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=1 in the charts

Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 19-44-53 Offizielle Deutsche Charts

This article will be updated regularly with the new data. Consider this an invitation to send us information (with proof links) on how the album is doing in your country.

Chart positions summary

Countries and territories are listed in alphabetical order.

The album was released worldwide on July 19, 2024.

This list was last updated on Sat Sep 14 21:33:26 UTC 2024

  • iTunes Daily Albums:
    • #4 (July 18)
    • #7 (July 19)
    • #14 (July 20)
    • #6 (July 21)
    • #19 (July 22)
    • #23 (July 23)
    • #15 (July 24)
    • #80 (July 26)
    • #40 (July 27)
  • iTunes Daily Albums:
    • #6 (July 19)
    • #7 (July 20)
    • #10 (July 21)
    • #11 (July 22)
    • #30 (July 23)
    • #35 (July 24)
    • #66 (July 25)
Czech Republic
  • OLIS albumy:
    • #2 (week 30)
    • #5 (week 31)
    • #39 (week 32)
    • #37 (week 33)
    • #43 (week 34)
    • #58 (week 35)
    • #73 (week 36)
  • Screenshot 2024-09-14 at 21-11-23 OLiS - oficjalna lista sprzedaży

  • OLIS albumy fizycznie:
    • #2 (week 30)
    • #2 (week 31)
    • #10 (week 32)
    • #8 (week 33)
    • #10 (week 34)
    • #13 (week 35)
    • #15 (week 36)
  • Screenshot 2024-09-14 at 21-13-14 OLiS - oficjalna lista sprzedaży albumy fizycznie

  • OLIS albumy – winyle:
    • #1 (week 30)
    • #3 (week 31)
    • #13 (week 32)
    • #4 (week 33)
    • #15 (week 34)
    • #13 (week 35)
    • #33 (week 36)

    Screenshot 2024-09-14 at 21-14-26 OLiS - oficjalna lista sprzedaży albumy – winyle

United Kingdom
United States
  • Billboard Top Album Sales: #19 (Aug 3)
  • Billboard Top Hard Rock Albums: #24 (Aug 3)
  • iTunes Daily Albums:
    • #14 (July 19)
    • #20 (July 20)
    • #33 (July 21)
    • #36 (July 23)
    • #85 (July 24)

Thanks to Nigel Young, Uke, Tobias Janaschke, Giorgi, Thomas, Jörg, Leo, Luy, Jhonny, Luke, =aR, Georgivs, Fla76, and AndreA for the info.

103 Comments to “=1 in the charts”:

  1. 1
    Dr. Bob says:

    As usual the USA lags behind the world but the album is a big hit.

  2. 2
    Uwe Hornung says:

    This is quite unlike the Eurovision Song Contest, because for once the winner is … Germany!

    iTunes Daily Albums:

    #1 (July 19),
    #1 (July 20),
    #1 (July 21),
    #1 (July 22),
    #1 (July 23).


    We haven’t had that since Nicole …


  3. 3
    George Martin says:

    I wish they could say how many albums are sold no matter what the format. Just saying it’s # 1 or # 7 or # 20 doesn’t really mean anything to me. If anyone can give us hard numbers, please do it. So far it looks good, I guess.

  4. 4
    Ivica says:

    The new album traditionally features a mix of hard-rock songs, mid-tempo songs and ballads. It would single out these songs for my taste

    “A Bit on the Side”
    My favorite, it reminds me of my dear “Rosa’s Cantina” with a bass riff reminiscent of BS “Zero The Hero”. Gillan’s vocals are fantastic, and Paice woke up in his jazzy way, the transition between the solos of the two leading solo instrumentalists on the track “Hot Stuff ” with Come an’ Get It. My friend reminds me of Gillan…I thought to myself?..yes…”Dead Of Night” only much much better…oh yes..and that heavy Hammond sound from second plan ..like from “Living Wreck” ..that’s why I love DP, those ghosts of Jon in Don’s kye packaging of the 21st century

    “Portable Door”
    It should have been on the album A1 opening song as well as the future concert list to rest “Highway Star” Portabl Door to the new “”Time For Bedlam”. Classic DP melodic fast song with excellent solos. Gillan dominates his rhythmic speech is incredible what diction the listener outside the Anglo-Saxon speaking area, in his presentation, one can feel all the beauty and melodiousness of the English language, and to be interested in what he is talking and singing about, and to want to learn that language

    “Old-Fangled Thing”
    If you had to decide on 4 videos from the album, it would be this song, which has commercial potential, although it has nothing to do with the DP atmosphere, something along the lines of Thing I never said. are incredible, however, Don for the chest in front of the trio

    “Lazy Sod”
    The best, it hits the first one.. that blues riff that hard rock uses. The chorus hits directly in the brain. 3 solos, incredible Dona at the end of her solo, an effective tribute to Keith Emerson. It’s a shame that Simona was not released in the second guitar solo for another 30-40 seconds. he caught the working temperature just right..
    “I’ll Catch You”
    Very emotional, very! I also have tears in my eyes listening to Big Ian, he seems to be talking to his wife, this is something emotional and good like Ritchie in “Carry On Jon”. Great Simon, “I’ll Catch You” is “Wasted Sunsets” 21st century

    “Bleeding Obvious”
    The longest song in time.. a progression composed of several parts. Obviously under the influence of Ian Gillan, which he used since the eighties “Born To Kill” or “Demon Driver”. The arrangements and melodies are impressive, that song, I believe, will age pleasantly and with time better and better

    Great album, Ian Gillan first violin

  5. 5
    stoffer says:

    @1 you are right, and that’s because it will get next to ZERO airplay except a few Sirius stations! Mainstream “classic rock” radio format sucks….it’s no longer about music but only about selling advertisements. The LP is really good and I’m glad it’s charting well everywhere else!

