Setlist poll: Morse strikes back
Now that we’ve figured out how many new songs you want to hear in the setlist, here’s your chance to tell the world which of them you want to hear.
What Morse era songs would you like to hear live?
- Sometimes I feel like screaming (7%, 738 Votes)
- Rapture of the deep (6%, 601 Votes)
- Vavoom: Ted the Mechanic (5%, 481 Votes)
- House of pain (4%, 380 Votes)
- The Well Dressed Guitar (4%, 368 Votes)
- Wrong man (3%, 345 Votes)
- Loosen my strings (3%, 301 Votes)
- Silver tongue (3%, 286 Votes)
- Cascades: I'm not your lover (3%, 283 Votes)
- Seventh heaven (3%, 282 Votes)
- Bananas (3%, 273 Votes)
- I've got your number (2%, 245 Votes)
- Before time began (2%, 243 Votes)
- Kiss tomorrow goodbye (2%, 240 Votes)
- Fingers to the bone (2%, 235 Votes)
- Rosa's Cantina (2%, 234 Votes)
- Clearly quite absurd (2%, 233 Votes)
- Walk on (2%, 231 Votes)
- Somebody stole my guitar (2%, 229 Votes)
- Things I never said (2%, 227 Votes)
- Doing it tonight (2%, 221 Votes)
- Any fule kno that (2%, 219 Votes)
- Hey Cisco (2%, 212 Votes)
- '69 (2%, 210 Votes)
- Haunted (2%, 210 Votes)
- The aviator (2%, 208 Votes)
- Money talks (2%, 193 Votes)
- Sun goes down (2%, 193 Votes)
- Watching the sky (2%, 192 Votes)
- Junkyard blues (2%, 165 Votes)
- Bludsucker (2%, 165 Votes)
- The purpendicular waltz (2%, 165 Votes)
- Pictures of innocence (2%, 162 Votes)
- Contact lost (1%, 151 Votes)
- Almost human (1%, 143 Votes)
- A touch away (1%, 114 Votes)
- Don't make me happy (1%, 105 Votes)
- Soon forgotten (1%, 102 Votes)
- MTV (1%, 100 Votes)
- A castle full of rascals (1%, 95 Votes)
- Girls like that (1%, 71 Votes)
- Razzle dazzle (1%, 62 Votes)
- Jack Ruby (1%, 61 Votes)
- Never a word (0%, 48 Votes)
- Don't hold you breath (0%, 47 Votes)
- Back to back (0%, 46 Votes)
- Evil Louie (0%, 36 Votes)
- Whatsername (0%, 35 Votes)
- Don't let go (0%, 32 Votes)
- She was (0%, 28 Votes)
- Long time gone (0%, 21 Votes)
Total Voters: 10,267

- You can select up to 10 songs
- To participate you’ll need cookies and JavaScript enabled in your browser.
- Poll closes on November 5 at 23:59 UTC
Thanks to Erik Lidström for the idea.
Another very good idea, but ten songs out of such a variety of great tunes seems to be a very limited choice indeed. Anyway maybe the guys will change their minds, and play a different set. We’ll see on October 31st.
October 28th, 2007 at 12:33My first choice will be “House of Pain”. They sound like Deep Purple should sound. A track on level with the best from the old days. Also “Things I never said” is great.
October 28th, 2007 at 13:04My wish is a combination of Mrk 1, 2, 3 and the Morse area. Imagine if there was “no way” attitudes. What a concert it could be.
What a list of great tunes. Its hard to pick them out.
October 28th, 2007 at 13:08VERY HARD TO MAKE A CHOICE. SUCH BRILL MUSIC.
October 28th, 2007 at 15:03will be good if dp play steve morse ballads songs!
October 28th, 2007 at 17:05Wow…what a bunch of great tunes, and yes, a very limited choice.
October 28th, 2007 at 17:20it willnever get played ,,,the band are looking for the $$$$$$
October 28th, 2007 at 18:13Hey!what is long time gone!?
October 28th, 2007 at 19:16good idea!
October 28th, 2007 at 19:44SUN GOES DOWN!!!!!! By far has been the most over looked song of the Morse era. This fabulous tune from Bananas is a tune that should be played live, and used like “Space Truckin’, Speed King, Mandrake Root, The Mule, etc”. In other words, just take off on it and let it jam for a while and take what ever direction it takes, “LIVE”, it could become this generations staple “Live” tune. That’s what they need. A current tune that becomes the long instrumental jam. That is what makes a true Purple Live Show. Aren’t you tired of the same old “Extended tune”? Sun Goes Down has all the makings of a huge jam session for these awesome players. Isn’t it time that Don and Steve truly take off on a tune from their “Place in Line”?
October 28th, 2007 at 19:55SUN GOES DOWN!!!!!! By far has been the most over looked song of the Morse/Airey era. This fabulous tune from Bananas (please take a listen) is a tune that should be played live, and used like “Space Truckin’, Speed King, Mandrake Root, The Mule, etc”. In other words, just take off on it and let it jam for a while and take what ever direction it takes, “LIVE”, it could become this generations staple “Live” tune. That’s what they need. A current tune that becomes the long instrumental jam. That is what makes a true Purple Live Show. Aren’t you tired of the same old “Extended tune”? “Sun Goes Down” has all the makings of a huge jam session for these awesome players. Isn’t it time that Don and Steve truly take off on a tune from their “Place in Line”? If nothing else, what a great openner. Just listen to the Keyboard intro. What a way to start a Purple Gig.
