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Not happy with the RRHoF thing

Guitar Interactive Issue 104 Black Country Communion

Guitar Interactive magazine has Black Country Communion on the cover of their latest issue (#104), with a Glenn Hughes interview feature inside.

As Black Country Communion release their highly anticipated fifth studio album, ‘V,’ (via Mascot Label Group) Guitar Interactive Magazine’s Jonathan Graham presents an in-depth exclusive interview with the legendary Glenn Hughes, the band’s esteemed vocalist and bassist. Hughes provides a detailed account of the band’s creative process, their latest tracks, and his illustrious career. From his early years with Trapeze to his tenure with Deep Purple, collaborations with Black Sabbath’s Tony Iommi, and his personal journey to sobriety, Hughes offers us some valuable insights into the life and experiences of a true rock icon as he embarks on a new chapter in his storied career.

Thanks to Blabbermouth for the heads-up.

97 Comments to “Not happy with the RRHoF thing”:

  1. 1
    Uwe Hornung says:

    What Glenn says in that interview: “David Coverdale and I don’t exist to Gillan.” sums Big Ian’s stance towards his successors (and at the same time predecessors) up perfectly. He is aloof to the point of arrogant to any line-up not including him, Mk I perhaps excepted. But Mk III, IV and V are non-entities in the Purple Universe to him.

    Now it’s all very well for IG to hold the belief that only he is the true lead vocalist of DP (and I’m more than ready to grant that to him – much as I also loved Mk III and IV) and that all line-ups without him are somewhat lesser. But no one would take that status away from him if he was a bit more inviting and, dare I say, magnanimous in his uncontested position.

    There is no reason at all for him to hold any grudges against Glenn Hughes, David Coverdale or Joe Lynn Turner. Notably, none of them rehearsed behind his back with DP, none of them rowed him out, he had either left of his own volition or because Blackmore squeezed him out. Rather, he (and Roger) were the only guys with the secret audition and recording while Rod Evans and Nick Simper were still in the band, just sayin’.

    We’ve been over this before: By wedding planer standards (and let’s face it: a wedding and the RRHoF induction are not that far apart), the induction ceremony was a fiasco. It could have been wonderfully inclusive (with or without Ritchie, always an uncertain factor, joining) and just like Gillan, Glover and Paice could have moved their butts to see Nick Simper inducted too (to this day I think his omission was a clerical error by some 18-year-old they asked to compile the DP past & present members tree), they could have made DC and Glenn feel welcome and appreciated as opposed to “darn, those two bad aunts were invited too”.

    I can understand Glenn being miffed about the rudeness and forcedness of it all. Especially for someone who has spent the majority of his life in L.A., that city of constant smiles, the absence of a real genial effort by the core DP that night to make other past members feel welcome too must have been flabbergasting. It’s showbiz man, at least put in the semblance of an effort to make it APPEAR that you are like people want you to be. Not a single present DP ticket or CD would have been sold less had Big Ian allowed DC and Glenn sing a half-verse in SOTW or let them break into two or three minutes of Burn or You Keep On Moving during an otherwise Mk II or VIII number. And if that was too much to ask for, couldn’t they all at least joined together for Hush, a song equally remote to them all in its origins (yet pivotal for all of them in having a successful rock career)?

    They should have asked me to be the wedding planer. I’d have turned it into a magic celebration – or else!

  2. 2
    Harold Sorensen says:

    Fuck him! He’s been taking too much credit for the purple legacy, in my opinion that period was good in a sense but it was a time when purple started to being something else,he seems to be immersed in his own grandiose world of his own ,he even said that he didn’t care about purple but was glad that the checks were coming!

  3. 3
    Harold Sorensen says:

    I just heard the new BCC album and sounds like he made sure that his bass was omniscient all over, horrible.

  4. 4
    Uwe Hornung says:

    I’m sorry, but from what I heard of that Orange Signature Glenn Hughes Bass (Glenn played it both in Cologne and Mannheim for Burn, the encore, most likely due to endorsement requirements) did not convince me at all. It had a lot less focus and clarity plus less oomph than the expensively reliced boutique mock Fenders he has been playing mostly in the more recent years. And Glenn frankly looked weird with its surf guitar look.

    Re California Breed: That was a non-starter of a project if I ever heard one. The live drummer was nothing to write home about, but young Andrew was live totally out of his depth too. Embarrassing. Glenn was in a completely different league compared to the other two.

    So he’s gonna get a haircut next year? We can only await seismic changes in appearance!

    Good interview, I didn’t know that he had been present in the early stages of the songwriting for Diobath’s Heaven & Hell album. Also good to hear that The KLF resurrecting him triggered his desire to clean up his act for good. Thank you Betty Ford.

    Of course he’s gonna get clobbered now for what he (rightly) said about the RRHoF ignominy – let the games begin!

  5. 5
    Max says:

    Such a great singer. And a mouth for singing only.

  6. 6
    Svante Axbacke says:

    My take 8n this is that the problem is that GH actually cares about the RRHOF. He likes these kind of things where he get awards and recognition for being a legend. Maybe because he isn’t that widely recognised the world over as a musician.

    DP on the other hand doesn’t seem to care much about this. I know RG said at the time something along the lines of that they couldn’t care less about it but they showed up because it seems to be important for the fans.

    And to me, it seems GH and IG couldn’t be further apart as humans. While GH is over the top Hollywood rock star material (at least in his own eyes), IG is, as witnessed in another thread here, still the small town British guy who has no problem going down to the pub with the locals, and fans. (Or at least, I guess he did it more in his younger days.)

    I love both of them as they are, but if they hadn’t been famous and had just worked at the same factory some place, I am sure they hadn’t been best friends then either.

    Also, IG has several times talked about the other Mk’s as seeing your wife in bed with another man. Which is totally understandable to me.

  7. 7
    stoffer says:

    blah blah blah……..get over it GH!

  8. 8
    Boswell's Johnson says:

    Jesus. There’s always drama swirling around him.

  9. 9
    Max says:

    Very well said, Svante. Their attitudes are worlds apart. GH and DC seem to have adopted a more L.A.-style take on it all … starts with the looks but doesn’t end there.

    And it might not have helped the case that GH was recorded saying that “Gillan’s voice is shot” …

    I attended his BURN-Show a couple of weeks ago and it was great and I will buy his new album … but I avoid interviews with the man. Just to think what he had to say about BBC – depending on the status quo of the band. Eratic may be the word.

  10. 10
    heycisco says:

    I have no reason not to believe him. On the other hand I find it hard to believe Roger Glover could be rude to anybody.

    Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame is a joke, a corporate bullshit award that any self-respecting rock and roller should flip a finger to. It turned out that playing Renaissance pop music, wearing tights and not giving a toss about ridiculous institutions is true rock and roll in 20th century.

  11. 11
    Rascal says:

    I sense GH didnt much care for them all being drunk @ the RNRHOF

    Didnt he spend most of the 80’s & 90’s smacked out of his head?

    Nothing like a reformed character to point out another’s flaws.

    Stick to the singing and silly screaming

  12. 12
    George Martin says:

    I couldn’t agree more. Glenn thinks he’s the reason for the bands success when actually the band started falling apart when he joined. He always comes across as arrogant and cocky and can’t accept the fact that he won the lottery, hit the jack pot when they asked him to join. Deep down inside he knows this. You never hear Ian or Roger say anything bad about him. As we say in America “There are 2 sides to every story”. By the way Burn was very good, Stormbringer average at best and Come Taste the Band was crap. So saying that period was good in a sense was being too kind. It was the beginning of the end.

  13. 13
    Kosh says:

    #1 – totally agree, top post and reflects my feelings entirely 🙂

  14. 14
    AndreA says:

    the problem, if there is one and if someone asks it, is that GH feels like a star (even in terms of look) while IG feels like IG has never cared about the system and advertising.

  15. 15
    Davedp says:

    What an incredible Leg End (Heel) Glenn is. If he can ever extract his head out of his ass the sunshine will blind him. Gillan has too much sense to listen to Glens bullshit and anyone with any cop on would also.
    The great Glenn Hughes —- The voice of CRAP.

