….why didn’t Rosemary ever take the ……
That what I’d like to know…
regards, and keep it coming..
June 27th, 2007 at 12:51Having recently seen the guys at Sheffield (with Thin Lizzy and Styx) I’ve decided, sadly, I won’t be seeing them again. Barely 90 minutes of virtually the same set on the last two tours. For a band that don’t like the lable “Classic Rock” they’re playing a set heavily littered with 30 year old songs. They are the greatest band on the planet but they’ve got it wrong! I’ve got tickets to see Rush later in the year and they play for 3 hours. Even Iron maiden played the whole of their latest album when I saw them. What did we get – two songs from Rapture! Sheffield wasn’t even close to being sold out! I remember the Perpendicualr tour – 7 songs from the new album. I’ve been a fan for thirty years but I’m now just disappointed!
June 27th, 2007 at 15:45loosen my strings
don’t make me happy
even – you keep on moving
June 29th, 2007 at 07:13should sound great
Why shoot at me while others, like Geoff for instance, basically ventilate same reasons for questioning proceedings?
Maybe because I explicitly criticise Steve Morse?
1) I do not remember why Rosemary did not take the pill. You? It has been a long time I saw the movie. Maybe Rod knows?
Btw, my mothers name was not Rosemary, but Maria Johanna, but good luck to your wit, mate.
2) i do not know about “Dancing Nylon Shirts”, apart from the two parts on Toolbox, as well. I am not into fashion, ask DC, ok?
3) I did follow the Link to Svante P’s myspace and I must admit not to have pushed the stop button once while playing those ROTD songs. I did not hear them for a long time and thought “Let’s give it another chance”…..
It’s a shame and a disgrace(Some Gillan lyric I can’t get out of my head the last week. But WHICH song?! Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrggghhhh!!!!!!!)they do not play all those GOOD songs from the SM period instead of dragging out those Machine Head and so on kinda based setlists.
I empathize fully with people(espescially that young kid who still has to see DP live for the first time)who want to hear those CLASSICS……..But……….You know….Well……
4) Admitting(not for the first time)that the Morse period brought good songs does not exclude the possibility of having a problem with Steve’s approach of the originals. I love his fat sound of the riff’s but still think he can do “better” on the solo’s.
5) Regarding singers singing songs from others :
I often enjoy that. Really……
It does not always work, but it’s not impossible too.
Ozzy singing Heaven and Hell? Well, everybody knows Ozzy is a limited singer compared to people Like Dio, Gillan, Glenn and Tony Martin. But you never know. It depends on which song he tries to do, perhaps. Probably won,t happen, I think……
June 29th, 2007 at 12:13Look at this setlist hoply performed by current Mk. DP
June 29th, 2007 at 12:14BURN
Yesterday I went to see Thin Lizzy for the 4th time since 2000.
They have played the same setlist since then………
So what are WE compaining for?
July 2nd, 2007 at 12:53Is there a god who could make my wish come true ? Listen, dude, I want that band : the Turner-Simper band !
JLT : voice
Nick Simper : bass
Gary Davis : guitar
Mick Underwood : drums
Tony Kaye : keyboards
They could play songs from DP Mk1 and Mk5 since Diva-Gillan doesn’t want to sing anything else than “Highway star”, Quatermass II, Yes, Fandango (both ! JLT’s and Simper’s ! Ah ah ah !)… And even, since Underwood’s there, they could play a good old Gillan song like “Born to kill” and send Big Ian the tape. Go on guys !
July 3rd, 2007 at 11:26Who are Gary Gavis and Tony Kaye?
July 4th, 2007 at 22:06Are they actors in an english comedy, perhaps?
Wasn’t Quatermass II also the title of a movie ? In a way, you may be… almost right then. About Mr Kaye, it’s no though we should say “Yes”… ah ah… my jokes are getting poor today. Time to sleep. Gonna listen to “Smoke on the water” version 542.321.265.547… no counting sheeps needed, no sleep pill needed…
July 5th, 2007 at 12:2118 out of the top 20 are the songs from the Blackmore era. It kinda tells you something.
September 21st, 2013 at 18:32