October 28th, 2007 at 19:58Please use the second offering for my comment. I don’t how the first one got sent prematurely. The one that ends with “What a way to start a Purle Gig”. is the the one to use.
October 28th, 2007 at 20:01well isnt bludsucker form in rock but a rehash version, though great one, i dont think it should be inlcuded here
October 28th, 2007 at 20:41Seventh Heaven is the greatest song DEEP PURPLE have wrote
October 28th, 2007 at 22:46Check out DREAM THEATER / MADE IN JAPAN it is GREAT
NO ballads. He does not not have the toch for that. The closest thing to a ballad which does not come out bad is SIFLS.
Girls like that? Give me a break. That’s trash like Call of the wild………
Good idea, Tracy…….DP should be about extended jams……..Give big ian a break to get a drink or a shag, whatever………..
October 28th, 2007 at 23:05It was difficult to pick songs without choosing the ones that have already been played quite often. It was easy to check off the same old same old, get into a rut, and select the same songs that caused the situation that initiated this poll in the first place.
I tried to pick songs that either have never been played live, or ones which have only been played occasionally: “Somebody Stole My Guitar,” “She Was,” and “Don’t Hold Your Breath,” for instance.
Another criterion was songs which hold promise for long improvisations: “Bananas,” “’69,” and “Seventh Heaven.” The organ-laden “Sun Goes Down” has the power for which Deep Purple is known and I chose “Rapture of the Deep” for the same reason. The latter is still fresh enough to be included in order to promote the most recent album.
I avoided songs that have already run their course: “Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming,” “Ted the Mechanic,” and “The Well-Dressed Guitar.” There is nothing wrong with these great songs; however, the idea was to get something new in the setlist.
I did not have room for many other songs that I thought should be included. This difficulty in choosing only ten songs from the Morse era is a testament to the abilities of the current band. In short, they’re a lot better than many people think.
In other words, it was far, far more difficult to limit the list to ten than it was to have to come up with ten.
October 29th, 2007 at 00:37T, your reasoning is brilliant, mone much more basic: I simply chose the tracks I like best. However, does anyone from DP read this stuff, ie do we have any impact, or do we do it just for fun? Not that there’s anything wrong with fun. Oh, and if the band DO read this, well: “Carry on!”
October 29th, 2007 at 07:16Well, that’s much better than previous idea of the poll – although the choice is still VERY difficult. 4 studio albums and 10 songs to pick up. OK, let’s giv it a try…
October 29th, 2007 at 09:18I love those polls, mates…. I love dreaming!
October 29th, 2007 at 09:37Long live DP
….dream by dream why don’t a set list poll about blues and ballads of allmarks (1968-2007)?
October 29th, 2007 at 10:29Hey Roberto! Long Time Gone I believe was played live at the Montreux Jazz Festival in 2000. Don’t think there is a studio version but if anybody knows of one, mail me! It’s soooo good!
October 29th, 2007 at 12:11“Hey hey good looking, whats wrong with you? Hey hey bad looking, why do you feel so blue?!”
Being largely ignorant to DP over the past 15 years or so (mainly due to Blackmores departure), I was surprised and impressed when I watched ‘Montreaux 2006’ DVD.
Steve Morse is incredible!! This band have so much more life, ability, and enjoyability than Blackmore could offer in the last few years he had with them.
I only wish I hadnt been as ignorant.
October 29th, 2007 at 12:17I truly hope the band reads the responses. I also hope that some day the mystique of American DP fans only wanting to hear the “classic hits” is forgotten. I have been a fan since the early 70’s and have embraced many of the changes the band has been through. There are many great songs to choose from that fans like me would love to hear live. Even if it meant playing smaller venues to assure a sellout. I often wonder if the band gets bored playing the same songs/lists through their American tours. I can appreciate the fact that they probably want to keep things fresh, take pride in what is currently keeping them motivated, as well as revamp some of the old stuff and experiment with some extended jams. Maybe some of those live performances could attract new fans considering the lack of radio assistance. You never know until you try. But then again, is it economically feasible?
October 29th, 2007 at 14:0110 songs… not enough. 🙂 Anyways, my picks are:
October 29th, 2007 at 15:08Ted the Mechanic
Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming
Hey Cisco
House of Pain
Rapture of the Deep
Clearly Quite Absurd
Junkyard Blues
Before Time Began
10 songs is not enough. There is a vitality to the new music and its performance that adds a lot to the show.
October 29th, 2007 at 15:42No doubt that since Sometimes I feel like Screaming ROTD is the best Morse era song.
October 29th, 2007 at 17:15For all of the disdain some have expressed over the Morse era,it’s truly amazing how many good/great songs this lineup has produced.Hard to pick 10 for sure.
October 29th, 2007 at 17:44I thought about choosing “Haunted”, but wondered: Who would the ladies be that they would choose to sing the back up vocals “…. what you wanted baby….”??? Of course, they could perform the song live without the background singers, but it would be lacking a little.
October 29th, 2007 at 19:35This is the only song I can think of where DP has had non-member back ground vocals. Is there another that I’m forgetting?
Haunted has been played Live many times without backing vocals, and it wasn’t missing anything.