  6. 6
    Giorgi says:

    @3 according to one quite reliable source, which was once even quoted at THS, the global sales for the Ezrin-trilogy are:

    NOW What?! – 300,000
    InFinite – 270,000
    Whoosh! – 245,000

    The rest of the extremely detailed numbers of sales & downloads & streams for every DP album and single are provided here: https://chartmasters.org/deep-purple-albums-and-songs-sales/

  7. 7
    Uwe Hornung says:

    In this day and age it is probably a pittance of what used to be, Herr Beatles Produzent. In the mid 70s I remember the Scorpions getting their first gold record with vinyl and pre-recorded tape sales of 50.ooo copies of Virgin Killer in Germany. But that didn‘t mean they had a top five chart placing back then.

  8. 8
    Buttockss says:

    Dr Bob… correct because the kids in America are programmed with short memory and everything has to be heard in an instant, and has to be commercial.

  9. 9
    francis says:

    bonjour pour ma part je n’achèterai pas …ce n’est plus le fameux groupe de hard rock que j’écoutais!! c’est devenu de la musique de variété…..

  10. 10
    MacGregor says:

    While I don’t personally place an importance on charts myself, no doubt it can help to sell extra copies & also aide in the promotion for the artists involved. However the sub categories of charts, metal, rock, country, new age etc etc, has me pondering the old days. When any artist was charting against any other artist, no matter what genre. So plenty of chart positions meant plenty of sales one would imagine. Lemmy commented on that & he wasn’t impressed about it either. What’s that all effing about? Sub categories? Eff off! Classic Lemmy. Quite a lot of artists I listen to didn’t chart at all back in the old days. Chart position didn’t pursued me to ever purchase music. If it helps the artists though it has to be a good thing for them. Cheers.

  11. 11
    Adel Faragalla says:

    The album is great and that’s all what’s matters.
    No one makes money from album sales the money is from selling seats and associated Merchandise.
    And that’s happening right now and I think it will be the most successful tour ever since Perfect Strangers
    Peace ✌️

  12. 12
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Oh come on Francis, it’s still plenty hard/heavy rock! What else should it be? If you think =1 =pop, you haven’t been exposed to pop in a long time.

    Not that there is anything in the least wrong with pop!



  13. 13
    James Gemmell says:

    @1 Rock music went to Hades around 1992 over here in America. The corporate-owned radio stations puked, went to “Classic Rock,” and now only us hardcores are still listening, with a few exceptions. Fortunately, a lot of us geezers (I’m 62) are still breathing and dropping the needle on the vinyl.

  14. 14
    George Martin says:

    Thanks for the numbers, if you or anyone else has any numbers on the new one let us know.

  15. 15
    Georgivs says:

    #8 Comme vous voulez… Personne ne vous force d’acheter.

  16. 16
    Al says:

    On s’en fous! As I said before to people coming here to bitch: don’t listen but go back and listen to the same old same old. You need to get that wax out of ear and listen to the music without bias. I bet you didn’t even listen a song from the album

    Variete?? you should know better because you French love that shit. Jean Jacques Goldman? Celine Dion?

  17. 17
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Giorgi, not wishing to brag here, but German sales alone tend to be one third of DP sales worldwide ever since Bob Ezrin has been at the production helm, in the Michael Bradford era it was closer to one quarter. Bob Ezrin has drawing power in Germany, his albums with Alice Cooper, Kiss, peter Gabriel and Pink Floyd all sold extremely well here, he’s regarded as a quality seal. And Germany is DP’s biggest market by a mile. Germany’s populaton is only a quarter of, say, the USA, yet DP sales here are quadruple to quindruple of those in the US – in absolute numbers.


    For Whoosh! to have had the market penetration it had in Germany, US sales would have needed to be well in excess of 300.000 – the actual figure was 25.000.

    Whoosh! sold 80.000 copies in Germany and it was hampered by the COVID pandemic/never ever properly toured. Given the current promotion hullabaloo and the extensive touring + the new member novelty effect, I expect =1 to sell at least twice as much in Germany alone, i.e. become DP’s best selling-album in Germany since The House Of Blue Light.

  18. 18
    francis says:

    j’aime bien la démocratie sur ce site J’AI LE DROIT d’avoir une opinion qui reflète la majorité des gens de mon âge en France, ensuite je suis resté poli idiot de Al…. jean jacques goldman et celine dion je n’écoute pas! et je répéte ce gropue est devenu de la variété comme Céline Dion.