  16. 16
    Tomek K says:

    I must say I dont understand Uwe position. What Gillan had ever to do with Glenn Hughes.
    They never worked together. During more then 50 years They were on the same bill couple of times accidentally . I watched the ceremony and did not noticed anything disrespectful to Hughes or Coverdale. Gillan mentioned all of them in his speach Simper David, Glen, Bolin, Turner. He was exchanging comments with Coveredale and at the end came to Hughes first to shake his hand.
    On the other hand Coverdale and Hughes spent half of their speeches concentrating on things that had nothing to the with DP thanking their families managers, producers and Coverdale cited Whitesnake current team as if they were even remotely engaged.
    End what does exactly Gillan do to reduce validity of other line ups. Nothing. He just does not sing the songs of other line up but why should be. Is Coverdale expected to sing Into the Fire.
    So why expectation from Gillan to be friend with Hughes. If anyone from current line up it should be Paice – he played with Hughes in one band. Glover – at least did some music with both gentlemans but Gillan?.
    Did Coverdale had said anything good about the purple or even old WS members when he was popular in the late eighites. No he just did not needed it.
    Glen is full of stories about friendship with people who are no longer with us. Now he is the best friend with Dio and secured his Black Sabbath position.

    And why Gillan is also to blame for Simper not being enlisted? Maybe Hughes should take this responsibilty as a bassist and well known LA persona:)

  17. 17
    Hollywood Joe says:

    well I watched the R&RHOF many times & didn’t get the feeling anyone was being rude, in fact I saw a lot of hugs & smiles that night. It looked like everyone was having a good time. that said, Hughes & Coverdale have done nothing but bad mouth Deep Purple going back to the Perfect Strangers reunion. These 2 guys seems to think that Deep Purple owes THEM something ? go back & read Big Ian’s statement BEFORE the ceremony where he said the current Purple lineup would be performing at the ceremony & he thanked Coverdale for understanding & called him a “gent”

  18. 18
    NWO says:

    Some singers just won’t or can’t sing other people’s songs.
    Re: David Lee Roth and Ozzy come to mind quickly. I could think of others but whatever.
    I just saw fake Foreigner and Styx a week ago. Styx is always great live and Gowan does a great job as a front man. Foreigner talks about legacy and albums no one on stage ever recorded in studio. Not that they didn’t put on a great show but they are really a glorified cover band So we will see who goes to the RRHOF in October. I will laugh my ass off if no original members perform. Mick can’t play and Lou’s voice has seen better days….
    So how did Foreigner get in but Styx didn’t? POLITICS!! Good thing they got Dolly in there before them! lol k

  19. 19
    Montague Winters says:

    And Glenn is right.

  20. 20
    Daniel says:

    #1: Well put. DC and GH would likely have been open to performing onstage with IG, but not vice versa. I guess that could be perceived as rude, seeing that they were all there as inductees. It would probably have been awkward with the three of them onstage pretending for the cameras but one would have thought DC and GH could have been given at least one song to perform (eg Burn). In the end, they were left to join Cheap Trick on stage and the anticlimax was complete. I am sure all three have a strong ego or else they would have not made it into DP in the first place.

  21. 21
    Uwe Hornung says:

    I’m not expecting friendship from IG with DC and GH. I’m expecting respect and a certain understanding that

    – all three owe their career to being in DP,

    – this is something they have in common,

    – that realization feeds into an empathy for another which – half a century after the events – is untainted by feelings of entitlement of jealousy.

    Big Ian is not just the singer of a few different line-ups of DP and – deservedly – also the most lastingly influential lead vocalist they ever had, he is the front man of the existing band and represents it today to the outside world – with all its attached history. He could have been a great conferencier at the RRHoF and make everyone in DP’s colorful history feel appreciated and welcome. He could have made all other present and former members shine and at the same time enhanced his own pole position among them. Grandezza is the word.

    And I have a hunch that both DC and GH, had they been the predecessors to Ian Gillan and part of DP’s most influential line-up with IG only joining after their departure, would have handled things differently at the RRHoF. Possibly also because outward appearances and a smoothly greased social life matter to them more, de-facto Yanks they have become. I remember a short clip of Glenn with his trapezoid bassist-successor Pete Wright (at I believe a Dead Daisies gig) where in his typically chatty and overenthusiastic demeanor he went out of his way to laud and flatter Pete (who was meanwhile out of the music business and resides in Texas as a naturalized American).


    Irrelated to our agreed disagreement of how well the RRHofF affair was handled, I found the interview with Glenn interesting for the revelation that he basically left the Dead Daisies at the point he did because they would not allow him his side projects, namely BCC and the Purple Revue. I hadn’t been aware of that though of course – Glenn being Glenn – you do wonder whether he simply didn’t read the small print when he joined them and signed the contracts.

  22. 22
    Uwe Hornung says:

    “I just heard the new BCC album and sounds like he made sure that his bass was omniscient all over, horrible.”

    One man’s horrible is another man’s awesome, Harold @3, I’ve been listening to the album too and find that it contains some of the best gung-ho and commanding bass playing of Glenn in years, some of the things he does really stopped me dead in my tracks or created broad smiles when I heard it. Kevin Shirley is not someone to mix the bass down (you sure wouldn’t last long as the Iron Maiden producer if you did … 😁) and Glenn has never been a shrinking violet with his bass playing either – if you give him room, he’ll sure as hell fill it, and a bit more! He has swagger in his approach to the instrument, a swagger similar to Chris Squire in YES, Jean-Jacques Burnel in The Stranglers or Steve Harris in Iron Maiden. Needless to say, I like that.

  23. 23
    MacGregor says:

    Hughes attire at the R&RHOF says it all. Cheers.

  24. 24
    Rock Voorne says:

    Lets face it……again.

    Many of the charactres had moments of being assholes.

    Some of them got named the most for being an asshole.

    As said, see Nick Simpers page Gillan and Glover did not hesitate to jump in and leaving Simper and Evans in the dark.

    Lord built an image of being flawless and a gentleman et all, but he weaseld out of many dirty waters, sometimes admitted it later on.

    Blackmore couldnt care less and like his image of the moody, difficult man.

    One wonders if he really was worse than the rest, incl Paicey who did not mind stealing Bobbys job.

    Gillan more than once said he had been as much an asshole as RB.

    I dont think they all suck but…..really…

  25. 25
    MacGregor says:

    This has good comedy running through it though, as ever. The old ’empty vessel makes the loudest noise’ syndrome, again as always. If Hughes (just like JLT) was not bothered by the predicament, truthfully he would not bang on about it with so much resentment, even not mentioning it at all, ever! It clearly is eating him up inside, the poor darling! He contributed to trashing the name Deep Purple back in the day 1976 & didn’t give a toss. People have memories, it is called life. Moving to other comments, well one in particular from Uwe. It seems Uwe is in the classic juxtaposition, whoa & betide. Gillan & Hughes, surely not. Either Gillan or Hughes then, sheesh what is the world coming to. Anyway looking at a couple of Uwe’s comments at 1. “Now it’s all very well for IG to hold the belief that only he is the true lead vocalist of DP (and I’m more than ready to grant that to him – much as I also loved Mk III and IV) and that all line-ups without him are somewhat lesser. But no one would take that status away from him if he was a bit more inviting and, dare I say, magnanimous in his uncontested position”. Nice of Uwe to ‘grant’ Gillan that enviable position that he is apparently in. I know it is the way it is worded that sounds a touch, well out of touch. Anyway, moving on….. why would or should Ian Gillan give a damn about the other post 1972/3 DP lineups or more to the point vocalists. None of those singers gave two hoots about the earlier Purple music, they have all said so at different points in time. And let’s not ever forget Gillan had absolutely nothing to do with those lineups, why would he be in any way interested or “magnanimous’? The same situation arises with certain Yes fans, they think Jon Anderson should have been open to singing songs from the Drama album that he had nothing to do with. Why would he, it isn’t his thing. Same with big Ian, it means nothing to them. They are not tribute band singers. As we know this is classic marketing from Glenn Hughes again, “look at me & listen to what I am saying”, etc etc. Same old same old just like with JLT. The history of DP is set in stone for all to see, or hear in this case. The REAL history NEVER repeats, thankfully. Cheers.

  26. 26
    Nino says:

    Isn’t he tired of telling the same thing every year? We all watched this ceremony and there was nothing even close to what Glenn says, and as for the singing on stage, everyone knows that Gillan agreed on this with everyone in advance and personally thanked Coverdale for his understanding, but I think that Glenn still dreams of reuniting with Blackmore and sucks up to him in this way.

  27. 27
    sidroman says:

    I can understand that the Induction was an awkward situation. I’m sure Ian Paice wasn’t happy to see Coverdale, who fired him from Whitesnake. I can’t understand why Roger would be rude to David and Glenn because he used them at The RAH Butterfly Ball in 1975 and worked with David on his solo albums. As for Gillan him and Blackmore were the two big egos in Purple, and I’ve always believed since Ritchie left that Purple is run by Ian Gillan. He is by far the leader in the band, he’s a Leo, a natural born leader, and though I think other band members have a say in the running of the band, ultimately, he’s the one who has the final say on what happens. It’s probably good that he wasn’t drunk because David and Glenn probably wouldn’t have even been allowed on stage with Ian Gillan.

