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The Highway Star is officially endorsed by the band and their management, but retains full editorial rights. The people in these pages are fans, not a paid staff -- we are doing this for love of the music.

Name: Hanako Akasaka
Email: hana_ko875@mail.goo.ne.jp
What: When Hanako isn't doing translations for our Japanese edition, she is either constructing wickedly devious puzzles or those cuddly amigurumi dolls (Beanie Babies, watch out!!).

Name: Brian Currin
Email: brian.currin@new.co.za
What: Brian is an inveterate and painstaking catalogist, based out of South Africa. Many of the detailed lists around the site are due to his diligence.

Name: Gabriel Gonzalez
Email: purplefireball@hotmail.com
What: Gabriel is a librarian in La Plata, Argentina, who does the translations for our Spanish edition. He also edits the fanzine Purple People, and can be found on our Spanish mail list.

Name: Mila Ibarra
Email: milaibarra@terra.com.br
What: While not modeling bikinis on the beach at the Carnival, Mila is often to be found studying Foreign Trade and knitting at Unisinos University. In her spare time she collects varieties of Icelandic crustaceans, as well as translating for our Portuguese edition.

Name: Doug Macbeath
Email: macbeath@talk21.com
What: He's not telling. But he can frequently be found at Drouthie Neebors with Stephen, so drop in and buy them a drink and they'll probably be happy to regale you with stories. They have a lot of DP war stories...

Name: Kikko Okaguchi
Email: kikkookaguchi@love.vui.cc
What: Kikko works as a translator, both professionally and for us. Her hobbies include playing pool, and collecting Hello Kitty stuff. Her biggest claim to fame, however, is being the webmistress for Don Airey's Japanese website.

Name: Nick Soveiko
Email: nsoveiko@doe.carleton.ca
What: Nick is a Russian computer dude transplanted to Canada, helping with our Russian edition.

Name: Andrea Vellano
Email: avellano@libero.it
What: A Juventus fan by birth-right, you can easily spot him at Stadio Delle Alpi during matches of his hometown team. And, yes, his name is masculine in Italian. Andrea does the translation work for our Italian edition.

Name: Marcin Zalewski
Email: m_zalewski@poczta.onet.pl
What: Marcin, when not translating material for our Polish edition, enjoys long tramps in the mountains, James Bond movies and strolling in Warsaw after dark (but he says he's crazy about Paris, so probably he's imagining that he's there instead!). Future plans include having a black cat and calling it Ritchie.

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Unauthorized copying, while sometimes necessary, is never as good as the real thing (with apologies to Ani)
(c) 2005, The Highway Star

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