  19. 19
    Uwe Hornung says:

    People use “Céline Dion” here like it was a four letter word … I will now be the Canadian damsel’s knight in shining armor!

    For the record: Madame Dion’s performance of certain songs from the Purple oeuvre need not shy away from a comparison:


    I believe Rod, wherever he is, would approve.

    Also: She dresses better than Mariah Carey, and did you notice the color of the inner lining of her elegant coat? Goût impeccable!

  20. 20
    Georgivs says:

    @17 Vous avez tous les droits du monde pour votre opinion et les lettres majuscules. Mais etes vous sur vous pouvez parler pour la majorité des gens de votre âge en France?

  21. 21
    Uke says:

    Number 1 in Sweden


  22. 22
    Jean-Christophe says:

    @19 I fully agree with your comment..
    although I come from Belgium and not from France 😉. And I am adding that it is just normal that DP is not as “disruptive” in 2024 as it was almost 25 years ago !!!

  23. 23
    Giorgi says:

    As expected, =1 is #1 in Germany!


  24. 24
    Thomas says:

    Nr. in Germany

  25. 25
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Alas!, Uke, the winner took it all …


  26. 26
    AL says:

    @ 17
    did you listen to the album? If you heard it already you would have some arguments why you don’t like but to come here and say: I’m not buying just because YOU think is variete then you start the conversation by saying: “This is only my opinion”; We have an expression: if you don’t have anything good to say don’t say anything at all, and you cannot talk to about all the fans of your group age(whatever that is ) and since I know I will be censored by saying something bad to you or cursing at you: You better off start bitching at the YouTube videos and other forums than coming here and saying : I’m not buying this album because I don’t care…

  27. 27
    Micke says:

    @ 20 And in Germany

  28. 28
    Jörg says:

    And the next number 1 in Germany for Purple.


  29. 29
    Leo says:

    16 in Italy


  30. 30
    Jörg says:

    Purple did it again in Germany. The next number one.


  31. 31
    David N says:

    Unfortunately here in the U.S. the charts are dominated by the likes of Taylor Swift, M&M and somebody named Shaboozy.

  32. 32
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Cher Francis is free to dislike the new album, bien sure he is, and also free to write about it here, alors! But how about giving a little meat to your opinion WHY you don’t like it? Saying it is like Madame Dion is (i) not really an insult in my book, (ii) kinda far-fetched. Besides, it’s not like Purple have never dabbled with pop records: Hush, Kentucky Woman, River Deep, Mountai High, Hallelujah, Strange Kind of Woman, Woman from Tokyo – let’s not even talk about Rainbow (Since You’ve Been Gone, I Surrender and the incredibly twee Street of Dreams) or Blackmore’s Night which have released their healthy share of the most incredibly banal pop pap making any German listener wince because there is no difference to Schlager (a music Ritchie professes to love).

  33. 33
    Nigel Young says:

    =1 new entry at 12 Official Albums Chart Top 100 26 July 2024 – 1 August 2024
    https://www.officialcharts.com/charts/albums-chart/20240726/7502/ The UK’s Top 100 biggest artist albums of the week, compiled by the Official Charts Company based on sales of CDs, downloads, vinyl, audio streams and video streams.
    =1 new entry at 4 Official Albums Sales Chart 26 July 2024 – 1 August 2024
    https://www.officialcharts.com/charts/albums-sales-chart/20240726/7511/ The UK’s Top 100 biggest artist albums of the week, compiled by the Official Charts Company, based on sales of CDs, vinyl, cassettes and digital downloads.
    =1 new entry at 4 Official Physical Albums Chart 26 July 2024 – 1 August 2024
    https://www.officialcharts.com/charts/physical-albums-chart/20240726/2/ Compiled by the Official Charts Company, the UK’s biggest physical albums of the week, based on sales of CDs, vinyl and other formats, across a seven day period.
    =1 new entry at 8 Official Album Downloads Chart 26 July 2024 – 1 August 2024
    https://www.officialcharts.com/charts/albums-downloads-chart/20240726/7003/ Compiled by the Official Charts Company, the UK’s biggest digital bundles of the week, based on sales across a seven day period.
    =1 new entry at 3 Official Scottish Albums Chart 26 July 2024 – 1 August 2024
    https://www.officialcharts.com/charts/scottish-albums-chart/20240726/40/ Compiled by the Official Charts Company, Scotland’s biggest albums of the week, based on sales of digital bundles, CDs, vinyl and other formats, across a seven day period.
    =1 NOT in the streaming top 100 Official Albums Streaming Chart 26 July 2024 – 1 August 2024
    https://www.officialcharts.com/charts/albums-streaming-chart/20240726/7512/ The UK’s most streamed albums of the week is compiled by the Official Charts Company, based on streams across a seven day period.