  28. 28
    sidroman says:

    Speaking of Gillan listening to other lineups of Purple I think he said he heard Burn once as well as Strongbow!
    I did see him say in an article that he loved Hush, and had great affection for the way Rod Evans sang it.

  29. 29
    Daniel says:

    #22: Yes indeed. Great, great bass sound even though the songs are somewhat lacking.

  30. 30
    stoffer says:

    coulda been worse for GH……look how Nick Simper got f***ed

  31. 31
    janbl says:

    So I guess we can not expect that Glenn will wait an extra day in Dessel (where he play Jun 22.) and be invited to play a couple of numbers with Purple Jun 23.?


  32. 32
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Why should Gillan give a fuck about later line-ups?

    Counter-question, why did Steve Perry, forever the classic voice of Journey, go out of his way to laud and compliment his – not inducted for lack of formal eligibility – several generations removed successor Arnel Pineda “for singing the songs so well and keeping the music alive” in his induction acceptance speech? Why did Neil Schon put a gun to the RRHoF’s head and state: If Gregg Rolie isn’t inducted and invited as well, I’m not coming either (the RRHoF obliged, albeit seethingly).

    By the standards of many you, Perry and Schon must have been silly, naive and real wusses. By mine they showed class befitting their legendary status.

  33. 33
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Re Glenn’s bass playing on V: He’s been captured exceedingly well on that recording, the bass practically jumps on you and you hear that mix of cool professionalism and his player’s enthusiasm that defines his upfront style. There is even humor in his playing like when he impromptu cites Motown bass pop lines in a chorus. He actually sounds a lot on V like he did live with Mk III/IV back in the day, those exuberant slides and frenzied quick fills high up the fretboard.

    I’ve wondered why that is and my explanation is that it is a (welcome) side effect of his ongoing Mk III/IV revue. I haven’t counted, but my feeling is that Glenn has by now done more solo performances of solely DP material than he actually performed concerts with DP from 1973-76. He’s spent much of his time in recent years playing the nostalgic DP bassist/co-vocalist role again, he even immersed himself in it (successfully recreating that Mk III vibe which nearly everyone who has seen him attests to), and it sure has rubbed off on his current playing.

    His playing on V has the uninhibited ebullience and balls of a young man.

    Musically I find this the best BCC album so far. And while I am no JoBo disciple, his playing on those new songs is a master course in understated, yet hugley effective tastefulness, very mature of him (had he not become a Moder Blues God, I think he would have done fine as a session lead guitarist lending magic sparkle to the music of other artists).

    Baby Bozo and Derek Sherinian play second fiddle of course and I would have liked to hear more of them, but that is just the way this band is set up, it’s a concept of 2 + 2, rather than 4. That said, where the two actually attract attention, they both play nice things.

    Not as aggressive/abrasive, go-for-the-throat as The Dead Daisies stuff, but pleasantly musical.

  34. 34
    Tomek K says:

    I still do not understand why Gillan is considered to be or was rude at the ceremony and to whom? He was the one who in his speach has not forget to mention other members also those who has not been inducted. Neither Glen and David weren’t that generous to others….

  35. 35
    Nino says:

    Why is the demand only from Gillan? Does anyone have an interview where Hughes and Coverdale sincerely praise Big Ian? The biggest piece of praise I’ve ever read from Coverdale went something like this: It wasn’t easy to replace Gillan because he was considered handsome. Well, yes, Gillan’s only advantage is that, in the opinion of some (and not in fact), he is more handsome than David. And Hughes talked about Mark 2 as if he was doing a favor this backward band with uninteresting music. But I don’t remember Gillan complaining that these two didn’t appreciate him enough.

  36. 36
    Uwe Hornung says:

    The venerable sartorial specialist @23: I for one liked Glenn’s outfit!



    He’s a rock star and he can dress like one. It also confuses the lions and this forum is after all full of them.

  37. 37
    Daniel says:

    #33. I like the way he “searches” for notes in the background to Joe’s solo in Red Sun. His playing there makes the whole song for me. The rest of the album has grown on me as well. The booming slides down the neck he throws in every now and then are pleasant on the ear. On previous BCC albums I’ve felt he has oversung. Not so much here, to good effect.

  38. 38
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Tomek: Glenn very graciously mentioned Roger in his acceptance speech saying he wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t been for Roger – meaning ‘Roger paved the way for me with the success he had with DP’, sorta standing on the shoulders of giants. Of course, among the Glenn hater crowd here those words have been misconstrued as joking about Roger’s dismissal (with which Glenn had nothing to do).

    Nino: When DC joined DP and those Clearwell Castle promo pics were released in 1973, the German teen magazines were full of comparisons, their analysis being “Ian Gillan was certainly much more handsome than the new guy, let’s wait how he sings”. Personally – and through the ages – I think Big Ian more handsome than DC too, DC was butch, Big Ian naturally handsome with his infectious smile. (I also preferred DC’s late 80ies hairdo on the originator, Ms Farrah Fawcett, rather than him, but that’s just me.)


    At the time, only Glenn got some grudging respect for now being the best-looking guy in the Mk III line-up (together with Jon Lord who always had his female fans). (Ritchie and Little Ian never won any beauty pageants, one of my ex-GFs used to refer to Ritchie as “the little birdman in platforms”, I did not separate from her because of that comment.)

    Do DC and GH need to sincerely praise IG’s singing style? No, because they both came from blacker music, more soul- and blues-infused, and that was what they were hired for. And that is perfectly ok. Have IG and RG always held back with comments about Mk III? No. Roger said he saw Mk III incognito in 1974: “I didn’t like it. But I was probably prejudiced. The hurt was still too fresh.” And IG has rated GH as one of the technically best singers to come from the UK, “unfortunately wasting his talent trying to be someone else”.

    It’s not a question of who is good or better. It’s a question of respecting people for their participation in DP and their contribution to the bands colorful history. Big Ian absolutely demands respect for Mk VI, VII, VIII and IX, yet denies it for Mk III, IV and V. He’s also over the years said more nasty things about Ritchie’s guitar playing than Glenn, DC and JLT ever have.

    Make no mistake, I love the man and Black Sabbath’s Born Again, IGB’s Clear Air Turbulence and his Accidentally On Purpose with Roger rank among my all-time favorite DP split groups performances. He is absolutely my favorite DP singer and his lyrical prowess is unmatched. But his performance at the RRHof was perfunctory and workmanlike. And as regards keeping DC and Glenn from a joint performance (what other option than to agree to that beforehand did they have?) small-minded and petty. No one has explained to me yet how Glenn and DC joining Mk VIII for a song would have denigrated Steve’s and Don’s contribution. Other bands have done what IG deemed obviously unthinkable.

    (current line-up plus alumnis: estranged KK Downing and Les Binks)

    (then current line-up plus alumnis: Bernie Leadon, who had never played on Hotel California, and Randy Meisner)

    (then current line-up (minus drummer Steve Smith) plus alumnis: Jonathan Cain-predecessor Gregg Rolie on extra-keyboards and Aynsley Dunbar on drums)

    Ask yourself: Had Jon Lord still lived, would you have wanted him standing by the stage and just watching too? Because he had “agreed to it beforehand”?

    Manche Dinge gehören sich einfach, just sayin’.

  39. 39
    Marc Fevre says:

    On and in it goes…

    Whatever the relationship, the degree to which either Coverdale or Hughes gets along with Gillan, Glover and Paice, or vice-versa, (I’m leaving Airey and McBride out of this – period), the matter is strictly between them, and it really doesn’t concern any of us here, no matter the many opinions present either way.

    None of us has any actual skin in the game, nor any true idea of the actual politics involved.

    Mostly conjecture, personal opinion and 2nd-hand gossip.

    At the end of the day, none of the slagging or support here will make a difference one way or the other, but I suppose this is a part of what makes passionate rock & roll fandom “fun” for some.

    All good, but rather silly…

  40. 40
    MacGregor says:

    @ 36 – The garb Hughes wore at the Hall induction was for one thing only. To stand out from the rest & make it all about him etc. Sure he does dress flamboyantly at times, that is part of the gimmick etc. As soon as I noticed him in that garb, well I rolled my eyes etc. And he isn’t a so called rock ‘star’ at all Uwe. Where are the mighty albums sales & his mega concert drawing ability? Well that is what is perceived to be a ‘star’ isn’t it. On the front page of all the tabloids etc. Everyone wants them & to stop at nothing to attend those mega huge concerts etc. Playing pubs & clubs doesn’t cut that image. Not to worry, we know Glenn craves the stardom, well he had it for a little while, back on April 6th 1974. At least he has lived that perceived ‘rock star’ life, well for a little while a few years back. He has done better than a lot of people chasing the dream of playing & composing rock music with different musicians & travelling the globe. But stardom he ain’t. That is why everything hinges on BCC. Cheers.

