Andy_Browne/ - Atlanta pictures by Andy Browne All pictures in this directory is taken by Ed Jankauskas ColinandRog.jpg - Colin Hart and Roger Glover at the hotel Gillan.jpg - Ian Gillan flying IGandSM.jpg - Ian Gillan and Steve Morse in action Keyboard1.jpg - Journalist Wheat Williams interviewing Jon Lord for Keyboard Magazine Keyboard2.jpg - Steve Morse: "Can you guys spare some change?" Keyboard3.jpg - Wheat Williams and Jon Lord again LordandPaice.jpg - Jon Lord and Ian Paice LordandPaice2.jpg - Jon Lord and Ian Paice again Roger.jpg - Roger Glover on stage crowd.jpg - Ian Gillan and a packed House of Blues in Atlanta gillanandfriend.jpg - Ian Gillan and one of his friends from Nashville gillanandfriend2.jpg - Ian Gillan and another friend, S. Rolison gillanandfriends3.jpg - Ian Gillan and even more friends gillanandfriends4.jpg - Ian Gillan and... Well, he's a popular guy! gillansign.jpg - Ian Gillan signing records paiceleave.jpg - Ian Paice leaving the venue sidestage.jpg - Steve Morse shot from the side of the stage stage1.jpg - Deep Purple live in Atlanta 1997 - side view stage1.jpg - Deep Purple live in Atlanta 1997 - front view steve.jpg - Steve getting into it stevesign.jpg - Steve signing records