  34. 34
    Luy says:

    3 Finland


  35. 35
    Nigel Young says:

    =1 new entry at 5 Official Vinyl Albums Chart 26 July 2024 – 1 August 2024
    https://www.officialcharts.com/charts/vinyl-albums-chart/20240726/9/ The UK’s official best-selling vinyl albums of the week, based on sales across a seven-day period, compiled by the Official Charts Company.
    =1 new entry at 6 Official Record Store Chart 26 July 2024 – 1 August 2024
    https://www.officialcharts.com/charts/record-store-chart/20240726/530/ The UK’s biggest albums of the week sold through 100 UK independent record shops is compiled by the Official Charts Company, based on sales of CDs, vinyl and other formats – in partnership with Record Store Day.

  36. 36
    Nigel Young says:

    =1 new entry at 2 Official Rock & Metal Albums Chart 26 July 2024 – 1 August 2024
    https://www.officialcharts.com/charts/rock-and-metal-albums-chart/20240726/112/ Compiled by the Official Charts Company, the UK’s biggest rock and metal albums of the week, based on sales of digital bundles, CDs, vinyl and other formats, across a seven day period.

  37. 37
    Georgivs says:

    #12 in the UK. No Top Ten this time.


  38. 38
    Jörg says:

    Number 8 in the Dutch album charts.


  39. 39
    Jörg says:

    Number 3 in Finland:


  40. 40
    Jhonny says:

    Number 1 Switzerland


  41. 41
    Aerosniff Someglue says:

    No1 in Switzerland? I’m Swiss and received my copy on the second day.

    It just put a smile on my face.

    By the way, I bought the simple CD; if it was with a Blu-Ray I would have bought the combo. I hate vinyl, specially if this concerns albums recorded digitally (in that case, CD is superior, end of the discussion).

  42. 42
    Uwe Hornung says:

    “And I am adding that it is just normal that DP is not as “disruptive” in 2024 as it was almost 25 years ago !!!”

    Jean-Christophe @21, I’d go even farther back, the last (and really only) time DP were “disruptive” was 1970/71, eg In Rock and Fireball period. Already MH (which I love) was an album carefully honed for maximum commercial appeal and there certainly wasn’t anything “disruptive” about Burn, CTTB, Perfect Strangers or Purpendicular. By 1972, Purple served the market of what people who don’t like that type of music describe as “stadium/arena rock”. Purple were never as much a play-safe one-trick-pony as their detractors claimed, but they weren’t really rocking the boat either. What they did do was explore the different avenues a band with pronounced twin guitar/organ lead instruments has at its disposal to a reasonable extent (especially during Steve’s tenure), but in essence keeping it all in the mainstream.

    It’s an old criticism levied against them ever since the early 70ies by people who preferred more sophisticated music such as King Crimson or Frank Zappa as well as rock critics in general, and it goes like this: “The Purple guys are not punching their weight, they are good enough to play much more complex music, yet they are by and large happy to serve the same headbanger market as Uriah Heep or Black Sabbath – just with longer and better solos – because that is where the money is for them.” It’s not an entirely unjustified accusation either, but one I never minded because I am one of the many people who felt comfortable in exactly that segment catered for by DP: Smart enough not to be dumb, yet rock’n’roll enough to not be academic. Alas!, I am a man of simple tastes.

  43. 43
    Alessandro says:

    I had a look in billboard Top 200 . Same artists and albums in the Last 30 years…. Back in black ac/Dc, metallica the Black Album, … Musical culture in Us is absolutely under the human.

  44. 44
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Up from 4 to 2 again, only a VA hit compilation from the very popular BRAVO series is ahead of it.

    Today ze Tshörmen charts, tömörröw ze wörld …


    (Dee Dee can count 1-2-3-4 even auf Deutsch @ 01:26! 😂)

  45. 45
    MacGregor says:

    @ 41- I think Purple did ok in regards to the rock journos critique didn’t they?. Well at least I don’t recall any too heavy a put down than a few others we are familiar with in regards to other acts. Mind you I haven’t read that many magazines etc than many other aficionados would have. We remember a couple of the classics, the chick who said if Uriah Heep makes it, she will top herself (she is still alive). The guy who said 1973/4 era of King Crimson was ‘a poor man’s Black Sabbath’. I suppose ‘Who do these guys think they are’ is getting along those lines, but not quite as dramatic & negative. Tull were hammered in that era as being ‘too old to rock ‘n roll’. Many were as a matter of fact. 30 years of age was deemed to be just that back then, too old. Imagine what those same critics think these days (if they are still with us that is). Is 80 too old to rock ‘n roll? Cheers.