  41. 41
    MacGregor says:

    @ 32 – don’t try and compare to what other musicians did at the Hall Uwe, it is pointless. They are not Ian Gillan or Glover & Paice. Those guys really were NOT into the Hall sham at all, we know that. They were there because they probably felt it as an obligation of sorts. It happens, some don’t show up at all. And also to push the ‘living, breathing’ Deep Purple. We know he was miffed about Airey & Morse not being inducted & he had a good point there in that sense. He would have seen the sham for what it is, many do. A bit hard to get into the groove whilst loathing everything about it. He did fine & it is what it is. At least they turned up & performed. Coverdale & Hughes believe all that shite from Hollywood etc. They are into all that pseudo pretentious rubbish. The Purple guys are NOT. It happens, personalities eh? Cheers.

  42. 42
    Uwe Hornung says:

    “The garb Hughes were at the Hall induction was for one thing only. To stand out from the rest & make it all about him etc”

    Your point being? Last I heard, that is what every female Gala or film festival visitor strives for. And Glenn isn’t allowed to do it because he’s a guy and not even gay? Is Tasmania under a Dark Ages curfew?

  43. 43
    MacGregor says:

    Uwe & his ‘biased’ comments. We all do it at times, but here lately, well he is leaving himself hanging out to dry. Ian Gillan has alway praised Blackmore & his guitar playing & musical input. Any perceived digs at Blackmore over the years are purely personality differences, we know the angst between those two men from years gone by. That isn’t musical at all. A little gibe around the 2016 era as to ‘Ritchie’s not playing too well these days’ or whatever it was. Stirring the pot & personality rubbish creeping back in again. As to the wording ‘Glenn hater crowd’ used @ 38, well enough said there. A social media word that is out of control. It is merely not liking or not having any time for etc etc, not HATE. I am sure you would not use that word in your profession Uwe. At least not on paper & in court, I don’t know maybe you have. Why use that word here then, well it is a ‘social’ media platform I suppose & it adds spice to a already hot topic at times. Many people don’t like certain things from many artists, it is the way of things & yes the really positive way to deal with anything we don’t like would be to ignore it. However passion runs hot at times, some go a little further, many don’t. “No one has explained to me yet how Glenn and DC joining Mk VIII for a song would have denigrated Steve’s and Don’s contribution. Other bands have done what IG deemed obviously unthinkable”.
    It was the same reasoning as to Ritchie possibly joining the ‘living, breathing DP’ for a cameo Uwe. It takes the ‘moment’ from the current band suddenly back to the past, nostalgic, a golden era. Even if for a brief moment, it would show a different angle to proceedings. I know what he means & years ago I would have loved to have witnessed Blackmore on stage with the Morse era for a jam or two. But Coverdale & Hughes, well they are not really in the same league as Ritchie & of course there isn’t any connection there. Gillan has become the ‘defacto’ leader of DP & what he says he says. Whether anyone likes it or not. Cheers.

  44. 44
    VD says:

    Three things I’d like to add:

    1. IIRC Glenn joined the (then) living-breathing Deep Purple on the Jon Lord Celebration concert for Hush.

    2. I seem to recall someone posting on these pages about a near team-up between Gillan and Glenn in the late 80’s (when both shared the unfortunate “ex-DP singer” status)? I don’t think there is animosity between them.

    3. The greatest thing to come out of the Hall of Fame fiasco was IMO Steve’s note-for-note reproduction of Blacker’s original Smoke on the Water solo. A nice little tribute by Steve, what a guy.

  45. 45
    Daniel says:

    #40. No one in DP is on a Rod Stewart level of stardom. Outside of DP, all of them as individual artists play clubs/theaters today, with the exception of DC who managed to build a brand of his own with Whitesnake, due to “winning the lottery” with 1987. Brand is everything.

  46. 46
    MacGregor says:

    @ 42 – I never said anything about a male not being able to dress flamboyantly etc. What I did say is that it was typical Glenn, standing out from the rest. It is who he is as you are well aware Uwe. My comment was in regards to how typical it was of him to do that & of course draw attention to himself. Cheers.

  47. 47
    pacuha says:

    Anyone who was a member of Deep Purple is a star.
    I love Deep Purple and consider it the best band in the world. This is precisely why I respect every member of this magnificent group.
    This page is called “The Highway star” and is intended primarily for supporters and fans of the group. Unfortunately, here and there someone writes that they hate Bolin, someone Coverdale, most on this site hate Glenn, the same as JLT.
    It makes me sad, but I don’t care. I have all possible and impossible Deep Purple albums and I am incredibly proud of each of them and all the musicians who were in the group.. Instead of being happy that most of the people from the group are still alive and that most of them are still on stage, we spit and condemn most of them.. These are people who have many years and are approaching the end of their careers, and it is not right and they do not deserve the comments that we unfortunately read here.


  48. 48
    terry says:

    V at Vi in the UK album charts beat that Purple the challenge is on . Ian Gillan will of course ignore the fact that BCC exist.

  49. 49
    RobH says:

    To put the record straight……none of them were drunk, and nor were they rude to Mr Hughes, nor anyone else. They wanted Nick Simper to be there, but no one could find him to get in contact.
    I was there, just behind the curtain on the stage when all of this was happening, and worked with the band for more than 25 years as their monitor engineer.

  50. 50
    Tomek K says:

    Uwe you write poems here but still I did not heard from you why Gillan was rude toward Hughes and Coverdale at the ceremony.
    You said Hughes thanked Roger and consider it as being very important. Gillan thanked them all not only Hughes or Coverdale. And he was rude. Where or when you think he was rude to Hughes Coverdale or anybody else there?

  51. 51
    Uwe Hornung says:

    “typical Glenn, standing out from the rest”

    And long may he do so, Herr MacGregor. It is something I have strived for all my life. The wellbeing of the collective is a great concern of mine – I’m a liberal lefty -, but never did I want to be part of it. I like to watch from the outside. Being the odd man out suits me since kindergarten. I’m contrarian by nature, there is nothing more damning than great public support, spare me!

    For the record: I’m not seriously accusing anyone of hate here. Least of all someone like you.

    Criticism of Glenn here (poking fun at him for his many idiosyncrasies and vanities is perfectly fine, I do that myself) is often superficial. Yeah, he screamed too much, snorted cocaine, is a bigmouth, tends to be erratic and has become very LA. Overdresses too (so did Prince, but I don’t think it summed him up as a musician). Rarely to never do I read anything that actually tackles his vocal contributions singing harmony or call & response with DC or the way he approached bass playing or his choice of notes. Glenn’s capital crimes seem to be catching attention, addiction and musical preferences of his own. I mean how could he! In a stadium rock band in the mid 70ies and coming as a frontman/chief songwriter from a white trio devoted to black music, tsk, tsk, tsk.

  52. 52
    George Martin says:

    I respect your opinion but totally disagree with it. Except for part when you consider Deep Purple the best band in the world, I couldn’t agree with that more. However, basically what your saying is this is my opinion and if you don’t like it to bad. My opinion is correct and yours is wrong. It’s ok to not like certain members of the band and to like certain albums more than others. If everyone felt the same way there would be no point in commenting on this site. Difference of opinion is what creates discussion. I won’t say anything negative about anyone because I don’t want to make you sad.

  53. 53
    Daniel says:

    #43: It wasn’t the current band that got inducted, so the night was 100% about nostalgia. Hence, a Glenn/DC Burn rendition wouldn’t have been out of place 🙂

    #44: No, GH was the only participant of the Celebrating JL concert not part of the encore. Intentionally or an oversight is unclear.

  54. 54
    Petr Čejka says:

    1.) Its probably cultural difference between UK / Europe and USA, but some points DC and GH did at the ceremony I considered very unappropriate. DC speech which was from large part about things completely unrelated to reasons why he was inducted and also one statement from Glenn which was probably meant as joke, but sounded really rude, when he thanked Roger for leaving Purple to make free spot for him.

    2.) I find it amusing that Glenn “rides” the horse of Deep Purple fame and being inducted in RRHOF far more than…. Deep Purple themselves.