I know I know they’ll never gonna do it, but when I see the list of songs and the quality of the songs, I think they should really do a tour with songs coming ONLY from the Morse era.
October 29th, 2007 at 21:18Just like (Black sabbath) Heaven and Hell does.
Good idea . I have been in quite a few DP concerts over the last years and i have to say that the set list does not change significantly. While i do not want to miss the classic songs like Smoke , Black night Lazy and ……… , i really miss nevertheless more of the new songs . I love Silver tongue , House of Pain , Wrong Man, Clearly quite absurd ,Doing it tonight ,Walk on ,
Picture of Innocence , Rosa’s Cantina and many more.
I must say nevertheless that i do not like the live version on Rapture of the deep. I have been in 3 concerts of the Rapture tour up to now and this surely great song did not sound very good in none of the 3 gigs.
I am very sure that it must be very hard for the guys to make a choice of the songs to play live but i hope they will listen to their fans and present us something new .
October 29th, 2007 at 21:54So many great tunes. I guess I am partial toward the ecclectic tunes that appear on “Bananas”. Just listen to the lyrics on “Razzle Dazzle” — “I can’t hear a thing but I see your lips are movin’. I workin on my thinkin and I think it’s improvin. gona get the blame so I might as well deliver, if only I can swim across this raging human river, I started out with the best of intentions, some blinding inspiration and a few not to mentions…” “I got your number” a great rocker that changes tempo at mid-song and ends with a nice feathery touch with Paice-ey’s cymbals and Don’s twinkling on the piano, and then “Doin’ it tonite” — Can you imagine that tune to close out a show getting people jumping. And from the latest album — Hands down favorite: “Wrong Man” My only disappointment from the Pine Knob (Mich.) show was that they didn’t play that tune. (Am I the only one who likes Razzle Dazzle???)…
October 30th, 2007 at 00:4410 songs from the morse era is a difficult choice
October 30th, 2007 at 13:08seen purple a few times & the concerts have always been brilliant and here is the but … i came away from the Rapture of the Deep concert in Newcastle & wished they played more of this album & songs from Bananas. Deep Purple have enough song s from the steve morse & Don Airey era to
put a decent set list together instead of playing so much of Machine Head dont get me wrong machine head is a classic rock album but i would like to see more new songs in their shows.
Wonderful tracks – just 10 was hard.
The other week I went to see Rush at the NEC Birmingham. A three hour set with a break. It struck me then what a good idea for DP that is. They should have the confidence of their stature and go on tour on their own, play 2 sets of around 1 1/2 hours each with a break in between. That way we can get to hear a wide range of DP music – there would be time for ‘Morse era’ material to be played.
October 30th, 2007 at 15:20It’s no good IG going on about how they are not a classic rock band, but then DP not playing the new material. You can have it both ways – not even DP!
My favorite Morse era song is still “Rosa’s Cantina”. I still remember the first time I popped Purpendicular on the CD player and got to this song…it was the moment when I knew the creative juices were back (having felt the past 3-4 albums sounded a bit too recycled).
I was glad to hear it live on that tour, but saddened that it hasn’t been played out since (and I’ll probably grow wings and fly before hearing it on US radio).
I know it owes a bit to “Hush”…but it’s Paicey’s most lively drum part…and of course, it’s Big Ian’s obligatory one-song-on-the-album-with-harmonica!
October 30th, 2007 at 15:31The Steve Morse years. What a lame duck era in this history of this great band.
October 30th, 2007 at 22:44Steve Morse has revitalised the band, and given new life to ‘old & flagging’ blackmore tracks.
Blackmore was synonymous with DP and the electric guitar. Not anymore.
October 31st, 2007 at 08:52Let the bland lead the bland. Let’s have a show of all Morse-era material. And don’t use the DP name – this material isn’t worthy of the name.
October 31st, 2007 at 09:30Morse has taken a tired, fruitless, boring band and injected life and fun back into it.
RB lost his right to DP, and he is no longer worthy, a Has-Been.
October 31st, 2007 at 11:46Morse revitalised the band, that’s for sure, but the songwriting went
October 31st, 2007 at 14:13downhill.I don’t think RB lost his right to DP(what ever Station X means by that!?), he just moved on(or back)…just like the current incarnation of Purple did.
All Morse-era show would be great for the fans, it’s just a shame that they
have no Classic songs(or Riffs for that matter) to show for.
Purpendicular & ROTD were great albums, the same couldn’t be said ’bout
Abandon & Bananas…
Im not sure what determines a classic song or riff?
Age? playability? identity? sales?
or opinion?
When did SOTW become a ‘classic’?
October 31st, 2007 at 16:06Steve is a very great guitarrero, but if you have to select, what are the greatest riffs of the steve-era, I can only vote ALL songs from …
October 31st, 2007 at 17:08….
Isn’t it ???
According to the narrow minded on this blog a DP classic has to have Blackmore on guitar!!
October 31st, 2007 at 17:15Narrow minded…Look who’s talking(typing)!!!!
October 31st, 2007 at 17:34No, MkIV with Tommy Bolin were pretty sensational IMO. It’s not about the personalities, it’s about the music, as Sami says the SM years has no classic riffs/songs to show for, just a few good songs in 12 years.
What’s a classic DP riff? Simple, instantly memorable, distinctive and musically authoratative.
etc. etc. etc.