  46. 46
    Ivica says:

    The album is excellent, better than “Whoosh !”, which is not easy. It traditionally contains a mixture of hard-rock songs, mid-tempo songs and ballads.
    I would single out these songs for my taste “Lazy Sod”, “Portable Door”, “A Bit on the Side” (best for me ) ,Sharp Shooter ,” Bleeding Obvious and I’ll Catch You”

  47. 47
    AndreA says:

    to date in Italy 3rd among cd/lp/tapes

  48. 48
    Max says:

    Back in the day when I discovered my love for all things purple they were put down in the german music press a big deal. I remember a review of Lovehunter where the writer stated that DC was obviously short of breath (because you can hear him breathe in places which is clearly by intention) and a review of a 79/80 Rainbow show that climaxed in saying that it was just facism at work you could look at here (because Cozy had some strobos a-flashing mainly). The Ian Gillan Band was reviewed as being good musos with an old fashioned front man waving his mane to Smoke on the Water and sreaming out still as if it was 1970. Ah I almost forgot: The only few bars worthwhile the Ready an’ Willing album were the ones played by the flute (sic!) on Ain’t gonne cry no more today … And the lyric sheet of the Fireball LP only showed how shallow and boombastic Purple were – because it had lyrics to The Mule on it instead of said song was clearly an instrumental number … so they said.
    Why bother listening when you got an opinion anyway? I was only around 16 then but it really made me wonder what it means if parts of the media does that kind of accurate research on more important subjects too … I still do.

    Besides that the ex-Purple-people were boring and old and it was time for them to retire – at least that seemed to be common sense. Most journalists seemed to be in Punk, New Wave or something. Even the Stones got a lot of bashing in some magazines I recall. Joe Jackson, Devo, PIL and others were the flavour of the week. Of the ones I came to like only Tom Petty would be accepted.

  49. 49
    Uwe Hornung says:

    LOL, Max, I remember all those reviews! From a certain point onward, Musik Express and Sounds hated/mocked anything related to Purple (IGB was strangely an exception with Musik Express, just like you wrote), Musik Joker (the short-lived Springer music mag) was kind of lukewarm, only the teenybopper mags such as BRAVO (instrumental for Purple’s early German success in 1970/71) and especially POP (later POP/Rocky) were really in support of Purple and showed at least benevolent interest in the various split groups. Due to their tabloid character that meant of course that news would be equally split between the music and, eg, Ritchie’s “new hair” in 1977 (BRAVO) or DC’s romantic relationship with “his Julia” (both BRAVO and POP). 😆 Never mind, at least they reported about the Purple Universe at all, rather than dismissively ignoring it totally.

    You did forget though that the Lovehunter review also contained the swipe at DC that he “always sang with DP like his mouth was full of popcorn”! 😂 But I was so starved for DP news at the time, I was happy they were reviewing the album (IMHO the weakest one of the early WS albums) at all.

    Compared to these dark days, Purple reviews today are extremely benevolent/well-meaning/even enthusiastic across the board, Big Ian, Roger & Litte Ian (+ whoever plays with them) now have protected species status just for the fact of their longevity and their iron will to keep at it. Which is comforting really.

    Speaking of DP today, why the hell does no one here laud the opener of =1 as the cracker of a song it really is? ‘Show Me’ with its incessant driving guitar, Simon’s grand lead fills, Big Ian’s rhythmic vocalizing and Roger’s/Little Ian’s engine room contribution is in my ears the most catchy, Sturm & Drang + immediate DP number IN DECADES, I LUV THAT SONG!

  50. 50
    Uwe Hornung says:

    I wonder what people who complained about Cozy Powell using fascist neo-Leni Riefenstahl imagery during his 1812-centered drum solo in 1976 would say about R-r-rammstein today?! 🤣




    Not knocking them, they can be entertaining (and the Nazi imagery is tongue-in-cheek with the lyrics often transporting an opposing message), but like KISS their larger-than-life live show image has run out of steam (pun intended!) and is meanwhile constraining them from attempting anything new. Their music has become static and monolithic in a (me at least) tiring way. I prefer improvisation à la Deep Purple or reinvention à la Bowie (who would have wanted to see him still in Ziggy Stardust garb in 2003?).

  51. 51
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Grüezi, Aerosniff Someglue – now that is some moniker combining Aerosmith and Ramones recreational activities! 😁


    Darn, I really miss the Bruddahs, such fitting social commentary.

    I used to build 1:72 scale WW II model airplanes as a teen (before wimmin and Deep Purple ended it all, should I have made the transition?), had a big pot of plastic glue … tell me about it! 🤯 (And since you all asked … Republic P-47 Thunderbolt – also the name of my first band – , Vought F4U Corsair + Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A or D were my favorites, I had a thing for air-cooled engine or at least air-cooled engine looking – like the Fw 190 D – fighters …)

    It seems like Steven Tyler is fit enough with his vocal chords to tour again. Aerosmith have had their ups and downs, but they are a great band. And I prefer Brad Whitford’s playing to the more popular Joe Perry’s. Looks can be deceiving.

  52. 52
    Nigel Young says:

    After entering the Official Albums Chart Update 22 July 2024 – 28 July 2024 at 6, =1 is not in the top 100 chart update for 29 July 2024 – 4 August 2024 for sales, downloads, etc. for Friday to Sunday. https://www.officialcharts.com/charts/albums-chart-update/20240729/7502u/

  53. 53
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Ah yes, the prophets in their own land … DP and the UK were never a terribly intensive love affair.