    3.) Relationship between DC/GH and Ian or Roger….. Its quite simple, Deep Purple still exist, considering career taking between 1968 and 1976 and 1984 until now – three years period is…. marginal. In 2016, Glenn and David were 40 years long gone ex-members of band. For me it still seems, especially Glenn tries to present himself “I´m that guy from Deep Purple, you know?” instead of reality “you know, decades ago, in story of band with history 50+ years, I was with them for three years.” Maybe if Glenn was able to “draw a line” between him (as long gone Purple members) and guys who ARE Deep Purple members (like Ians and Roger), he would get the point….. There is no huge Deep Purple family where every former member is always welcomed….. There are Deep Purple….. and former members of that band. Glenn is long gone quite a short time former of band….. Dont ride a horse of Deep Purple fame so desperately….

  55. 55
    Daniel says:

    #3: His bass hasn’t sounded as good on a record since CTTB. Shirley definitely got it right this time. You’re Not Alone and Love and Faith just being two examples.

  56. 56
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Köszönöm Pacuha, my sentiments exactly. Everyone ever in DP has contributed something, I would not have wanted to skip any line-up change. They are all more than respectable musicians and artists.

    No one is a saint, everybody can be criticized, nobody deserves to be damned.

    Re VD @44:

    1. I wish that had happened, but Glenn left early that night. Depending on who you ask that was because he couldn’t be bothered (Glenn’s many ‘friends’ here will gladly lap that up) or because he wasn’t informed that there would be a free for all at the end, it was an unintentional organizational glitch not to inform him, regretted by Jon’s widow Vickie who had been initially Glenn’s girlfriend in Mark III days (for that minuscule detail alone, Jon is perhaps happy that Glenn played with DP and did not share the prevalent view here that Glenn had better not happened ever, but that’s just my guess).

    2. In his vault of mysteries/garden of delights, the astral-luminous Dr Lao (who once identified as Auntie Purplette and before that as DeeperPurps) keeps a latish 90ies or early noughties pic of IG and GH beaming into the camera. There seemed to be no issues between them and Glenn’s voice is akin to John Gustafson’s with whom Ian sang duets with IGB (Down The Road, Five Moons & Twin Exhausted) plus whom he had on backing vocals on Naked Thunder because he rated his voice. I also don’t think that Ian ever felt ousted by Glenn, to him he’s just a bassist who also sang a bit, but IG’s former front man role was occupied by DC for him.

    I do not discount the idea that Ian was in an irritated mood at the RRHoF and really didn’t want to be there and how that might have appeared to an over-excited Glenn puppy peeing on the rug as aloof. IG is a man of moods and can also be aloof and arrogant, just read the Colin Hart bio.

    3. That’s a great observation, Venerable Dignitary (I assume that is what ‘VD’ stands for, right?), I never realized that, Steve tributed the non-present Ritchie note for note in his solo during the RRHoF fame performance of SOTW, very nice move of him and soooooo Steve!!!


    I’m not entirely sure that was common knowledge even here, thanks for making us all aware! 👍

  57. 57
    James Steven Gemmell says:

    Soon enough, they’ll all be gone and have nothing to fight over.

  58. 58
    Nino says:

    @ 47 Here we are all like that – we love the group and respect all the members. But it’s one thing to respect music and another to silently nod to any of their statements. Why was it necessary to remember the negative things from 8 years ago, what was the point?

    @ 48 Not in the British, but in the USA and only there, but in the rest of the world IV could not even come close to InFinite. Which album do you compare with V?

  59. 59
    Kosh says:

    @47 – well said 🙂

    I find it really quite absurd that everyone is arguing about the induction… it’s a load of BS anyway,

    The disdain for Glenn is also rather sad, he is a rock star – a member of some of the biggest bands ever… well known in the rock fraternity and deserves his place in the annals of rock – plain and simple. He defines 70s excess and oozes class on the live environment… the best live act I’ve ever seen and I saw Dio!

  60. 60
    Uwe Hornung says:

    “Uwe & his ‘biased’ comments.”

    Forgive me, Herr MacGregor, that I am apparently the only one whose contributions are tainted by bias here – in a sea of painstakingly neutral statements as virgin unmarked as a linen after an abortive wedding night + based on true facts only as well as some people’s pet Alleinschuldthese: Glenn Hughes equates why Purple split up in 1976 and if it wasn’t for him, Ritchie would have returned and created a guitar tandem with Tommy Bolin to live happily ever after. That’s at least as accurate as saying that Kaiserreich Germany bore in 1914 the Alleinschuld for WWI.

    Glenn Hughes, that villainous Emmanuel Goldstein of ex-DP-members!


    How he has corrupted me.

  61. 61
    MacGregor says:

    For the record it is NOT arguing or ‘fighting’, it is merely conversation as such. A few differences of opinion, so be it. I think you will find most commentators here are quite relaxed whilst typing away on their devices. @ 51 – I agree Uwe, much the same here in many respects. Glenn Hughes annoys some people on certain levels & is appreciated on others. I have always mentioned his wonderful bass guitar playing & singing within it’s limits in a positive light. He has provoked a response or two from his recent comments, that is what it is. As you have stated before, he was a only child. He likes to create attention etc. Obviously the Hall induction didn’t turn out like he had planned in his mind, not enough ‘brotherly’ love etc. The sun has just risen again & all is good. @ 53 – I am merely suggesting that is most likely not what Gillan wanted to happen, a purely ‘nostalgic’ vision. His ‘living, breathing DP’ mantra around that time. No Ritchie would definitely flow onto no Coverdale or Hughes. No potentially ‘upstaging’ in any way of the current lineup. Understandable in many ways & a similar thing occurred one year later with Yes at their Hall induction. Steve Howe didn’t block that though, although he probably would have liked to we think. His new version of ‘Yes’ was sitting in the audience excepting himself & Alan White. His body language was appalling & he looked rather angry as the ‘enemy’ was ‘taking over’ the event. To his idea at least. Cheers.

  62. 62
    MacGregor says:

    @ 60 – Uwe I sincerely hope when you read some of my comments that your eyes are NOT glazing over. Believe me that isn’t my intention at all. I did say ‘we all do it at times’. Here is the full comment. “Uwe & his ‘biased’ comments. We all do it at times, but here lately, well he is leaving himself hanging out to dry”. Regarding that 1984 movie clip, surely the ‘mob’ here at THS don’t carry on like that, he he he. By the way, which one is the older guy on the screen causing all the trouble? All good. Cheers.

  63. 63
    MacGregor says:

    @ 56 – yes it was noted by a few aficionados when it occurred. The Steve Morse nod to the original Ritchie SOTW solo & all. From my memory at least. Cheers.

  64. 64
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Some wrap-ups while we’re at it:

    Petr @54 (3): If I had

    – gold records for Burn, Stormbringer and Come Taste The Band hanging over my bed,

    – played the California Jam and Budokan, criss-crossed the US, Asia, Oceania plus Western and Central Europe on tours,

    – dated Linda Blair and

    – had been complimented by the Thin White Duke for my singing,

    I could live with your assessment how “marginal” I was as a DP member, vielen lieben Dank. To a young kid in Germany learning to play bass, Glenn’s image and attitude was anything but marginal, let me assure you. I thought he was a bass god and the most relatable DP member to me.


    RobH @49, I hear you with “They wanted Nick Simper to be there, but no one could find him to get in contact.” But Nick had a website even in 2015/16 (ever since 2005), look here, his snub from the RRHoF was all over there:


    Leaving the professionalism and depth of “nobody’s” research aside, I’m happy to hear that the then present DP members would have liked him to join. I wasn’t in doubt about that, but it’s good to have it confirmed by you. Thanks for clearing it up. Better luck next time in finding him.

    Tomek @50, people can be rude, distant or aloof in so many ways. Glenn must have felt slighted by something, I wasn’t there. Overall, it didn’t strike me as the most emotional “huddle in a circle”-gathering, but I guess the inductions of Blondie, Credence Clearwater Revival and Talking Heads were even worse/more loveless.

    Finally, what Glenn actually said at the RRHoF (at 08:40)


    about Roger was word for word:

    “I want to thank Roger Glover … actually … (Uwe’s edit: looks for Roger on stage) … getting me through the whole epiphany … I replaced him … I joined the band a a co-lead singer/bass player.”

    Maybe my English is too poor for the finer aspects of the language, but to a dumb-ass Kraut that doesn’t sound like an insult, or irony or even a joke, but like the acknowledgement that Glenn had the luck to be able to step into Roger’s shoes – standing on the shoulders of Roger so to say. I actually thought that was an exceedingly nice gesture of Glenn, but of course he once took cocaine, wears garish clothes and did too many falsetto screams driving Ritchie out of the band and Tommy Bolin into the abyss of deepened addiction, so everything he does needs to be maligned forever (and then served as gospel) by people without any bias against him. Next!