October 31st, 2007 at 19:43Whether you like SOTW or not, it is the CLASSIC DP song. Right or wrong it what they are most remembered for, they have many other better songs in their library (some even with the current lineup) but SOTW defines CLASSIC DP to most average listeners (which most of the bloggers here are not). Personally I think SOTW is great, extremely over-exposed, but like Truth Hurts says: instantly memorable, distinctive and authoratative.
October 31st, 2007 at 21:56i cant wait for the new studio album .. just hope they fire bradford b/c rodger glover can do a hell of a lot better IMO
October 31st, 2007 at 23:38Purple-oddy: I like the idea..what is the best riff from the Morse era?: “Ted, the Mechanic” could be a contender.
November 1st, 2007 at 00:59I didn’t vote for Bananas but would love the instrumental piece at the end. The lyrics detract from the music. Turn it into an instrumental piece and that would be worth hearing.
November 1st, 2007 at 01:30Ted the Mechanic & Sometimes I feel like Screaming are good examples of the Morse-era at it’s best, but where’s the ‘elusive element’, the unpredictability, the authority, a touch of that dark side that excites people…it’s nowhere to be seen/heard in the MkVIII, it’s all too safe & predictable nowadays.
November 1st, 2007 at 04:20MkIV was brilliant and exceptional with Bolin, as TruthHurts pointed out, and
so was S & M-period with JLT, a different shade of Purple/Rainbow, whether you like it or not…I do!!
Put Glover back on the producer’s chair & spend some time beforehand on the songwriting, maybe that’ll revitalise the now stagnated DP-machine.
Anyways, cheers to every one of you Purple-people out there, let’s keep an open mind.
It seems a classic them is based on opinion ie ‘Simple, instantly memorable, distinctive and musically authoratative’
Whats missing from a Morse performance??………………………just the unpredictability he might walk off in a mood!! Blackmores wins hands down their!!
So back to my original statement ‘According to the narrow minded on this blog a DP classic has to have Blackmore on guitar’
Any classic BN tracks out there???
November 1st, 2007 at 09:01Many contradictory remarks here.
Im not sure Sami that you read what you actually type. One minute you agree that Morse revitalise DP, the next you say the band are stagnated. Or does it depend on what Truth Hurts types?
Begs the question what was DP like before before Morse revitalised the band. I believe ‘Come Hell Or High Water’ answers that.
November 1st, 2007 at 09:25Station X, I don’t depend on other people’s opinions.Morse revitalised the band on Purpendicular, that’s for sure.Now they are stagnated, in my opinion.
November 1st, 2007 at 12:27Rascal, Blackmore’s Night isn’t the band we’re talking about here, it’s DP 🙂
Im glad to hear it Sami.
DP are far from stagnated thanks to Steve Morse, thats just my humble opinion.
November 1st, 2007 at 13:46Morse-era has it’s moments(as I have stated before), for instance I enjoyed Live at Montreaux 2006…the production &
November 1st, 2007 at 14:28the songwriting is where they are stagnant at the moment, and have been for a while,
in my humble opinion.
Cheers, Sami
The final years of Blackmore era DP seemed the most stagnant to me. An embarrassment to the DP name.
November 1st, 2007 at 15:26This could take some time, my shortlist has 35 songs on it. We are truly blessed with both the legacy of the Blackmore era nad the current line up.
November 1st, 2007 at 18:55What, Anya, The Battle Rages On, Time To Kill, King Of Dreams, The Cut Runs Deep etc. are a an embarrassment to the DP name?!? We’re talking about Deep Purple’s music here, not how many times the ‘banjo player’ smiles or does n’t smile on stage!
November 1st, 2007 at 21:31It’s kind of funny in that DP has endured so many incarnations and yet I still seem to find greatness in just about every version of the band. The classic line-up, of course, built the foundation, but I loved Coverdale/Hughes (albeit their time was much too brief); Tommy B. was a revelation and, again, much too brief. And Steve Morse has been heaven-sent. Let’s face it. Blackmore wanted nothing more to do with DP, so without Morse, it’s likely our favorite band wouldn’t exist today! I don’t love EVERY song from the “Morse Era,” but I didn’t love every song from the Blackmore periods either (I consider the ‘House of Blue Light album to be an abomination). No one hits a home run everytime at bat. But there is no denying that Steve help revitalized the band and helped resurrect their creativity.
I agree with some posters here that the band needs to bring in a new producer for the next albu… which I am very much looking forward to.
November 1st, 2007 at 22:19Maybe the tour setlist is “stagnant” but if it was not for Morse, the band probably wouldn’t even exist. A new CD from the band, continuing to grow where ROTD left off will certainly help. I don’t believe that all DP classics have to have RB on guitar, the newer classics just do not recieve any airplay and thus only become classics to those of us who listen to DP regularly.
November 1st, 2007 at 23:43I recently came across early live versions of “The Aviator” and “Fingers to the Bone” on YouTube. That was refreshing.
November 2nd, 2007 at 03:13Truth Hurts:- King Of Dreams, The Cut Runs Deep are worthy of the DP name?? And yet Morse era tracks arent??
Get a reality check!!
It seems to me that a track of Blackmore ‘tuning up’ would make you look in awe and wonderment!!
Are you for real???
November 2nd, 2007 at 09:18Just a few words………
Indeed ……
Even when Blackers tunes up or plays falls he gives me more goosebumps than when Mister Smiley is yanking out his pleasures……….