  54. 54
    Luke says:

    16 in France


    42 in Spain


  55. 55
    Luke says:

    7 in Czech Republic


  56. 56
    Georgivs says:

    @51 Knowing what the UK music market is like, it is quite unsurprising. One week in the Top 100 is what we can count on. I also think that the DP management could have thought of releasing the new album not on Friday, but on Tuesday or Wednesday, in the middle of the chart cycle. Then their #6 on the updated album chart would most likely have become a formal position for the week and DP would have had another Top Ten UK album.

    In any case, =1 is quite a strong showing charts wise. A couple of #1s in the continental Europe, a few Top Tens, a solid #12 in the UK. Not bad for a band whose career spans seven decades in two centuries (and two millenia, too). Eat our dust, LZ and BS!

  57. 57
    Max says:

    Show me is praised now and here! Felt the same to me. After I had realised it ran on 45/min that is … 😀 In fact I put the needle down …sat down…looked solemn … and after a couple of bars and the voice coming in we looked at each other … wondering if this was intended, some special effect on the voice to sound contemporary or anything … but it just wouldn’t change… running on 33/min it sure turned out exactly as you said, Uwe! 🙂

    Well…Pop/Rocky …those were the days! A melancholy David Coverdale at the shores of Ammersee…writing songs for his sollo album, shown with said ‘beloved Julia’ and also live on stage (never mind that was a pic of Gillan… but hey, who could tell those long haired bums from one another?). Even some radio jocs couldn’t come up with the professionalism to not put Purple down if they had to play them because there was a new record out by Whitesnake or an old one in the charts (Black Night in the 80s…) And STERN reported that there had peope died at a show of Ritchie Blackmoore’s (sic!)Rainbow. Isn’t it great how our memory works? Remembering lines in magazines from some 45 years ago? All the rrreally important things get stored it seems.

    At least I got some posters from various mags at the time. Graced my bedroom walls.

    As for Rammstein: I never get it. None of it. The only thing I took a bit of interest in ist the poetry of their singer which I soon found out is a kind of poor man’s Gottfried Benn. Why some lefties celebrate that Reichsparteitagsshow I do not know. Of course the lyrics are anything but facist but the music is boring and lacks groove and feel I think, the show is over the top and predictable as is the next scandal. Huge penis spitting out foam anybody? Jagger rode on one back in the 70s but it was a small part of a show dominated by music while with Rammstein it’s the other way round. Who would listen to them in a club?

  58. 58
    Luke says:

    2 in Austria


  59. 59
    AndreA says:

    What are Rammstein 💩 doing on a Deep Purple website? I bet you like pineapple on pizza while drinking a cappuccino.

  60. 60
    Uwe Hornung says:

    “Eat our dust, LZ and BS!”

    Georgivs, I like the way you think. 😘

    “What are Rammstein 💩 doing on a Deep Purple website?”

    Silly question, what they usually do of course, i.e. scanning the skies with a ‘Flakscheinwerfer’


    for Allied bombers on their night raids! 🤣

    Max @56, as our magazine habits go, we must have been identical twins cruelly torn apart by fate!!! The POP posters where always the best (best paper quality too). And there was less sex education than in BRAVO (which, however, never really got to the heart – or other organs – of the matter). But BRAVO no doubt gave DP in the early 70ies a huge boost among teenagers and young adults, I don’t think their market, uhum, penetration would have been the same in Deutschland without the plethora of posters, articles, (alleged) interviews, album reviews, band contest wins and plain gossip in BRAVO week for week.

    Returning to Rammstein, yes, Lindemann can be a poet if he puts his mind to it and is not eagerly searching for the umpteenth taboo transgression. The machine-like groove grates on me after a while too (if you’re a Purple fan you like music to swing after all), but I understand where they are coming from, by their definition they are transporting an arch-deutscher ‘groove’, “rather than trying to emulate the groove of Anglo-American bands – and failing …” as their drummer Christoph Schneider once observed, “we do the groove that’s in us, and that is that marching boots thing”.

    But who says Krauts can’t be funky?


    Randy Pie opened for DP in Germany on the last Mk III tour there and, according to some sources, gave the main act a hard time. I’m not really surprised – except why Glenn Hughes didn’t implore them to let him join their band, it should have been his dream music! 😎

  61. 61
    AndreA says:

    It may be a stupid, banal question, which is why it exudes truth: what the fuck does Rammstein have to do with it? Everyone has their own tastes but mixing sometimes hurts the stomach.

  62. 62
    Uwe Hornung says:

    “I bet you like pineapple on pizza while drinking a cappuccino.”

    Hmm. Yes, I like a cappuccino in the morning (espresso during the day, black with no sugar) and pineapple, grapefruit and cherries are my top three fruit tastes, guilty as charged! But on pizza, I am a sparse traditionalist, ham, salami/pepperoni, mushrooms, some rocket salad at most (I do like a bitter taste). And I prefer red wine to pizza.

    If you really want to boil it down though …


    … then Rammstein are essentially a heavy metal band with industrial and electronica (courtesy of the very TASTEFUL in his Kraftwerk-minimalism, NO PUN INTENDED 😁, keyboarder Christian “Flake” Lorenz) flourishes. I hear Accept influences in their synchronized riffing. And if you’re with Accept, you’re not far away from Judas Priest, and once you have reached Judas Priest and their metronomic, smooth groove, you’re getting in DP territory. It’s all related!