  65. 65
    al says:

    I love Glenn Work and he is a respectfull musician,but that LA “conversion” “hey all cool dude” gets on my nerves. Same with DC,who gets on my nerves with all that BS “My dear” and “darlings” and like Jon Lord used to say “trying to hard to sound like a Yankee”

    Listen they all have been assholes,Gillan is no angel and I think he has been putting his rock and roll “nuggets” and dominance in all of the Deep Purple albums as of late who I love,but there is Alwlays some irrelevant silly songs that have no business in Deep Purple Music.With all that being said,Gillan has never spoken ill about his succesors so I would say to Glenn: What is up your ass”? He is even saying that he made a big mistake to leave Trapeze and join Purple and like he told Purple that ” he must sing and share vocal duties” blah blah.shut up dude.You got put on the map because of Blackmore and Purple.One of the reason of Blackmore leaving *not that he was not going to leave anyway)is Glenn infusing of that funk shit which gets on my nerves and I usually skip when i listen to STORMBRINGER.

  66. 66
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Moving on to more pleasant subjects, my wife just granted me a magic moment. I had BCC V on heavy rotation outside at my sturgeon & catfish pond, loud enough over my Panasonic SC-TMAX50


    for my wife to hear it (the sturgeons and catfish are mostly deaf … and used to hard rock in any case) through the window front of our kitchen. And after having been forced to hear it several times through, she approached me – I was half-expecting “You know my headaches and Glenn Hughes!” – to casually utter something I must share here:

    “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but this album sounds good. Even catchy. Real good bluesy guitar and – dare I say it – bass playing too.”

    Before retiring to bed with a sweet smile and adding:

    “Now all they need is a proper singer!” 🤣

    Anyway, by my wife’s exacting standards (a David Gilmour fan), BCC have just been anointed/knighted!


  67. 67
    Daniel says:

    #54: Regarding riding the Purple horse. With Glenn going out on a 2 year Purple themed tour, performing songs he had a part in creating, how is this any different from Purple going out for the last 20 years highlighting the achievements by Mk 2 50 years ago? If anything, since becoming sober, Glenn has had to face reality on his own, without the comfort blanket of going out under DP flag, allowing for touring in bigger venues. He has been crisscrossing between styles and occasionally finding stability. The same restless personality trait which produces such exciting bass playing on the new BCC album, as well as singing that defies age? To me, this is more valuable than his choice of wardrobe. In the same period of time, from 1992 and onwards, DP has thrived as a studio band but failed to capitalise on it in a live setting, where they are seemingly unable to escape the ghost of Blackmore (and Mk 2), allowing fans to keep making comparisons instead of living in the present.

  68. 68
    MacGregor says:

    @ 66 – Hmmmmm, it seems I had better retract my recent comments regarding your good wife having good ears Uwe. Ho hum, it was good while it lasted, he he he. @ 64 So that is what is wrong with Glenn Hughes, I didn’t know he was involved with Linda Blair. Poor Glenn, no matter which way he turned, she could turn her head all the way around & give him THAT look. Sheeesh, no wonder he consumed so much narcotics & booze. Trying to escape that Nightmare. Cheers.

  69. 69
    Mike Nagoda says:

    I’m having trouble believing that Roger was rude to him – mind you, that’s Glenn’s interpretation of Roger’s actions. And we also don’t know what went on behind the scenes – we’re only getting Glenn’s very biased opinion here.

    Piecing things together, it sounds to me that:

    1) Gillan can’t accept that Deep Purple moved on from him and Roger and were successful without them for a time with Glenn and David – he hasn’t seem to let it go, and accepted that it happened.

    I agree with Uwe that if what Glenn says is true, Ian was being quite disrespectful to Glenn and David that night – from what I remember reading of said bickering, it was mostly Ian’s decision that only MK 8 play at the ceremony. I can’t see Roger or Paicey blocking David and Glenn from playing with them on stage – the actions here largely point to Gillan’s views on the subject, I think. This seems to be about Ian and Ian’s ego being unable to accept reality, in part. His not viewing the other Marks as not being “true” forms of DP is just simply a denial of reality. Whether he likes it or not, they are.

    2) Glenn’s ego is also unwilling to accept the reality that Deep Purple were successful after his time in the band without him. He is also unwilling to accept that Ian doesn’t want a relationship with him. They’re never going to be friends/close – he needs to accept this and move on.

    3). I think it’s safe to say that both men are unwilling to respect each other, given points 1 and 2, and that’s unfortunate and sad to me. I agree with Uwe that had all parties been able to let go of their egos, put differences aside and respect each other, the induction ceremony could have been something very special. Sadly, egos got in the way, and it was not to be.

    All in all, a rather disappointing state of affairs, imo.

  70. 70
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Linda was a hand-me-down from Tommy Bolin who, if lore is to be believed, needed about 10 seconds to turn women into a purring, immediately breedable pile of endorphins.




    My understanding is that he found her ability for 360 degree head turns as perhaps inviting new possibilities in bed, but that she did – no joke – too much coke even for him. It must have been similar to Don Henley’s steamy affair with that hot Hollywood celebrities real estate agent chick which left the world “Life In The Fast Lane” and him with a damaged septum and lots of good memories.

    Someone should have told Linda that Glenn’s bass skills were merely “acceptable”, that might have prevented things from going further.

  71. 71
    Uwe Hornung says:

    MacGregor the Knife’s question @62: The old guy on the screen is of course Emmanuel Goldstein, the propaganda creation of IngSoc’s Inner Party embodying all evil set to corrode Oceania, doubleplusnotgood!

    It’s a great movie worthy of watching (also Richard Burton’s last film), but don’t do it when you feel depressive because it doesn’t offer a glimpse of hope.

  72. 72
    Rascal says:

    Its always good to here the insight of certain individuals that are able to convey the inner most thoughts of DP Purple members, past and present.

    Yeah Gillan is my best friend too

    Maybe a reality check is in order

  73. 73
    Uwe Hornung says:

    For the record, I’ve lived among Americans for years, I like them and appreciate their many good qualities, but never did I want to live there permanently, I’m too Yuropean for that.

    A man like Gillan with a retreat in Portugal is much closer to what I am than DC’s grotesque and Trumpian Lake Tahoe mansion (which he thankfully sold). Both DC’s superficial and shallow talk show host grandeur and Glenn’s West Coast-drenched, nonsense-esoteric and wacky-spiritual persona do very little for me. 🙄

    But: I don’t let that carry over in rating them as musicians or their past contributions to DP. Yes, they have both become very Americanized, that was their choice. Blackmore too made the US his home though he creates his own little Europe there. So did Roger for quite some time, but now chooses to live in Switzerland.

    I realize very well that Gillan and DC/GH are imcompatible and not attracted to each other, but for a couple of hours at the RRHoF, darn, Big Ian, as the frontman of “the living breathing DP”, you could have done better. All I was asking for is a mix of politesse, being a good host, “living and letting live”, elder statesman wisdom, taking everything with a pinch of salt and a wink (even the Mk III members’ Hollywood flamboyance or delusions) and some simple social professionalism any flight attendant has to muster every day at work. And if you were not up to do that, then why not let Little Ian do it, the sole surviving and present member at the RRHoF that played with them all? I could have envisaged Paicey’s wry, yet never nasty humor work beautifully and he could have handed the mike spot over to Glenn with a smile and a nod to Glenn: “And now for a man who needs no introduction, he always got himself heard!” That would have had everyone on stage cracking up, including Glenn. It’s not that hard.

    In the “eclipsed” feature btw, Little Ian is quoted as saying that:

    “I can understand Ian Gillan not wishing to sing Mk III songs, but it makes our concerts somewhat incomplete, if songs like Burn or Mistreated are missing in the set list. We integrated parts of Burn instrumentally, but it’s not the same. It’s one of the reasons why I like to perform with tribute bands like Demon’s Eye or, more recently, Purpendicular, because that shows DP in full breadth.” (page 33, left column)

    So yes, that Mk II (or any other line-up graced by his vocal cords)-“Apartheid” seems to be very much something Big Ian cares about. Which to me is a bit like Sean Connery being worried about being upstaged at a 007 convention by, say, Timothy Dalton.

    For the sake of completeness, also in the eclipsed feature, DC says about Ian Gillan (page 33, left column):

    “Of the Deep Purple members before and after me, I get along best with Ian Gillan, it’s always very amusing with him. And he did voice his admiration for my lyrics to Mistreated.”