And yes, WE ARE FOR REAL, hehehe
November 2nd, 2007 at 14:53OH yes Station X, they are for real………………… their own small world!
November 2nd, 2007 at 15:44You have to remember that their are those amongst us who are Blackmore fans, and their are others who are DP fans.
You get assholes in all walks of life
November 2nd, 2007 at 16:00‘Are we for real…in their own small world…you get assholes in all walks of life…’
How pathetic & childish can you get, pliiizz.
come on guys, relax a bit, don’t take it so seriously…
November 2nd, 2007 at 16:29‘Use the Morse, may the Morse be with you!’
November 2nd, 2007 at 16:35More smiles at 🙂
November 2nd, 2007 at 16:49Are you out on your own Sami?
November 2nd, 2007 at 17:02I think we need a Frank Zappa quote???……………………….Priest???
November 2nd, 2007 at 17:03Waahhhhh…..Waahhhh…..Waahhhhh…!!!!!!!!!
Seems the same old arguement rambles on. For the love of GOD, isn’t it time that we all come to terms with all of this nonsense? Get used to the fact that you will never hear the “Perfect” Set list. You wil never hear every tune that you desire to hear. The present line-up of the Greatest Band in the world is playing the tunes they deem they should play. To state that they play the same songs is not true by any means. Yes, they adhere to a particular list on particular tours, but each tour is different from the last. Much more-so now, than back in the “Blackmore” days. If you have been following the band for a few years, you can’t say that they play the same songs each tour. Do they continue to play certain tunes every time? Of course. Let’s face it. As great a band as they are, they have only a few tunes that made it to the Radio. You will alway hear them play SOTW, Highway Star, Hush. Black Night became a Deep Purple cult tune due to it being a “B-side” that became very popular “live” and is now always demanded. So there are 4 songs right off the bat that you must subtract from the remainder. That doesn’t leave much room for many changes when they only play 16 songs on average. That is why it is imperative that the main point which needs to be conveyed to the Purple Camp is that they must extend their live shows to no less than 2 hours. To be honest, there is no “Bad” set list. All songs Purple are awesome songs. No matter which line-up. Even the “Rainbow/Purple” Slave and Masters has some great stuff on it. I would have to say that over the 35 years that I have been a Purple fan, and the 20 or shows that I have attended, they have played a vast array of songs. Plus, if you truly check out the set-lists since Morse has joined, you will see a huge amount of changes throughout. In simple terms, the root of the “complaint department’s” problem, is that they play way too short a time period…… for a band of their caliber and song catalogue. They constantly convey 2 things. They are a “LIVE” Band and that they don’t like being called a “Classic rock” Band.
Well then, start playing longer “Live” shows, and less “Classic” songs, and definately more “Morse/Airey stuff. This would address most of the frustration that the fans have. There truly shouldn’t be so much negative discussion regarding these heralds of music wizardry. But I gurantee one thing. There would be much less criticism if there was proper time played and more jamming it up right, no matter what songs are played.
November 2nd, 2007 at 18:06i just want a balanced show .. you have to have the classics , smoke,space truckin,woman from tokyo,black night, perfect strangers . but they should throw the (obscure) ones in to …twist in the tale ,mabye flight of the rat… get those in there wit a little somtimes i feel screaming , purpindicular waltz,almost human,i got ya numba, picture of inocence,walk on,rapture and things i never said and junkyard blues !! and yea i also think they need a little danger in the band , have everything louder than everything else 🙂
November 2nd, 2007 at 21:10tracy heyder is right!!!! sun goes down could be a live staple for years!!
November 2nd, 2007 at 21:25And even I would like to see that one :
A band that plays mainly Mors era songs and, (Perferebly or not? For fun?), some oldies like Rat Bat Blue and so on…..
Call it ….Murple or…… Light Purple or …..The Stinking Happy Yankee Doodle Band…or just plain……Gillan and Friends……
That’s ok with me…………
Btw, I m not(Not my cup of tea) a Zappa fan, so I would have to look up for that second quote, hehehe.
Right now I do not feel like that, cooking chicken for tonight and listening to Whitesnake’s Snakebite………
I understood only recently that bands played about 30 minutes in the very early days…………
Sir Paul Mc Cartney’s Words, hehehe
So to demand from those lazy Purps to play 2 hours and more?
yeah, I know , they did it before………
And Gillan is now more ” in shape” than in years. So it could be done?
I m happy my 15 year old cat Ian(…)came back from his adventures outside last night.
I was scared shitless…… Again……
Most terrible losses concerning people and things I love happen in november.
And I already lost Zoe(Do not tell me NOT to complain about Gillan, I even called my cats after him and his girlfriend, yep his ex…)two years ago. It still hurts……..
So please be kind sometimes on this hurting man……..
November 3rd, 2007 at 14:36I love Heavy Music but I ‘m a softie really………..
Setlists with bands that have had personnel changes will never please all the fans. Take the Allman Brothers Band: since Dickey Betts’ departure, they have rarely played any of his songs, though they are ABB staples (i.e. Jessica, Elizabeth Reed, Ramblin’ Man, Revival…..)
But though the 2 legendary founding guitarists are gone (Duane & Dickey), they have picked up with Warren Haynes & Derek Trucks and not only pay honor & repsect to the heritage of the ABB, but also move the band forward. And they also have almost 40 years of songs to choose from.