    In a word: I hear more Deep Purple in Rammstein than I hear Led Zep or BS. But that is hardly a surprise, sie sind deutsch after all, and I bet they all had the much sought-after GDR compilation of Deep Purple (the only album of theirs you could legally get there) by the state-owned AMIGA record company in their vinyl collections (all Rammstein members were born and raised in East Germany).




  63. 63
    Luke says:

    14 in Denmark


  64. 64
    Luke says:

    14 in Hungary


  65. 65
    Luke says:

    2 in Poland


  66. 66
    Nino says:

    There are no official charts in my country, and my copy is most likely attributed to the Americans, but in my personal charts this album is No. 1. I haven’t chosen my favorites yet, but so far Bleeding Obvious stands out, maybe because when I heard it live for the first time in Madrid, I immediately admired it.

  67. 67
    =aR says:

    2 in Poland (overall)


  68. 68
    Georgivs says:


    Forbes comments on the chart success of =1. They echo my reflections that if the timing of the release had been different, it might have cracked the UK Top Ten yet again.

  69. 69
    CN says:

    It didn’t chart in the US? wtf

  70. 70
    Nigel Young says:

    Official Albums Chart Top 100 NOT in the top 100 (last week 12)
    Official Albums Sales Chart 14 (last week 4)
    Official Physical Albums Chart 14 (last week 4)
    Official Album Downloads Chart 35 (last week 8)
    Official Scottish Albums Chart 10 (last week 3)
    Official Albums Streaming Chart NOT in the top 100 (same as last week)
    Official Vinyl Albums Chart NOT in the top 40 (last week 5)
    Official Record Store Chart NOT in the top 40 (last week 6)
    Official Rock & Metal Albums Chart 2 (last week 2)

  71. 71
    Georgivs says:

    @69 Wiki says it did:

  72. 72
    Fla76 says:

    9th place in Italy this week.

    but does my copy of =1 taken from the official English store contribute to the English or Italian sales ranking chart?….I think English…

  73. 73
    Micke says:

    What happens in Norway? Did it chart there at all? Only Nordic country with no info..?

  74. 74
    Georgi Georgiev says:

    Deep Purple is N:1 on Independent album chart in UK!

  75. 75
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Norway? I think they seceded peacefully from Sweden some 100 years ago, gifted Frida of ABBA (with some German DNA help) to the world and found a batch of fossile fuels in their local pool. Did anything else happen there? Aren’t they the home of the Fjord Motor Company too? 😂

    I love Norway 🇳🇴, been there a few times on vacation, wonderful place, breathtaking and varied landscape, great art,


    ‘edible’ (0r close to it) food in significant parts of the country 🤐, very polite and subdued inhabitants (if you ask them if they could give you the time they promptly answer “ja” and then wait attentively to see if you might have another question …).

    Also the home country of (Judas High Priest) Glenn Tipton’s favorite pop band:


    What’s not to like?

    Micke, from what I heard and saw =1 charted at no 1 in Norway at the day of its release, anything else would be a surprise.


  76. 76
    CN says:

    Is that Billboard Top 200?

  77. 77
    AndreA says:

    This last week at 9th
    See/click at: CD, Vinili e Musicassette

  78. 78
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Milli Vinili?


  79. 79
    Micke says:

    @ 75 Yes Uwe, Norway is a very beautiful country if you like rainy weather.. ha ha. Also somewhat expensive for a poor Swede. Still being half Norwegian myself and living close to the border I love Norway as much as Sweden. As for the charts I mean official album chart..?

  80. 80
    Georgivs says:

    @76 Nah, not the 200. Some kind of specialized chart.

  81. 81
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Norwegian summer is great – both days tend to be. 🤐

    Speaking of: There is no summer to speak of in Germany this year either. Just a few intermittent pauses in what seems like a constant downpour. You know you’re in for something when even global warming gets unreliable! 🙄

  82. 82
    Georgivs says:

    For those interested, I found a link to the complete DP Billboard history including =1 in different categories:

  83. 83
    Jean-Christophe says:

    @42 : Hi, Uwe. I think we are on the same line. With In Rock, DP impacted, many years ago, the Rock History as not too many groups did. If this kind of thing occurs one or 2 times in a group life, it is already great. I really like King Crimson but, to be perfectly honest, on an ongoing basis, I listen more to DP music than KC one. Even if I continue to consider “Red”, e.g., as a fantastic album. “Superb”, Ian Gillan would say…

  84. 84
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Listening to King Crimson’s Red is an intellectual exercise – if you are a glutton for punishment! 😂

    Don’t play that album on your first date (if you want to get anywhere).


  85. 85
    Harrie van den Bersselaar says:

    Just nice for all to know. =1 again on #1 in Germany!

  86. 86
    MacGregor says:

    @ 84 – are you speaking from personal experience Uwe. That isn’t a request for any information though, if it is. Seriously, that instrumental title track bores me to tears. I avoid it & listen to the rest of the album which is grand. For some KC aficionados they rate that album their best. Each to their own. I think this is possibly a first for Uwe, mentioning King Crimson. At least in that light anyway. How romantic. Cheers.

