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Time is of an essence

Louder Sound has a preview of Glenn Hughes’ interview slated to appear in the next issue of the Classic Rock magazine. Her Glenn talks about Black Country Communion and possibility of doing another album with them.

I want people to know that this will possibly be the last band that I’m in. I’m so deep into my solo career with this new album I’m about to make. And Black Country Communion to me is, seriously, a band of brothers. I can’t imagine being in another band after this.

I don’t know if there’s even going to be one. It’s a matter of ‘is there going to be enough time?’ You know how old I am, and the fact is that I want to do this for as long as I possibly can. So many of my friends have disappeared or died or retired or whatever. I am one of the last of the early-70s gang that are still doing it. I’m not saying there won’t be [another BCC album]. But if there’s going to be one, it needs to be in the next couple of years.

I don’t want to be doing this when I’m eighty. I know there are a couple of my mates who are eighty still doing it, but I don’t think I’ll be doing this when I’m eighty. I don’t think so.

Thanks to Louder Sound for the quotes.

14 Comments to “Time is of an essence”:

  1. 1
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Trust me, Glenn will be “doing this” and when he’s a hundred, his health and biology allowing. He doesn’t know what to do with himself unless he is creating music or performing.

  2. 2
    DeeperPurps says:

    As much as I would love to see BCC take the shape of a permanent band with Jobo firmly committing to setting aside his solo career, I do not share Glenn’s optimism that this thing has long term legs.

    When Jobo bolts, I would love to see George Lynch step into the guitarist slot. He and Glenn have already collaborated way back in time. George is a more accomplished and versatile guitarist than JoBo, and the age gap between he and Glenn is minimal. Such a pipe dream will never come to pass, but would it ever be intriguing to see such a line-up.

  3. 3
    Tony says:

    You keep on movin’

  4. 4
    marco says:

    george lynch in guitarist slot????? u must be kidding joe is the best blues rock guiatarist alive today….not some flash in the pan nonsense guitarist…

  5. 5
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Or George Lynch’s Flying V-wielding son-in-law when his day job gives him some time off! 😂

    Lynch is an excellent guitarist. And Glenn has sung on one of his solo releases and provided guide vocals for whole Lynch Mob albums. With Frontiers Music they even share a record company notorious for pairing up artists. But otoh, the “difficult front men”-trauma in the form of Don Dokken still lingers with George.

  6. 6
    John says:

    #2, I think Pat Travers would be a good choice for replacement, should Jobo ever decide to fly the coop.

  7. 7
    DeeperPurps says:

    marco @4…..if blues-rock guitar is the criteria, fine. But George Lynch ain’t no “flash in the pan nonsense guitarist”. He was playing in the big boy leagues in the late 70’s when baby Joe was still in diapers; and these days he could still play circles around Joe any day of the week. You might want to read up on him.

    Here’s what wikipedia says about George: “””””He is considered one of the most famous and influential 1980s metal guitarists and is known for his unique playing style and sound. He is ranked No. 47 on “100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time” by Guitar World magazine[1] and No. 10 on “Top 10 Metal Guitarists of All Time” by Gibson….”””

    Far from a flash in the pan….and definitely not a nonsense guitarist.

  8. 8
    DeeperPurps says:

    Uwe @ 5…..absolutely!! How about BCC with the twin guitar attack of George and Richie Faulkner! But alas, yes I think you’re right; George might not have the patience to play second fiddle again to an assertive front man.

    John @ 6….an excellent suggestion. Travers and Glenn have crossed paths in the late 70’s / early 80’s. And they both worked with Pat Thrall. There might be some good chemistry there.

  9. 9
    Uwe Hornung says:

    It’s all good fun speculating, but I believe there’s more people buying BCC for the JoBo connection than for GH’s, JB’s and DS’s affiliation(s) combined. Joe is a sure mainstream seller, none of the others are. Outside of DP circles, Glenn is virtually unknown, Jason is a gifted drummer, but without his last name … and Derek is a musicians’ musician and sessions god.

    I think the record company would be in despair if Joe said goodbye to the project.

  10. 10
    Uwe Hornung says:

    John @6: They could do ‘Stevie’ proper then!


  11. 11
    Pete says:


  12. 12
    DeeperPurps says:

    Uwe @ 9……precisely. And when it all comes down to the bottom line, young JoBo understands well on which side is his bread buttered. There are more accolades and revenues to be generated on his solo side than there ever could be in BCC. Basically Joe gets close to everything on a $200 ticket when he plays solo, versus having to split a $100 ticket x four ways in BCC. In the end, BCC is a casual diversion for young JoBo and will never be anything beyond that. Again, when Joe bolts, and he will, I have no doubt; there are two choices….fold BCC until JoBo decides to come back down off his perch, or go out and find a new permanent guitarist, and give the band a new moniker.

  13. 13
    Fernando Azevedo says:

    I would really like a partnership between Glenn Hughes and Robin Trower

  14. 14
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Enough is enough: I feel honor-bound to unequivocally state here that the current Judas Priest lead guitarist’s esteemed father-in-law, Mr George Lynch, was in his time among the top five US rock guitarists, in a class with such luminaries as EvH, Randy Rhoads, Yngwie Malmsteen (qualified as a Yank here for sake of argument) etc. You may have your qualms about Don Dokken as a singer, but not about Herr Lynch as a guitarist.


    And – unlike Joe with all due respect – he looked great too! Plus broke through walls (at o2:53) to play solos to selflessly soothe screaming teenage girls in their nightwear with stunning solos, so there!


    One more thing against George, Marco, and Freddy K is gonna slice you in your dreams! 🤣


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