I just thought this was an interesting parallel between these 2 bands with regards to band member changes (specifically guitarists) and the setlists.
November 3rd, 2007 at 22:40Only 10? Only 10???? With such an amazing array of brilliant songs to choose from, it’s hard to restrict the setlist to just 10 Steve Morse era songs. We have been deprived for so long by the outdated playlists of the previous Purple concerts in Adelaide, Australia that it seems there are so many songs I will never get to here played live. Everytime Purple toured an album they should have been playing the full album in its absolute entirity. Instead we have been subjected to repeat after repeat of the same old stuff with 3 or 4 or if we were lucky 5 new songs. And now we are restricted to just 10 SM era songs? Give me more! I’ve heard all the old stuff. I would love to hear an entire concert of all new songs and, if you must, end it with Smoke on the Water, although I would rather finish off with Sun Goes Down. Come on Purps, there’s a hell of alot of us out here just aching for the New Deep Purple to have the courage to come out and give it to us.
November 4th, 2007 at 11:00If I , m correct LIVE IN JAPAN(The remaster)counted 10 tracks?
Nobody cares/cared about that. (The minority who complains too long have never understood what REAL Deep Purple was/should be………..)
How come?
You know the answer……….
Take 10 songs from the Morse era and do some extending………
But ofcourse, that won’t happen…………..
Perhaps that’s ok………
I can listen to Don’s fiddling quite long, I can’t say the same about…….
And I can take
November 4th, 2007 at 19:46I think purple priest is hilarious…………… I think………………he(she)……… know the answer…………….Erm……………Mr Smiley?…………..And I can take…….Erm??………Murple??…fifteen year old Ian(cat)??……Erm……………funny!!..hehehe………is there any help available??
November 5th, 2007 at 00:05Steve Morse status is of a hired gun, always was and always will be. It’s ridiculous to suggest that he has revitalised the band’s creativity. Has has given DP stability only in as much as bland, boring, dull and predictable people tend to do so in life. The band could do so much better than him, why not try other guitarists every few years to keep the band sounding fresh and musically alive?
Ritchie Blackmore left DP in 1993 and will not return. He is unarguably one of the absolute best rock guitar players ever, that can be mentioned in the same breath as Jimi Hendrix and Pete Townsend. Anyone who plays his material has got to have at least been inspired by these two guitar gods. When Steve Morse is playing the DP classics I don’t hear the passion or the love for this kind of rock.
Btw, Mark V/JLT haters everywhere: if you can’t hear appreciate some of the freshest (especially Blackmore/Lord) playing and writing of DPs career, with a fantastic, dynamic, expressive and note perfect singer, then that’s your loss.
November 5th, 2007 at 13:23The ‘Slaves And Masters’ LP is one of my favourite DP albums and also regarded as the best post-reunion LP by Blackmore. Okay?
Blackmore regards S&M as the best post re-union LP??? The point of this remark eludes me??? Blackmore ‘says so’, so it must be true??
Bad album sales, and bad audience (you know….THE FANS) turn-outs defined S&M’s credibility.
RB is unarguably one of absolute best tight wearing, pointy hatted, mandolin playing minstrels, that can be mentioned in the same breath as George Formby. Next single release ‘ leaning on a lamp post’. Not sure I ever saw Hendrix pissing about with a lute!!
For those who cant except Morse………………………your problem. Get yourselves over to the BN website and enjoy your ‘rock god’!!
November 5th, 2007 at 15:46Morse’s contribution to the DP machine is undeniable.
Morse has provided so many good tracks to choose from and its about time DP moved on. Drop some of those tired Blackmore tracks, and live in the here and now.
Morse is a rare and current talent.
November 5th, 2007 at 16:04I think S&M’s sales and tour attendance speaks volumes about that particular DP attempt! And as to Blackmore regarding it as the best post reunion LP, well, so what? The point being what? Blackmore likes it so it must be good?
November 5th, 2007 at 16:17A new guitarist every few years no way! What they need to do is ditch the usual songs, & bring in some rare unplayed songs . That would keep it fresh & interesting, songs from The House Of Blue Light would sound good , Under The Gun, Gyspys Kiss, Burn, Mistreated , Stormbinger, Mandrake Root, Flight Of The Rat, Hard Lovin Man , Demon’s Eye etc.
November 5th, 2007 at 16:22Would like to hear Steve play some of his own stuff also, how about a tribute to Bolin were he plays some one or two of his songs or instrumentals Some new unplayed songs from the Morse era are welcome, just something different & unplayed.
We have no need to discuss Blackmore in the current context of DP.
Those who cannot except Morse should spend their time on BN website. Its worth a visit just for a laugh at his costume. Comparable to Hendrix? NO! Comparable to Robin Hood? YES! But of course its the music that should count, nothing else. Well after listening to Winter Carols I can safely say that its no threat to Townsends world domination either!
November 5th, 2007 at 17:26Blackmores contribution to DP is outstanding without a doubt, but it was years ago and DP with Steve Morse has already lasted longer than with RB. Which is better?, it is all a matter of opinion, the Morse bashers will never give him his due as a great guitarist so don’t even try to change them. I personally think this MK is fantastic as I did when I was much younger and saw MKIII in ’74. I’ve only seen DP 6 times (not nearly as much as some on this site) but the show I saw this summer in the US was the best. I will not bash RB but he no longer counts, and finding Slaves and Masters in the discount bins speaks for itself:(
November 5th, 2007 at 21:36Well at least Slaves And Masters actually charted in the UK and US. And if I remember rightly despite some distasteful personal remarks directed at JLT the tour was ‘very successful’ according to the synopsis on the “New Live and Rare” DVD.