  87. 87
    Uwe Hornung says:

    I like the Red album. For romantic evenings with the fairer gender, it can’t beat Cat Stevens’ Greatest Hits though. From my experience only of course. But if KC’s Red is what got Australia’s birth rates up in the 70s, then more power to you! 😂

    I’m too much of a Wetton nut to ever have ignored KC. And their influence on UK (especially in the original guitar-featuring line-up) is of course blatant.

  88. 88
    Nigel Young says:

    Official Albums Sales Chart 21 (last week 14, previous week 4)
    Official Physical Albums Chart 20 (last week 14, previous week 4)
    Official Album Downloads Chart 52 (last week 35, previous week 8)
    Official Scottish Albums Chart 26 (last week 10, previous week 3)
    Official Record Store Chart re-entry at 32
    Official Rock & Metal Albums Chart 3 (last week 2, previous week 2)

  89. 89
    MacGregor says:

    @ 87 – I have noticed you have mentioned KC before occasionally, just me being silly. The very first UK album is the only one I really enjoyed, yes it has a few influences running through it. The mid to late 1970’s had a few very good ‘experimental’ or avant-garde bands kicking around. UK, Brand X, 801 just to name a few. Cheers.

  90. 90
    AndreA says:

    In this last week hete in Italy 14th among cd lp tapes

  91. 91
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Allora, tutto bene!

  92. 92
    Micke says:

    Norway keeps bugging me.. Never seen a new Purple album not enter the charts there. Does very well in the Nordic countries all over but not in Norway? Maybe Steve Morse is the hero there..? And this fact would explain it..?

  93. 93
    Uwe Hornung says:

    If things continue like that, Micke, I’m all for the Swedish Crown resuming sovereign power there. Thøse fjørd trølling ignøråmuses!

  94. 94
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Sharing Micke’s bottomless distraughtness, I’m developing a theory here …

    Could it be that the ‘=1’ cover creates confusion in Norway, thus scaring potential buyers away? It could be an ancestral handicap: The Vikings had a grasp of geometry, sure, but algebraic equations?


    Generally, Vikings would indicate any number exceeding one by pointing to their horned helmets, but helmets with more than two horns were infuriatingly rare.

  95. 95
    Micke says:

    Uwe, I’m all for Sweden taking control of that very poor and fish smelling excuse for a country again. And they could get a decent ice-hockey national team at last..

  96. 96
    Uwe Hornung says:

    All very well, though what about the current tenants of Det kongelige slott then?


    Exile in Spitsbergen? You Nordic Tribes have a habit of finding face-saving, amicable solutions for your territorial disputes.


  97. 97
    Micke says:

    Uwe, what is the difference between Offizielle Deutsche and Media Control album charts..?

  98. 98
    Max says:

    Yes, Bravo did a lot for DP Uwe. And for us too. I mean … I knew how the twins Lord and Pice got married to looked like from a Bravo copy from 1977 … next time I saw a pic of them must have been some 33 years later somewhere on the internet … I still treasure those pages I tore from the magazine back then, my son filed my collection in a proper German Ordner for my birthday! I’m a lucky man.

  99. 99
    Uwe Hornung says:

    That, lieber Micke, is a very good question, I’ve never thought about it. It’s a bit like asking if there is a difference between Denmark, Sweden and Norway, and the answer is of course, no, not really, they are all to the left of Finland and Russia comes next …

    Seriously: The ‘Offizielle Deutsche Charts’


    are compiled and published by GfK Entertainment which acts on behalf of an association of the music industry, but is actually owned by US private equity house KKR (GfK once stood for Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung = consumer research company). Now it gets complicated: GfK Entertainment used to be a joint venture between GfK and Media Control, a separate market research group that is also privately held. When it was still a joint venture, GfK Entertainment was hence called ‘Media Control GfK International” – in 2014 Media Control pulled out and the company name was changed. Since then Media Control publishes its own charts


    and since the way they go about it is similar, but not exactly the same as GfK Entertainment, they sometimes arrive at different results though by and large …

    You ask questions!

  100. 100
    Micke says:

    That’s why we are the Scandinavian countries collectively I guess. Don’t forget Iceland and the Faroe Islands.. :-)) It would be best if Sweden ruled all of it.. or perhaps not..

    I wondered about the chart in the kingdom of Teutoburg because in one chart Purple remains at 1. One in one so to speak..

  101. 101
    Piotr says:


    NOW What?! – 300,000
    InFinite – 270,000
    Whoosh! – 245,000

    Considering the “=1” chart performance, it will be great if the album reaches 180,000 copies sold.

  102. 102
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Faroe Islands, those vile whale mass murderers! Very unappetizing practice.

    I’ve been to Iceland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark; Finland and Greenland are still missing from my list.

  103. 103
    Micke says:

    I went to Finland for a road trip this summer, beginning in Vaasa and slowly drowe down to Åbo. Ferry both ways. It was very pleasant. First time visiting Finland for real and about time..

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