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A little jam in G

On June 10, Roger Glover and Steve Morse stopped by the studios of the WAXQ-FM / Q104.3 radio station in New York City and joined Gerry Martire for a special Live At 5 before the band’s show at PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel, New Jersey. Differences between Concerto and current tour, having a little jam in G, chasing Ritchie with an armchair leg in hand — all that and many more in this entertaining interview:

Thanks to Blabbermouth for the info.

19 Comments to “A little jam in G”:

  1. 1
    Eddie6string says:

    How rare – to find a Radio presenter that really knows his guests’ material & treats them with dignity & insight. To hear Roger & Steve so relaxed & conversational was a treat. No time wasted by Steve explaining that he has no recollection of writing ‘Smoke on the Water’ or what it was like recording ‘Made in Japan’.

    Still, I think the band are missing an opportunity to offer the Radio Station’s listeners Discounted Tickets & Goodies or Backstage access etc.

    How about a Prise to be a ‘Fly on the Wall’ in the Control room during the ‘Mixdown’ stage of the new album – when it’s done?????

  2. 2
    stoffer says:

    Very nice job with the interview, covering the past while not dwelling on it and talking mostly about the present day Purple.

  3. 3
    T says:

    What I’ve always liked about the members of this band, particularly in recent years, is that they are a bunch of down-to-earth, straightforward, regular guys. Even Ritchie, who is over-the-top sonically and visually on stage, comes across as articulate and intelligent in interviews. The current line-up is extremely likeable and relaxed, each looking like they could be someone’s grandfather, unlike a lot of older bands composed of a bunch of burnt-out drug freaks that resemble living skeletons–“to rehab and back”. Rather, Purple is characteristically professional and relatively clean–probably the reason they have been around as long as they have.

  4. 4
    micke says:

    Did people turn out for the US/Canada tour, did it go down reasonably well?

  5. 5
    Larry R. Toering says:

    Decent interview, already making the rounds elsewhere and then some.

    But this is the best thing found on Blabbermouth. -BLABBERMOUTH.NET is run and operated independently of Roadrunner Records. The accuracy of the information contained herein is neither confirmed nor guaranteed by Roadrunner Records, and the views and opinions of authors expressed on these pages do not necessarily state or reflect those of Roadrunner Records or its employees.

    The hiring of pencil necks is all Roadrunner is really guilty of. 🙂

    And the punters posting in their forum should be directed to this blog if they really want to look in a mirror, ha ha. I’m so sick and phreaking tired of the Blackmore comparisons it’s pathetic! One guy clearly got it right though, but then there are always a few. Love Blackmore, always have and always will but he’s an egg far out of the basket, you’ve got to keep them seperated, but it seems to be too taxing for some minds to process that way… get over it, morons! You can say all you want, Purple should just exist for the sheer sake of annoying such people. 🙂 (incoming…. who cares….)

  6. 6
    Drdp says:

    Great interview. The DJ seems to know his “Purple” history even thought there were 3 Evans/Simper albums not 2. The Armchair Leg story was great,having never heard that one…ONE question thought….What is “Man Of Wales”? Regards,Drdp

  7. 7
    HZ says:

    Ritchie was sick joker! :-))
    You can’t not love Steve, no matter what..

  8. 8
    John Bartone says:

    Gotta love these guys..

  9. 9
    Ted The Mechanic says:

    Two Class Acts. And kudos to Gerry for knowing his shet and not asking the typical mundane questions.

    By the way, they were great in AC the following night and warm up Ernie & The Automatics were great. Hadn’t seen Barry Goudreau since 1978 with Boston. He and his SG sounded great.



  10. 10
    George Martin says:

    I always cringe when a DJ talks to members of Deep Purple and act like they know everything about them when in fact they don’t. I know it’s minor but he asks them if they ever played the PNC Bank Arts Center before they both respond ” Sure, many times ” Anyone that lives in the New York, New jersey area knows in the last 10 or 12 years they played there at least 4 times that I can remember. As a New York DJ of a classic rock station he should know this. Plus there a few other minor things but I won’t bother to mention them. Maybe it time for another song like MTV!

  11. 11
    Svante Axbacke says:

    @10: Anyone in the NY/NJ area probably don’t know how many times DP played the area. The fans might know but hardly anyone. And as a journalist, you have to assume every listener/reader knows as much about the subject at hand as my grandmother. 🙂

  12. 12
    Ted The Mechanic says:

    @10, right on. They played the NY area numerous tmes. Unfortunately we may never find the But those barely borderlined Purple individuals may never get it. And that is OK anymore!

  13. 13
    Ted The Mechanic says:

    @5 Larry,

    So well laid out. Kudos. You obviously have a clue!



  14. 14
    Mads Rud Larsen says:

    @6: It’s “Made In Wales”. It’s a documentary of Roger Glover. You can check it out on youtube. 🙂 You get the “Chasing Ritchie” story there as well.

  15. 15
    Larry R. Toering says:

    @11 -Agreed, I feel the opposite concerning this DJ, he seemed to know more than most, it’s defintitely not his job as a DJ, journalist or a fan for that matter to know every last time they played a venue in order to know a thing or two about the artist he interviews. I’m sensing someone doesn’t like what the viewed here concerning Ritchie…. it really is an obvious element even for the brainless. 🙂

  16. 16
    George Martin says:

    @ 11
    Trust me, anyone that listens to New York’s classic rock radio knows when any classic rock band as great as Deep Purple has played there. Not trying to really pick on the guy but it did not make him look good.

  17. 17
    Thunderhawk says:

    You just got to love Steve, such a gentle spirit, he realy did heal the band back in the days when Ritchie left, and it was al going down hill.
    You can say what you want, you can either like his playing or dislike his playing in Purple, he realy saved the band from total distruction.

    And he’s also came up with the brilliant Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming rif, what to me is one of the best DP rifs of al time, and one of my al time favorite.

    To me DP stil is a driving force, and after al these years, the music stil sounds as epic as ever.

    Looking forward to see them again in december in the Netherland, also with orchestra, it’s stil so far away, but i already have the tickets at home, and i can’t wait!!!!! 🙂


  18. 18
    The Holy Chair says:

    I never heard a riff in SIFLS.

    The thing that came close was something, the part in which Ian is rapping, which reminded me of something on Toolbox.
    On ABANDON that “rappingthing” was repeated in a more extensive way.

  19. 19
    George Martin says:

    If your referring to me, you couldn’t be more wrong. If this DJ knows more than most then that’s sad. This has nothing to do with Ritchie. I guess it’s wrong of me to expect the interviewer to know a lot about the people he’s interviewing. Trust me I will lower my expectations in the future.

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