November 5th, 2007 at 21:56Hilarious…….and Almost Human……………
Some wit is not a bad antidote………….
Help? Not for this issue, I have REAL problems………
Rotterdam Rebel, go hide in “Waterfront”(place for idiots who still think punk and punk/rock and more like that eqeals Classic(Sorry Ian………..)Rock……………
Rotterdam is a very bad place to be for people who like old traditional QUALITY rock………… It’s House, or punk, or ragga, or somethiing from “our immigrants” here……………..
There is nothing agains that, but it does NOT serve diversity……..
I spoke to Ted Langenbach the other day, ……..trying to find some hope because he went out on a limb in interviews for a better rockclimate in Rotterdam(RotjeKnor, as we fondly say)but his mind seemed to drift towards the fashionclothes (he is one of those people who dresses up “stylish”, as it is called, if I m not wrong)in the windows of some shop as soon “our talk” began to bore him……..
Well, maybe I m wrong, and he and other motors of the newly TO START/RE OPEn “Nighttown” will surprise me……….
In the meantime….. still have to go somewhere else if I want to see a decent gig. Pretentious city who does NOT have a proper stage for good rock music…………
Well, my mistake…………
November 5th, 2007 at 22:39But I have to live somewhere, don’t I?
More meaningless fusion crap & smiles at 🙂
November 6th, 2007 at 03:57JLT era DP tour was ‘very successful’ according to the synopsis on the “New Live and Rare” DVD?????
I can hardly imagine a bad ‘synopsis’ when trying to promote and sell a DVD! Much in the same vain of Blackmore regarding it as the best post reunion LP!! The point being what? ‘somebody says so, so it must be true’??
November 6th, 2007 at 09:04Not sure why the problem with Rotterdam? Dont honestly care.
Im fortunate to have travelled the world and seen DP in various countries & climates. Therefore the country I live does not dictate the music I enjoy or watch, why should it anyway?
Ted Langenbach (yawn), a legend in his own lunchtime. And I just cant imagine why he became bored of ‘your talk’. He He
November 6th, 2007 at 09:59Rascal, Cranberry, Station X etc…Keep on smiling, Dixie Morse does 🙂
November 6th, 2007 at 11:44More meaningless Medieval crap & smiles at
November 6th, 2007 at 13:35I travelled too for gigs, but that does not mean it would be a very good idea if a city like this would have some opportunity to see something great…….
Not caring IS a problem………
Thanx for the pun I gave room for…….
November 6th, 2007 at 15:04Depends on your idea of ‘great’
Not caring for something ‘YOU’ feel is significant isnt a problem for me. Its your problem, and I dont need to share it! Why should I?
Fans all over the world have to travel to see their bands, thats life! If you cant see an opportunity then you get out there and make one.
November 6th, 2007 at 15:23Yep………..that’s the “Fuck you…….attitude” very common here…….
November 6th, 2007 at 15:57That’s right, Priest. Some people here should loosen up a bit, and stop taking
things so seriously…bashing RB & JLT all the time, talking ’bout living in the
past, eh!!!
Anyways, let’s all enjoy our favourite Purple-incarnations, and live & let live!
Cheers, Sami
November 6th, 2007 at 16:15Your far better off alone in your own world of psychoneurosis, why do you feel you need others to share them?
Why do you believe I need to think, and feel the same as you?
Deal with your issues
November 6th, 2007 at 16:23Why do YOU feel the need to write here……….?
Question answered……..
I do not feel the need to change your mind……..
I never had the impression that would work.
I am not a doctor, neither so are you. So let’s refrain from diagnostics…….
November 6th, 2007 at 16:29Why do YOU care whether I write here or not?
Comment: ‘Not caring IS a problem’
Reply: ‘Not caring for whats you believe important IS a problem’
So refrain from telling me your problems, they aint important………………..
November 6th, 2007 at 16:38Thats right Sami, people here should loosen up!!
RB/JLT bashing all the time………… shouldnt be tolerated.
Although its strange these same people who complain are quite happy to bash Morse, and Morse era DP!!
Tough Shit
November 6th, 2007 at 16:45I need a break………
I, m off …swimming, NOT women, hehehe
November 6th, 2007 at 17:00Arm, leg or neck?
November 6th, 2007 at 17:03Relax guys! Back to the topic, I would love to hear Seventh Heaven in the live set…great Morse-era song from the not so great Abandon-album.
November 6th, 2007 at 18:30I enjoy all versions of Deep Purple, some more than others. Ritchie can’t get along with Ian, and if he ever gets tired of the medieval renaissance thing (Blackmore’s Night) I wish he’d team up with Coverdale, Hughes, Lord, and Dunbar or Aldrich. Or perhaps put together Rainbow again with JLT. Until then I will enjoy the current incarnation of Deep Purple.
November 6th, 2007 at 19:04Seven-47………..I’m with you, I enjoy all MK’s of DP some “obviously” more than others but (almost) nothing excites me more than a new LP from DP. It has been the same from MIJ to Taste to ROTD, long live the best band in ROCK. Cheers………….