    Not that I seem biased or anything, Purple forbid!

  74. 74
    MacGregor says:

    @ 71 – thanks for the heads up Uwe, I have always avoided those sort of books & movies. Appreciate the feedback & I do watch a lot of older European movies, there are plenty of hard times as we are aware. Regarding Linda Blair & Glenn Hughes, those images & they both look so innocent & naive in a way. As for the jokes re the Exorcist turning head, best not go there. This is a music site after all. Cheers.

  75. 75
    Rock Voorne says:

    I m now wondering if I dreamed up this thing but I recall seeing yesterday an intervention from the Candice Night camp regarding Glenn and his words.

    It was kinda Ouch.


  76. 76
    Daniel says:

    A family atmosphere is probably hard to manufacture, Uwe, seeing that there have been legal affairs going on quite recently. But regardless of this, DC and GH should have been given room to perform, seeing that they were inducted too. If that was a non option to IG, then they should have declined a performance altogether.

  77. 77
    DeeperPurps says:

    Uwe @73….good points well made there as well as in several other parts of this entire stream. I love Glenn Hughes and I love Ian Gillan, but both have their own particular personality traits which may not gel well, when mixed together.

    Now, from what I recall from various interviews and commentary made back in 2016, Gillan might be described as the most difficult man in this entire matter. Not only towards Hughes and Coverdale but also towards Blackmore. Various accounts have it that Blackmore may have been open to attending the induction ceremony but was prevented from doing so by “Deep Purple Management”. Gillan himself claimed that Blackmore was invited but chose not to attend. What to believe?

    At the post-induction presser, Gillan was not at all at ease with that particular line of questioning. He was visibly uncomfortable. But I wasn’t there, I wasn’t involved, I can’t say for sure; however I believe that if Gillan had really wanted Blackmore to be there, same would have been conveyed to Blackmore, at a minimum, via Deep Purple management. Gillan doesn’t work for management, au contraire, management works for him. If he had wanted it to happen, management would have executed same.

    And as I recall, Gillan was also quite miffed that neither Morse nor Airey, both already multi- year-veterans of the band by that point, were not considered for induction. And perhaps that is what really got under his skin – the fact that two major contributors to the Purple legacy and both part of the “living & breathing” Deep Purple of the day, were excluded from recogntion.

    Gillan, has been the de facto leader of Purple since the departure of Blackmore in 1993. He along with the other members continued to soldier on making albums and touring, but to little media fanfare nor recognition. The 2016 induction itself was a fiasco…the mere fact that it took two and a half decades past their eligibility date to get into the hall was a completely disgraceful.

    So then in 2016 when Deep Purple finally got its moment in the sun, its leader Gillan had to contend with all those other moving parts: 1) The Blackmore Factor; 2) The Snubbing of Morse & Airey; and 3) The Hughes/Coverdale Pretenders to the Throne. Gillan as leader had a couple of courses of action to choose between: A) inclusion and embrace of all Purple members of all eras for a sum total of 30 minutes in one evening; or B) assertion of dominance of the current “living & breathing” Deep Purple that particular evening.

    Most Purple fans would have loved to see scenario A play out. Instead, the induction was bittersweet. Long overdue recognition, but with a fetid scent of acrimony which persists to this day. Most unfortunate.

  78. 78
    Uwe Hornung says:

    – RV, that thread isn’t viewable for me, what does it say?

    – “This is a music site after all.” Yeah, I should have known, with guys knocking on the back door of ladies, queens of the ping-pong ball and G-strings tuned to A. All very musical. 😁


    True, they look innocent together, kinda cute. Glenn overdid it with the rouge, not everyone is David Bowie.

    – Daniel @76: True, but look at all the drama between estranged KK Downing and remaining Judas Priest. At each other’s throats + lots of dirty laundry. Yet for one night at the RRHoF they knuckled down to it and KK stood beside his replacement Richie Faulkner, who looked like his 30 year younger version, and seemed to be having a ball.



    QUOTE from BLABBERMOUTH: https://blabbermouth.net/news/ex-judas-priest-guitarist-k-k-downing-on-richie-faulkner-hes-a-nice-lad-and-a-very-good-player

    (Downing) continued: “I really must [give a] shoutout to Richie. Richie was great. He came in the dressing room a couple of times. We had a good few laughs. Because lots of people were coming to our dressing room. It was good. Dave Grohl popped his head in, ’cause he’s such a lovely guy, so down to earth, and that was funny. We had a few laughs. And it was great. [I] didn’t say anything to the other guys, but there it is. But to be honest, once I got on that stage and I did it, I was glad that I did it, because I think that, justifiably, I kind of earned that, really. And there was some energy — there was a lot of energy from myself and Richie — because I think Richie was thinking, ‘I’ve gotta go toe-to-toe with this guy. Otherwise I’m just gonna look like a shadow or something.’ But it was good. We worked it well together. But I have to be honest, it just didn’t feel like it used to; it was far from it. I think we had — well, we had two drummers and three guitar players. So that’s one reason why it didn’t quite seem the same as before, really. But, yeah, it was fun, like I say. I’m so glad that I made the decision to go in the end.”


    The difference of course was that all of JP were chuffed to be inducted and saw it as an honor and validation of their work. Les Binks who had been let go in 1979 due to money demands for Unleashed In The East and also Priest’s desire to have a simpler drumming style than he provided, co-drummed on three songs, none of which he ever originally recorded or performed. It’s not undoable. As a man who still has a close relationship with his first wife (and is happy about that), I know what I’m talking about.

    But maybe it’s because I’m a Rechtsanwalt, it’s a job that teaches you the benefits of getting along from a professional perspective. I’ve seen very successful enterprises falter because their two warring shareholders preferred the company to go under rather than risking that the other guy might get even the tiniest little bit they felt he wasn’t entitled to, respectively. Destructive scenarios like that make me want to vomit, I am – to quote a younger DC – a peace lovin’ man!


  79. 79
    Daniel says:

    #77: An insightful end to this thread 🙂

  80. 80
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Very true, Daniel, whenever Dr Lao, Auntie Purplette and DeeperPurps join forces, we all benefit. 🥰😘

  81. 81
    MacGrergor says:

    @ 78 – regarding the Judas Priest induction, the word ‘seemed’ to be getting along, well enough said there Uwe. That was NOT what it was. Not a lot of communication towards Downing in many aspects from past members, did you notice on stage he kept well to his side of the stage & behind the scenes there was a separation of sorts from what I read a little bit about. Sure any newer members (Faulkner) don’t get involved in past members spats. The same with Airey & Morse, as we know they are not part of the so called ‘problem’ from certain previous DP members. It always looks good & yes indeed Downing was glad to be there, but it was all for the cameras in many aspects. Just because certain past members are inducted doesn’t necessarily mean they have to perform. That happens quite a lot with different acts. It is what it is. some past members do not want to perform. Bill Bruford with Yes, Mike Pinder with The Moody Blues. It isn’t always a bad situation. Cheers.

  82. 82
    MacGregor says:

    @ 78 – “This is a music site after all.” Yeah, I should have known, with guys knocking on the back door of ladies, queens of the ping-pong ball and G-strings tuned to A. All very musical”. 😁Yes they are ‘musical’ Uwe, they all involve rhythm & timing & one a guitar string stretched to it’s limits, or should that be the other way around? Daniel @ 79 – what, an end to proceedings, we are just getting warmed up with a few comments here & there just to test the waters. As you may have observed, there have been many more than 79 comments to a thread here over the years. Nice try though & I get your comment. Cheers.

  83. 83
    Uwe Hornung says:

    It’s showbiz, Herr MacGregor, of course. Downing’s relationship with Priest and especially his nemesis Glenn Tipton is still fraught. Halford summed it up nicely: KK is (like Halford) from a very working class council estate background, if there are issues you endure them and knuckle on, you can’t change life in any case. Tipton came from a stable middle class family. He had learned that if you want something, you say so, and if something needs to be discussed, you raise it. It led to decades of KK feeling marginalized, yet never really doing anything about it. So he still has a Flying V axe to grind. And the others haven’t forgiven him for having a go at Tipton’s dwindling live performance after Halford rejoined as he battled with Parkinson’s Disease (unbeknownst to all other members), Downing thought he was lazy or drunk and apparently never managed a ”sorry, if I had only known …” towards Glenn.

    Every band has issues – the greater DP family actually comparatively few and they still don’t get along!