November 6th, 2007 at 21:29Yeah, LP’s………….VINYL……..Love it……..
November 7th, 2007 at 23:19Soon no more CD’s as well……….
I’m getting too old for this…………..
Tonight Live in Zoetermeer in De Boerderij :
Legendary Dutch Tribute Act Purple Rainbowwwwwwwwwwwww
Due to illness in headliner Gotthard..
Get yours up there. They kick ass. 20: 30 START
November 8th, 2007 at 17:34Have heard some clips, they surely kick ass…great versions of DP & Rainbow songs!!
November 8th, 2007 at 18:19They were really terriffic again..
Like always, I should say….
Sabine is a tremendous good singer and really shines in some tracks :
Kill the king, Highway Star. And, though, not intended, she sounds very sensual/sexual way during Child in Time………..
I do NOT like a certain part of how she sings, which returns throughout …..But cannot really say how to name it……
It’s like Glenn Hughes : man , can he sing………But lotsof us kinda shrink when he goes off in certain trademarks……
And still, there remains this FUCKING AWESOME singer……
She does give her own SOUND to lots of the texts.
I noticed that again during Man on the Silver Mountain. Like JLT did during the Difficult Tour with the same song……..
Unfortunately there was not a lot of crowd again……….This time I finally convinced two of my friend s to attend the show, reluctantly at first again(…)they grasped during the night how wonderful this tributeband is……..
Maybe that’s why they played shorter than I wished for…….
To know that this band plays blistering versions of Still I m Sad, Cry Free(not this time), Bloodsucker, Demon’s Eye……
They should play MORE Rainbow songs, that’s the only criticism. I should not nag about the fact that only Mario and sabine really have the OUTLOOK of a musician in this sort of band.
Gates Of Babylon, please……….
Spotlight Kid?
Tearing out my Heart?
I could go on for hours……….There are so many……..
November 12th, 2007 at 15:46They’ve started playing Loosen My Strings!
November 14th, 2007 at 18:04Samy says DP is stagnated…(????!!!) Have you listen to the Rapture of the Deep in its entirity? Really? your words makes me see Gillan singing the MTV lyrics “Oh, I love you dearly…but why do you exist?”. Unbelieveable. Sorry.
November 14th, 2007 at 19:21Say Johnny…..
You just shot yourself in the foot…….
Like already a lot of people noticed MTV talks about integrity of Classic Rock channels while DP themselves keep playing those oldies…….
Yeah, sometimes and recently they do change something on the SETLIST, but it’s not enough….Mainly they are still based on stuff Blackers wrote……..
For your information :
For some years now I ve been thoroughly enjoying Purple Rainbow, the Dutch tributeact.
Everytime(….)I do enjoy myself more at their gigs than at a regular DP gig since(…)the arrival of Steve Morse……….
Based on the setlist I should not be that happy with the tribute act, but………….they have more the old real DP sound than the Morse era DP.
And hell, they even play :
Cry Free
Still I m Sad
Into the fire
Demons Eye
Kill the king
Hahaha, even with Purple Rainbow I wish they would do more this or that…………..
No such thing as the real thing.
I hope Led Zeppelin (At least they have KEYMEMBERS like Plant and Page)will take revanche for those sad reunion shows they did before………..Bring on the TOUR!!!!!!!!!
November 14th, 2007 at 23:48Just to clarify my earlier point, Deep Purple, not a tribute band, added Loosen My Strings to their set at their last Italian gig. I saw it on the tour reviews section on the DPAS website. This is the Purpendicular material SM referred to on his last diary entry; maybe they’ve listened to fans’ grumbling!
November 15th, 2007 at 12:27Johny………… hit the nail on the head!! Sami’s opinions change like the wind!!
Why we need individuals discussing 5th rate DP tribute acts is beyond me, and this blog!
November 19th, 2007 at 09:08It is possible you do not like trinbute acts at all……….
It is possible that you do but think a certain act has not much quality……
PURPLE RAINBOW oozes quality…..
When you name them 5th rate you are just talking horse shit………..
I know people like to exaggerate………to make a point.
Based on what you know/experienced(?)they suck….
Did you really check them ouT? Don’t think so……
Btw, their youtube movies are a very poor representation what they really are…………
Btw, when sabine sings child In Time it’s fucking awesome, when IG would try that I would shrink with emberassment………
November 20th, 2007 at 22:46Soooooo easy
November 21st, 2007 at 08:58Tooooo easy
November 21st, 2007 at 09:49Thrown his toys out the pram again???
November 21st, 2007 at 17:01Oh dear, this is hilarious! now they’re The Pathetic Three, aka The Little Boys’ Rock Police Club. SOOOOO TOOOOO EASYYYYYYYY 🙂
I’m gonna piss my pants any second now, you girls are so laughable!!!
wait a minute, just spotted more jerks…..Corn Dog, what a wanker.
that makes it The Pathetic Four!!
Keep those “cunning remarks” coming, ladies………that’s entertainment 🙂
Yours Truly, Otis
November 22nd, 2007 at 03:34Good to see Otis has joined the ranks……………..
Piece of cake
November 22nd, 2007 at 09:01Stormbringer / Sami / Otis
Your name is Legion
November 22nd, 2007 at 14:45