  84. 84
    Uwe Hornung says:

    “G-strings tuned to A – a guitar string stretched to it’s limits”

    Are you seated, Tasmanian? I know, they didn’t teach you this at your Missionary Sunday School, but Herr Coverdale was not singing about a vibrating wire when he sang “G-string”, nor about a note when he continued with “tuned to A”. I will gently break it down for you visually:


    I always wanted to go into adult education, I believe to have real talent for it.

  85. 85
    Rock Voorne says:

    For Uwe

    PERFECT PURPLE is a great site for boots and more

    Its made by your countryfellows, so what happened?

    I joined many years ago and I m not sure but I recall a stop on new members.
    No idea why.

    I could copy paste some texts but dont know if they ll approve of that.

    I m happy after having stepped unintendedly on German toes I m ok now there 🙂

    Essentially it said through, sic, Candice that Glenn is delusional on how things occurred….

    This is very short and does not give you the cringyness factor involved.

  86. 86
    Svante Axbacke says:

    @85: Yeah, careful what you do on that site. I still don’t understand why my account was deleted years ago. I must have said something bad. 🙂

  87. 87
    MacGregor says:

    @ 84 – thanks for the ‘lesson’ Uwe, message received & understood. That reminds me of a joke from decades ago. Have I said this before here, I don’t know. Anyway at a party in the 1980’s & a few guitarist friends are talking & one said “I keep breaking the g string, bloody annoying, has that ever happened to you”? The other guy swiftly replied, “well actually I have never worn one to tell you the truth”. You had to be there. Cheers.

  88. 88
    Uwe Hornung says:

    1. Even Svante got bænned there, that finest example of Scandinavian gentle diplomacy? Fucking unerhört!

    2. RV, you darn Holländer, you are welcome to step on my jack booted mof/pruss/poep toes anytime. I can take as good as I give. And it’s all within the family in any case, you are van Duitsen bloed after all. Tough luck, you can choose friends, but you can’t choose relatives. 🤗

    No spitting though! 😂💕😂

    3. Herr MacGregor, happy to hear that my corrosive-corrupting influence on youth is undiminished. How beautifully innocent you islanders are. The key thing with G-strings of any ilk though is to change them regularly as human tissue and debris particles attach to them affecting general performance. That said, there are always connaisseur players who prefer a more used feel/sensation with them.

    Moving on, I’m happy to hear that one of your countrymen is returning home after two rather prolonged expat stays under Ecuadorian and British hospitality. And about time too. Good old-fashioned diplomacy working silently yet efficiently, congrats to your Foreign Office. What a biopic that is gonna be when he sells those rights. A role for Benedict Cumberbatch perhaps?

  89. 89
    Rock Voorne says:



    Wow, I d not ve thought that.

    Usually its me seeming to be cancelled due to forgetting rules, I m Dutch AND Aries, but even overhere…..

    I made remarks on things or repeated I was unable to download certain stuff, regularly it was a digitial/technical issue where I could not get my brain around how to solve it…

    One would expext that you forumguys were a bit holy and in contact with each other.

    Like the Gods in a meeting about us silly ants on the Purple Planet..

    Way back I thought it was a cultural/psychological mindbarriere or something.

  90. 90
    Rock Voorne says:

    Most of my life I did not want to identify with my nation nor did I wanted to vote.

    I was a loner and nationalism was not done ,so I was taught in the 70 s when ww2 memories were still fresh and it seemed to shape our morals.

    Besides that I had the illusion to become either a journalist or doing something studied at University.
    It was also an illusion to think they d be neutral places and I wanted to be an observer.

    Whats this spitting about?
    I m not a punkrocker nor do I chew Tobacco.

    It reminds me of the Lama incident experienced by Steve Morse.

    Somewhere in South America(I think) some people did this to him, very weird.
    He cleansed himself throwing a bottle of alcohol over his face and body.


    Now I wonder how Ritchie would ve reacted.

  91. 91
    MacGregor says:

    @ 88- thanks for the compliments Uwe, I will try & pass them on. We try our best out here to prevent the scales of justice from tilting the earth too much off it’s axis. Not sure about Cumberbatch though, perhaps Blackadder would suffice? Cheers.


  92. 92
    Uwe Hornung says:

    RV, you’re not aware of the legendary ‘spitting affair’ that had emotions between German and Dutch football fans flare up at the time? It was only 34 years ago!


    Frank und Rudi would eventually kiss and make up – armed hostilities between Germany and The Netherlands were thus thankfully averted :mrgreen:

  93. 93
    Rock Voorne says:

    One of my social handicaps is not being interested in that game, Uwe.

    Thats one of the reasons I thought in the past it would not work trying to drink a beer with the Purps or for that matter TMIB.
    I never smoked or did drugs. Only after my last heartache I went into drinking a lot of wine…..

    I tried decades ago to “socialize” when DP came into Rotterdam but that was late in the game.

    I think I saw/spoke Morse and Glover in a nearby discotheque.
    Glover drunk as a skunk and Morse very interested in the ladies there. When did he meet Janine?

    Tried to speak Lord and Gillan.

    I made bloopers being a nervous fan….
    Verbally I can be ok in English but meeting the Purps, even at a Ian Paice Clinic or the great Bobby Rondinelli I get nervous and say stupid things.

    Gillan was very cool one year, the other one he behaved like Blackmore, so to speak.
    He just not said to fuck off.

    I might have been 3 times I went into the Hilton for this emberassing adventure.

    I wish I had tried Dio in 2000 because then Gillan was a real jerk.
    I think he was sitting at a table with Bruce Payne. I hesitated, came slowly to them and tried to speak…

    “Cant you see we re talking buisness here?!”


    Often I dont know how I make decisions, anticipate.

    Should ve brought my Long Live Rock and Roll albumcover, let it sign by RJ and bike home.

    Then I wasnt aware of all the stories about he could be an asshole as well.

    I did watch the 88 footballgame , drowned myself in rumcola and junkfood and watched my dormfriend go berserk on the game.

    Is that year like the spitting a trauma for you?

    I forgot about the spittingincident, it seems to ring a bell…..vaguely.

  94. 94
    Uwe Hornung says:

    I’m like you, RV, I don’t care for watching soccer or any other sport at all, period. My wife is the football fan here and she knows much more about it than I do. I hear her shouts and curses from the living room during the current games of the European Cup while I sit in our kitchen and read political articles. 🤗 Sometimes she drags me along to a game and I then sit there and enjoy every well-played goal, irrespective by which team – most soccer fans can’t relate to that and find it strange. 😂

    So no, the spitting incident was and is irrelevant to me, I just like to make jokes about it and Dutch-German relations in general. At the wedding ceremony of my daughter with her Dutch husband a few weeks ago, my speech referenced how only a little more than 75 years ago,

    – my daughter’s great-Grandfather was in The Netherlands as a German occupier doing his basic Wehrmacht training there (before being shipped off to the Ostfront, he was a motorcycle courier/despatch rider/Kradmelder there),

    – while my Dutch son-in-law’s Jewish grandmother had to hide her identity before the German occupiers (via manipulation of her registration office records) to escape the Holocaust,

    and how the wedding shows what a long way we have come from since those awful days. I’m the greatest EU fan imaginable (both Teresa and Bram have EU-related jobs in Brussels, but they met in Tel Aviv where they both studied).

    I never wanted to meet anyone from DP and if I did by chance I would probably stick to a courteous minimum like “your music meant and means a lot to me and I’m glad you are still at it, thank you”. And I’d be off again, likely not even ask for an autograph, I don’t want to be a bother. Well, I did speak a few sentences with Nick Simper earlier this year and got his signature on a ticket stub, but that was the first Purple member I met in half a century of following the band. And I met Tony Carey twice, but that is it. Never even played with the idea of buying a meet & greet ticket. I’m fine with social distancing! 😉

  95. 95
    Rock Voorne says:

    I m afraid my family history seems boring but still…

    Right now I think it might ve been the proverbial stone in the water, my grandfather of mothers side dying in may 1940 when he was ferrying people across the river.

    He is in the military grave site in Dordrecht.

    He left behind my grandmother with 6 children.
    My mother was born in february 1940…

    In 1965 my grandmother died in the year I was born and I became already impopulair because off all the crying I did.

    My mother went “ill” late in the 70 s and vanished, allegedly suicide by drowning but never found again.

    It was a mess after that, and maybe it set the tone for me as well.

    Sorry if this is too triggering or off topic.

  96. 96
    Uwe Hornung says:

    That is some baggage you are carrying around, I’m unhappy to hear.

  97. 97
    Rock Voorne says:

    @ 96


    Just the tip of the iceberg, really.

    Again, maybe I should not ve written it down here.

    But yes, its a lot of bagage.

    I know a lot about rabbitholes, labyrinths, jungles….

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